We build tools that foster civic participation, civc education, and government transparency. Civic Impulse, LLC is Joshua Tauberer’s liability wrapper around GovTrack.us.
ARTICLE 19 works for a world where all people everywhere can freely express themselves and actively engage in public life without fear of discrimination.
The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) is a coalition of over 200 public interest groups and trade unions concerned with the increasing influence exerted by corporate lobbyists on the political agenda in Europe, the resulting loss of democracy in EU decision-making and the postponement, weakening, or blockage even, of urgently needed progress on social, environmental and consumer-protection reforms.
Menjadi Repository Parlemen Indonesia, itu cita-cita awal para pendiri lembaga ini. Karena itulah, diberi nama Indonesian Parliamentary Center (IPC). Harapannya, repository dihasilkan dari kajian terkait kelembagaan, fungsi, dan sistem pendukung parlemen. Inilah basis untuk penguatan parlemen dan partisipasi masyarakat.
Knowing without Seeing is a research project by Amber Sinha which explores meaningful transparency solutions for opaque algorithms, and privileges comprehension over mere access to information.
China’s Participation Center developed a “mini app” for the popular WeChat platform, and grew the number of participatory budgeting users in Chengdu city to more than 3 million
The mission of the Coalition for Independent Tech Research is to advance, defend, and sustain the right to ethically study the impact of technology on society.
The Closing The Gap Conference is an annual assistive technology conference that presents an opportunity to deepen your assistive technology (AT) knowledge and strengthen your implementation strategies.
Save (Share Archive Verify Encrypt) by OpenArchive enables you to safely preserve, organize, and share your mobile media. Designed with and for newsrooms, human rights defenders, and archivists, Save keeps you in control of your mobile media at all times.
The Wildcard Workbook: A Practical Guide for Jokering Forum Theatre is a resource for facilitators of all kinds looking for new ways to bring fun, creativity, and critical thinking into their work!
On June 15, 2021, the Sacramento City Council approved the use of up to $1 million in Measure U funds for residents to propose ideas and vote on project concepts.
The Los Angeles Reforms for Equity and Public Acknowledgment of Institutional Racism (L.A. REPAIR) is L.A.'s first participatory budget pilot program. L.A. REPAIR will distribute roughly $8.5 million directly to nine L.A. City neighborhoods, called REPAIR Zones.
Risk Assessments Made Beautiful! A framework and methodology to holistically assess an organization’s digital health, highlight areas of excellence, and provide a visual roadmap of recommended improvements.
The Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust or ARTT is focused on helping people engage in trust-building ways when discussing vaccine efficacy and other topics online.
People can request digital security help using their everyday messaging apps. We provide secure Signal, Whatsapp & Telegram channels for your community.
Air Alliance Houston is a non-profit advocacy organization working to reduce the public health impacts from air pollution and advance environmental justice.
Effective altruism is a research field and practical community that aims to find the best ways to help others, and put them into practice. Read our intro
Como ya hicimos en anteriores legislaturas, vamos a monitorizar toda la actividad legislativa y parlamentaria de la Cámara baja para ayudar a la institución y a nuestros diputados y diputadas a cumplir con valores de gobernanza imprescindibles en nuestros días como la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas.
Uma cartilha em que trazemos ferramentas para que profissionais da área de marketing e publicidade possam navegar melhor e com mais confiança frente às complexidades da relação entre publicidade e desinformação.
Um laboratório de comunicação e mobilização para causas, com foco no desenvolvimento de ações e campanhas baseadas em dados e na compreensão profunda de nichos de audiência, cultura digital contemporânea e conjuntura política.