CIDE is a center for research and higher education that specializes in social sciences in accordance with international quality standards, and is publicly funded.
1100 13th Street NW Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20005
The Transparency and Accountability Initiative (TAI) is a donor collaborative working toward a democratic world where power and resources are more equally distributed; people are informed and empowered, governments and the corporate sector are open and responsive, and collective action advances the public good.
21 Nicolae Balcescu Bvd. 2nd Floor, Sector 1, Bucuresti, 010044, Romania
Transparency International România are două priorități majore: îmbunătățirea raportării și sancționării corupției în România și schimbarea de atitudine în rândul instituțiilor și al cetățenilor, astfel încât corupția să devină inacceptabilă în România.
The goal of the Coalition for Democracy and Civil Society is to contribute to the process of transparency and fairness of elections through the organization of qualitative, objective and independent monitoring of the pre-election process, the voting day and summing up the results.
As part of the Beeck Center’s Digital Service Collaborative
a project in partnership with The Rockefeller Foundation, we will knit
together a collection of state agencies based on common needs to help them
collaboratively procure, develop, and maintain the software that they all
depend on
We are a global group of change makers working to build a more inclusive and sustainable world where all people, everywhere, can reach their fullest potential.
Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI) is an organization focused on developing and promoting various forms of investigative journalism through collaboration with journalists, activists, and citizens in Italy and abroad.
El CPI reconoce que el requisito fundamental para una verdadera democracia es que la ciudadanía esté bien informada y que existan entidades independientes con la capacidad de fiscalizar los poderes que accionan en la sociedad, sean públicos o privados.
The Aspen Institute Kyiv is an independent nonpartisan organization that supports values-based leadership, promotes a culture of dialogue and create opportunities for the exchange of ideas.
PILDAT will work for strengthening democracy and democratic institutions in Pakistan by building the capability of and instituting non-partisan monitoring framework for the elected representatives and legislatures while facilitating greater participation of all segments of the society in the democratic process and development of new political leadership.
Transparencia, para que conozcas los datos más relevantes de los proyectos ganadores de la consulta del Presupuesto Participativo en la Ciudad de México, a lo largo del tiempo.
ALTSEAN-Burma (Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma) was formed in October 1996 by a diverse network of organizations and individuals at the Alternative ASEAN Meeting on Burma, held in Bangkok.
Institut pre verejne otazky, Bastova 5, 811 03 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Inštitút pre verejné otázky (IVO) je nezávislou mimovládnou neziskovou organizáciou združujúcou odborníkov z rôznych oblastí, vytvorenou so zámerom presadzovať hodnoty otvorenej spoločnosti a demokratickej politickej kultúry vo verejnej politike a spoločenskom rozhodovaní.
Accountability Counsel amplifies the voices of communities around the world to protect their human rights and environment. As advocates for people harmed by internationally financed projects, we employ community driven and policy level strategies to access justice.
Aid Effectiveness Team, Department of International Development, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 8EA, UK
International Aid Transparency Initiative IATI is a global initiative to improve the transparency of development and humanitarian resources and their results to address poverty and crises.
Raymond Ghosn Building, American University of Beirut, Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
PO Box. 11-0236 Riad El Solh 1107 2020, Beirut Lebanon
ADC Business Center, 1929 5th Street South, Suite 101, Minneapolis, MN 55454
The Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship is Augsburg University's civic and community engagement center. We connect students, faculty, staff, and community members in the everyday work of learning together to address public issues, make change, and build democracy.