Search Results - people (2273)

Showing 2273 Results

Code for Boulder

Code for Boulder

Boulder, CO

Code For Boulder lies within the intersection of tech, data, and community engagement. Boulder is a vibrant city; we join up with local government, non-profits, and community organizers to help bring out the best in the place we call home.

Tech Solidarity

Tech Solidarity

San Francisco

Tech Solidarity was a 501(c)4 grass-roots organization with the motto 'technology serves people'. It represents a failed attempt in the period 2016-2018 to organize tech workers around an ethical agenda.

Taiwan Open Government Report 2014-2016

由開放文化基金會於2017年編寫,回顧並檢視了台灣 2014-2016 「開放政府」的發展狀況,內容分為四大章節,分別為:法律制度、開放資料、公民參與、公民科技。

Coding it Forward

Coding it Forward

Washington, DC

We're empowering the next generation of technology leaders to create social change.


Involved is an application that connects you with all of your elected officials through polling and direct messaging

Open Uptown

Open Uptown

Chicago, IL

We forge partnerships between neighbors who use technology to improve interactions with, and access to, public services.

Microsoft Philanthropies

Believing that technology provides endless opportunity, Microsoft Philanthropies works in creating a future where everyone has access to endless possibilities.

From Voicemails to Votes

From Voicemails to Votes

1875 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009, USA

A human-centered investigation by The OpenGov Foundation into the systems, tools, constraints, and people who drive constituent engagement in Congress.

New York Public Library Lab

New York Public Library Lab

New York Public Library - Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, 5th Avenue, New York, NY, USA

NYPL Labs is an interdisciplinary team working to reformat and reposition the Library's knowledge for the Internet age.

Code for Asheville

Code for Asheville

Asheville, NC

We are people who care about our community and want to help make it better.

DataKind Data Dives

Whether we’re finding the most efficient way to deliver food aid, streamlining the process for benefits access, or simply finding ways to serve more people with fewer resources, the DataKind Community is ready to find data-driven solutions, and build data maturity along the way.

Code for NL

Code for NL

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

The Code for NL Foundation is the Dutch network of developers and designers who work together on an open and honest digital government and society.

The Lenfest Institute for Journalism

The first-of-its-kind organization whose sole mission is to develop and support sustainable business models for great local journalism. Learn more.


CivicWise is an international distributed and open network that promotes citizen engagement, developing concrete actions and projects based on collective intelligence, civic innovation and open design.

Fine Fixer

Fine Fixer


Fine Fixer provides a guided process for users who have been fined by local authorities. Based on the case, it guidespeople on how to fix a fine or determine a course of action in case of a fine.

Automating NYC

Automating NYC

New York City

We want to empower New Yorkers to advocate for ADSs that work to undo unjust systems instead of encoding inequality.

Data Lanterns

Data Lanterns

MIT Media Lab

illuminating local water quality through data performances for collective action

Good Call NYC

Good Call NYC

New York City

Good Call NYC provides support during an arrest process. Its 24/7 hotline puts people in touch with lawyers, free of charge.

Redirect Method

Redirect Method

New York City

The Redirect Method is focused on reaching those who are actively looking for extremist content and connections. Rather than create new content and counter-narratives, our approach tries to divert young people off the path to extremism using pre-existing YouTube content and targeted advertising.

the Centre For Innovation & Technology

the Centre For Innovation & Technology

45 Moffat Avenue, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

we provide an open community space, an incubator that is vibrant and enables a collaborative environment for innovators and startups to think through their ideas, and develop their solutions, so as to turn these opportunities into meaningful products, services, and businesses

NYC Momentum organizer training

Momentum is dedicated to teaching and learning the craft of popular movements fighting for justice.

NYU Visualization and Data Analytics Research Center (VIDA)

The Visualization and Data Analytics Research Center at NYU consists of computer scientists who work closely with domain experts to apply the latest advances in computing to problems of critical societal importance, and simultaneously generate hypotheses and methods that new data sources and data types demand.

Système D

Système D propulse les projets innovants qui améliorent la démocratie grâce à un programme d'accompagnement gratuit de 6 mois.

EU Datathon

EU Datathon

Brussels, Belgium

event aiming to further stimulate the use of open data issued by the European Union


Governing.Digital is a clearinghouse for trustworthy information and analysis about digital governance for governments, technology companies, nonprofits, journalists, and the public.

Mind My Business

Your business is your livelihood and your reputation. Mind My Business™ sent you customized notifications to help you make more informed decisions that save you time and money.

HatchLab Innovation Studio

HatchLab Innovation Studio

United States of America (the)

A HatchLab is a new kind of global storytelling workshop.


Granicus empowers modern digital government with the latest in cloud technology that connects 160 million people with over 4,000 government organizations at the local, state and federal levels.

Helpline Law

Helpline Law

India (Bhārat)

Helpline Law connects people with lawyers and law firms as per their needs.


Nextdoor is the free private social network for your neighborhood community.


A global volunteer-run project crowdsourcing resources on the web to address gender-based violence

NOI Most Valuable Organizers

The hundreds of progressive organizers attending NOI’s RootsCamp voted — and SmartVAN won as the Most Valuable Technology!

Gabinete de Inovação

Gabinete de Inovação

Asa Sul, Brasilia - Federal District, Brazil

um laboratório que reunirá mandatos das casas legislativas de todo o país para que compartilhem e construam caminhos para a inovação nos parlamentos brasileiros

Data for Democracy

Data for Democracy is a community of data people volunteering on social impact projects.

Impact Management Project

Impact Management Project

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Building consensus for how we measure and manage impact

Prospect Silicon Valley

ProspectSV is a nonprofit cleantech innovation hub driving the adoption of sustainable solutions in advanced mobility, energy and the built environment.

GovLab Arnsberg

GovLab Arnsberg

Seibertzstraße 1, 59821, Arnsberg, Germany

helps government employees in Arnsberg develop both the skills and understanding necessary for a modern, innovative government that focuses on meeting the needs of citizens

Journalism Funders Forum and Journalism Funders Confidential

European Foundations And Journalists Working Together To Ensure More Effective And Impactful Funding Of Journalism.

Governance game

Governance game

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

A card game that helps organizations and communities explore governance around a shared codebase, whether hypothetical or in a real-world collaboration.

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