Search Results - freedom of information (68)

Showing 68 Results

Fråga Staten

Fråga Staten

Sweden (Sverige)

You have the right to request information from any publicly-funded body, and get answers. FrågaStaten helps you make a Freedom of Information request. It also publishes all requests online.

Imamo pravo znati

Imamo pravo znati

Croatia (Hrvatska)

Dobijte odgovore od Vlade i javnog sektora Make a request for information to a RH public authority: by law, they have to respond Croatian Alvateli site

FOIA Mapper

There is a universe of government records hidden away in file cabinets and offline databases. With FOIA Mapper, much of that information is now searchable.

Obywatelskie Fedrowanie Danych

Obywatelskie Fedrowanie Danych

Ursynowska 2200-001, Warszawa, Poland

“FOIA Data Mining” is a FOIA service that enables watchdog organizations to organize volunteers in retyping and structuring responses to FOIA requests.

CSDC Systems

CSDC Systems

804 Las Cimas Parkway, Austin, TX 78746, USA

Since 1989, CSDC has been fueling process performance through purpose-built, automation technology.



United States of America (the)

NextRequest provides easy-to-use FOIA and public records software. Local and state governments across the U.S. rely on our FOIA software to track their agency's records requests. Try NextRequest for free!

GovQA Public Records Management

GovQA Public Records Management

900 South Frontage Road, Woodridge, IL 60517, USA

Creating a system that makes it easy to store, manage, and search for public records.

MuckRock Foundation

MuckRock Foundation

United States of America (the)

File, track, and share public records requests.


To strengthen the topic of freedom of information as a whole by transparently depicting the inquiry and response process.

Netfreedom Pioneers

We are a technology nonprofit developing innovative anti-censorship tools and sending life-changing information anywhere the Internet doesn’t reach.

Ki Mit Tud

Ki Mit Tud

Hungary (Magyarország)

Requesting data of public interest in just a few clicks: KiMitTud helps you to easily and transparently request data of public interest from any state, municipal or other public institution that participates in the running of the state or spends public money.

Cofact Thailand

Cofact Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand

Fight Misinformation in Thailand with Chatbot Fact-Checking

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