The Tech > Emerging tech > Artificial Intelligence - (359)

Technologies that train models to autonomously support or function independently of direct human effort.

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Showing 359 Results

BEL'S AI Initiative

BEL'S AI Initiative

Cameroon (Cameroon, Cameroun)

AI literacy effort for government and other sectors in Cameroon

DAIR Institute

The Distributed AI Research Institute is a space for independent, community-rooted AI research free from Big Tech’s pervasive influence.

IBM Project Debater

Project Debater is the first AI system that can debate humans on complex topics. The goal is to help people build persuasive arguments and make well-informed decisions.

Climate Change AI Summer School 2022

The Climate Change AI summer school is designed to educate and prepare participants with a background in artificial intelligence and/or a background in a climate-change related field to tackle major climate problems using AI.

Community Safety and Wellness Accelerator

AI/ML fueled social impact venture accelerator, powered by Alchemist. Leveraging entrepreneurship, data, etc. to help solve our community's pressing challenges!

Legal Robot

Legal Robot

548 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA

Legal tech startup using Artificial Intelligence to make Legal Documents less painful & improve Access to Justice.

Microsoft AI for Earth

Supporting sustainability decision-making with the power of the cloud

Conversation AI

Conversation AI

Google, 8th Avenue, Manhattan, New York, NY, USA

Conversation AI is a collaborative research effort exploring ML as a tool for better discussions online.

US Artificial Intelligence for Citizen Services

US Artificial Intelligence for Citizen Services

GSA (General Services Administration), F Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

Artificial Intelligence for Citizen Services unites public service managers and innovative U.S. businesses in evaluating and building smart automatio

Berkeley, California, USA

We use advance machine learning techniques to detect political propaganda bots on Twitter.

Digital Asia Hub




Google, 8th Avenue, Manhattan, New York, NY, USA

Perspective is an API that uses machine learning to spot abuse and harassment online.



Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

Cofacts is a collaborative system connecting instant messages and fact-check reports or different opinions together.

Plural Policy (formerly Civic Eagle)

Shape the future of public policy with Plural’s intuitive, AI-powered legislative tracking and stakeholder collaboration tools. Effectively influence US federal and state legislation and say goodbye to clunky legacy software and manual spreadsheets.


With curbside delivery on the rise, get a quick free tool to help you know when customers arrive to pickup their order.

InVID Verification Plugin

"Verification Swiss Army knife", including lookups of video clips to find them in context elsewhere

Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning

Here we describe how machine learning can be a powerful tool in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and helping society adapt to a changing climate.

Facebook Suicide Prevention

Facebook Suicide Prevention

1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA

Facebook’s new “proactive detection” artificial intelligence technology will scan all posts for patterns of suicidal thoughts, and when necessary send mental health resources to the user at risk or their friends, or contact local first-responders.

Center for Collective Intelligence Design

The Centre for Collective Intelligence Design will explore how human and machine intelligence can be combined to make the most of our collective knowledge and develop innovative and effective solutions to social challenges.

DIUx xView Detection Challenge

DIUx xView Detection Challenge

Pentagon Building, Washington, DC, USA

Pentagon's humanitarian satellite imagery competition for object detection in overhead imagery



Paris, France

Massive collective intelligence is the capacity to mobilize communities on a large scale (hundreds and thousands of participants) around key stakes and challenges to co-create new solutions in a short space of time.

MoCho: Mobility Choices and Societal Impacts

This tool helps predict the choices of mobility modes made at the individual level throughout the entire Boston Metro area.

UN Global Pulse Lab Kampala radio analysis with machine learning

We analysed people’s public discussions about refugees as the crisis started and high influx of refugees fled into Uganda in mid July 2016.

Turing Institute AI for science and government (ASG)

Turing Institute AI for science and government (ASG)

The Alan Turing Institute, Euston Road, London, UK

A major integrated research programme with a goal to deploy AI and data science in priority areas to support the UK economy.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Amicable is a divorce app which helps couples close an amicable agreement. The chatbot, Alex, provides instant and real time support to users.

Stanford Predicting Poverty

Stanford Predicting Poverty

Stanford University, Serra Mall, Stanford, CA, USA


Aunt Meiyu

Aunt Meiyu

Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

A Taiwanese developer Carol created a chatbot called Aunt Meiyu on popular messaging app LINE. Aunt Meiyu is designed to combat disinformation circulated in private chat group, especially family chat groups

Doxbox Trustbot

The portable unit interviews users about the apps, services and digital providers they interact with, reveals what these providers know about their users, then tells the user stories about what the effects of this may be and provides recommendations regarding their level of trustworthiness, relating to the individual themselves and to other people who may be more or less impacted by the same use or misuse of the data that accumulates around their digital life.



114 Whitechapel High St. London E1 7PT

Empowering everyone with a better understanding of content.

Red Flags

Red Flags

Hungary (Magyarország)

The Red Flags project aims to enhance the transparency of public procurements in Hungary and support the fight against corrupt procurements

European AI & Society Fund

European AI & Society Fund

Rue Royale 941000, Brussels, Belgium

The European AI Fund is a philanthropic initiative to shape the direction of AI in Europe

Health Complaints Assist

Health Complaints Assist is a chatbot that helps users make a complaint about medical treatment they or someonethey know received.




URBEM es una plataforma para digitalizar trámites y servicios de gobierno, y automatizar la atención ciudadana con Inteligencia Artificial.

2150 Shattuck Avenue, Penthouse Berkeley, CA 94704, USA

Artificial intelligence powered mobility solution for smart cities

Local Voices Network (LVN)

Local Voices Network (LVN)

25 Kingston St, Boston

Developed by the non-profit Cortico, the Local Voices Network (LVN) is a unique physical-digital network designed to bring under-heard community voices, perspectives and stories to the center of a healthier public dialogue.

Autogrid Flex

Flex, the company’s flagship product, predicts and controls tens of thousands of energy resources from millions of customers by ingesting, storing, and managing petabytes of data from trillions of endpoints.

Holopolis bot

Holopolis bot allows always available participation. It packages vTaiwan as a contact you can add friend with and share your opinions on cases under discussion.

Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Institute

Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Institute

Stanford University, Serra Mall, Stanford, CA, USA

Introducing The Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence

Samurai Labs

Samurai is a Frontier Artificial Intelligence Lab Dedicated to Eliminating Online Violence

Computer vision uncovers predictors of physical urban change

We develop a computer vision method to measure changes in the physical appearances of neighborhoods from street-level imagery.

Gravyty Guide

This weekly digest email helps you more efficiently manage your portfolio so you prioritize the right donors at the right time and raise more

Facebook Tracking Exposed

a project to improve the transparency behind Facebook’s algorithms

Programa de Derechos Humanos

Programa de Derechos Humanos

Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico

El Programa de Derechos Humanos busca, desde su creación en el año de 1998, contribuir a la plena vigencia de los derechos humanos en México a través de la investigación con pertinencia social, la incidencia en el contexto político y social y la promoción de la justicia.



New Zealand

Wagbot is a Facebook Messenger-based chatbot designed to answer questions from school children about sexualhealth and related issues.

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