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Privacy International

Privacy International

62 Britton Street, London EC1M 5UY, UK

We’re here to protect democracy, defend people's dignity, and demand accountability from the powerful institutions who breach public trust.

Social Scraper

Social Scraper

Ukraine (Ukrayina)

Social Media Scraper is a tool helping journalists and watchdogs to keep politicians accountable for the statements they make in social media.


Free calls, text and picture sharing with anyone, anywhere!

El Soberano

El Soberano aparece entonces como una plataforma informativa que surge desde las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y de los movimientos sociales a efectos de informar directamente a los ciudadanos, sin censuras editoriales, sin aceptar presiones de ningún tipo.



Chicago, IL

BuiltWorlds is the premier research-driven network operating at the intersection of the built industry and technological innovation


To help level the playing field, CDM created Contratados, a platform launched last week to let migrant workers share Yelp-style ratings and reviews of their experiences with different recruiters and employers.



1424 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Open.Media is the nonprofit online transparency portal for governments of all sizes. Open.Media allows you to upload, timestamp and archive video of meetings and proceedings with searchable, automated transcriptions.

Rita Allen Foundation

Investing in transformative ideas in their earliest stages to promote breakthrough solutions to significant problems

Notices from SeeClickFix

SeeClickFix makes it easy for neighbors to request information and services from local service providers. But what about when these organizations need to reach out to the public to give them useful information and important updates?

The Skeptic's Guide to Open Government

When you open government, what do you get in return? If you are asking this question, this guide is for you.

Open Knowledge Foundation

A world where knowledge creates power for the many, not the few.

Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies

This group is being formed to evaluate, design, validate, and source the fabrication of open source emergency medical supplies around the world, given a variety of local supply conditions.

Pollution Explorers

Wearable technology to map subjective perception of air quality. Pollution Explorers is a participatory project exploring air quality issues through people’s subjective perception and wearable technology.

Berlin Urban Tech

Berlin Urban Tech

Chausseestraße 13, Berlin, Germany

It deals with central issues such as location factors and potential of urban production, future-oriented ideas for logistics in urban areas and the opportunities of additive manufacturing in urban areas.

The Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life

The impact of the digital information environment — especially the influence of social media

Vox Pop Labs

We create survey-based applications that organize information in ways which are easily accessible, scientifically rigorous, and profoundly personalized. In so doing, we offer compelling online experiences that promote civic engagement and informed dialogue.

Citycamp NC

Citycamp NC

North Carolina

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mySociety Research

mySociety Research

483 Green Lanes, London, N13 4BS United Kingdom

Investigates the impact of Civic Technology tools: those we produce ourselves, and those from the wider community.


By receiving, storing and analyzing flight data, the boards of the country's 17 airports and calculating flight delays help passengers make a data-driven choice

Obywatelskie Fedrowanie Danych

Obywatelskie Fedrowanie Danych

Ursynowska 2200-001, Warszawa, Poland

“FOIA Data Mining” is a FOIA service that enables watchdog organizations to organize volunteers in retyping and structuring responses to FOIA requests.

Beyond Uptake leverages Uptake's people, technology and expertise to address the world's most pressing problems.




Wukla is an online platform where users can create agreements and legal documents, and have these delivered to their house.


DemTools is designed to help empower civil society organizations, political parties and legislatures around the world by applying technology solutions to common challenges

Open Calgary

Open Calgary

Calgary, AB, Canada

Focusing on the foundations of the Open City across the public, private, and social sectors

The Lab @ DC

The Lab @ DC

John A. Wilson Building 1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 533 Washington, DC 20004

The Lab uses scientific insights and methods to test and improve policies and provide timely, relevant, and high-quality analysis to inform the District's most important decisions.

JobTech Development

JobTech Development

Arbetsförmedlingen Malmö, Föreningsgatan, Malmö, Sweden

JobTech Development är en utvecklingsenhet inom Arbetsförmedlingen Vi erbjuder öppna data och Open Source-teknologi till de som, tillsammans med oss, vill bidra till en väl fungerande arbetsmarknad.

Guardian Project

Guardian Project creates easy to use secure apps, open-source software libraries, and customized mobile devices that can be used around the world by any person looking to protect their communications and personal data from unjust intrusion, interception and monitoring.



Costa Rica

@llegolahoraCR de votar por las soluciones que revolucionarán Costa Rica




Anyone can join the Participedia community and help crowdsource, catalogue and compare participatory political processes around the world.

Civic House

La Comunidad de Tecnología Cívica en América Latina

Seefeldstrasse 123, Zürich, Schweiz

Automated monitoring, issue management, analysis and reporting of political affairs.



Morocco (Al Maghrib)

Le Moteur de visualisation de données ouvertes convertie pour vous les données publiques en formes narratives de visualisation.

Joinup (formerly Open Source Observatory and Repository)

Joinup (formerly Open Source Observatory and Repository)

European Commission, Rue Philippe Le Bon, Brussels, Belgium

Share and reuse Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Tech Jobs for Good

Tech Jobs for Good

United States of America (the)

Start using your career to make a difference in one of the world's leading tech for good companies fighting climate change, improving healthcare, reducing inequalities and many other impact areas.

Centre for Social Impact (CSI)

The Centre for Social Impact (CSI) is a collaboration of world-class universities who provide education, tools and research to help catalyse social change for a better world.

Right To Be (formerly Hollaback!)

We believe a world that respects our right to be isn’t some far-off destination. It’s something we’re building every day. This is your call to power, to build a world free of harassment. How do you want to get started?

Harmony Labs

Harmony Labs

311 W 43 St, 12th fl New York NY

Decoding Media's Social Effects

Quartz Bad Data Guide

Quartz Bad Data Guide

Quartz, East 48th Street, New York, NY, USA

An exhaustive reference to problems seen in real-world data along with suggestions on how to resolve them.

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