The People > Meet the others > In-person meetings > Conferences - (147)

Professional gatherings offering presentations, conversation, and networking.

Showing 147 Results

Political Tech Summit

Europe’s first Political Tech Summit—where politics meets technology.

American Community Survey Data Users Conference

The conference will bring together ACS data users and U.S. Census Bureau staff to share information about key ACS data issues and applications




FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate.

International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV)

It was conceived in 2007 as an annual gathering to bring together academia, governments, international organisations, civil society, and industry to share the latest insights and experiences in the theory and practice of Electronic Governance (now more commonly referred to as Digital Governance).

The East Africa Data Governance Conference

The Data Governance Conference is a pioneering event focused on advancing data governance across the East African Community (EAC).

World Movement for Democracy’s Global Assembly

Every two years, the World Movement for Democracy’s Global Assembly brings together hundreds of democracy advocates from around the world to foster new networks for mutual solidarity and support across borders.

United Nations World Data Forum

The aim of the UN World Data Forum is to spur data innovation, nurture partnerships, mobilize high-level political and financial support for data, and build a pathway to better data for sustainable development.

Global DPI Summit

The Global DPI Summit, hosted in Cairo, Egypt, stands as a premier convening of stakeholders in the Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) ecosystem, bringing together representatives from across the globe.

DWeb Camp

DWeb Camp


Set in the beautiful redwoods near the Mendocino coast of California, DWeb Camp is a five-day retreat for builders and dreamers to connect, learn, share and have fun as we work towards building a better, decentralized web.

Africa Law Tech Festival

The Africa Law Tech Festival is the largest Law and Tech conference in Africa, convening over 2000 delegates from 40+ countries.

LegisTech: The Commonwealth Community of Parliaments

The Commonwealth community of Legislatures is a diverse group of institutions that at the same time hold many institutional similarities, enabling further opportunities for institutional cooperation, in the field of legislative modernisation and digital transformation.

Take Back Tech II

Take Back Tech is a gathering for organizers, advocates, academics, and workers who are looking for a space to deepen the connections and strategies we'll need to combat technology's worst harms.

AI Palace

AI Palace

Germany (Deutschland)

Join a small, curated group of researchers, builders, entrepreneurs, politicians, and artists for a 7-day unconference focused on the political economy of AI. We will build new infrastructure, business models, and institutions for AI.

Festival Latinoamericano de Instalacion de Software Libre (FLISOL)

Festival Latinoamericano de Instalacion de Software Libre (FLISOL) sede Venezuela



Washington, DC

FedGeoDay is THE event devoted to "open geospatial ecosystems" (open source software, open/collaborative mapping, open science challenges, and open engagements) that are used to initiate and grow capabilities across the U.S. federal government. 

Government Innovation California conference

Public Sector Network’s second Government Innovation California in-person event will bring together public sector leaders across all levels of government from across the State and region to share their innovative ideas and cutting-edge initiatives and projects.

Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy

The Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy is the largest gathering devoted to direct democracy worldwide. It favours a multidisciplinary approach, welcoming participants from academic, political and civil society perspectives.

BARI Conference 2023: Greater Boston’s Annual Insight-to-Impact Summit

BARI is an inter-university research partnership for Northeastern University and Harvard University in conjunction with the City of Boston.

Democracy Festivals Association

Democracy Festivals are the platforms for constructive political dialogue across opinions, age, gender, and hierarchy, where people come together each summer to discuss how to improve their countries.

Brussels Urban Summit

The Brussels Urban Summit (BUS) brings together three international city conferences: the 14th Metropolis World Congress, the Eurocities Annual Conference and the sixth OECD Champion Mayors Summit for Inclusive Growth Initiative. It gathers over 300 cities worldwide and more than 1000 politicians, experts and representatives of civil society to exchange ideas and set the priorities for sustainable, affordable, and liveable cities going forward.

Copenhagen Democracy Summit

The Copenhagen Democracy Summit is an annual conference bringing together political and business leaders, including current and former heads of government, from the world’s democracies.

BARI Conference

BARI Conference

MIT Media Lab

BARI is an inter-university research partnership for Northeastern University and Harvard University in conjunction with the City of Boston.

The World Ethical Data Forum

The World Ethical Data Forum is the only event in the world that embraces the full range of interrelated issues around the use and future of data.

JournalismAI Festival

JournalismAI Festival

Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE

Using AI to make journalism better. Together.

Civic Design (2022 conference)

A conference for people who work in the intersection of design and the public sector.

Closing The Gap Conference

The Closing The Gap Conference is an annual assistive technology conference that presents an opportunity to deepen your assistive technology (AT) knowledge and strengthen your implementation strategies.

Doing Better Work Together

Doing Better Work Together is an online learning and collaboration event for organisational innovators.

Innovation Exchange

Initiators of successful political projects in a specific area of politics provide their know-how, experience and dos-and-don’ts in a highly motivating dialogue

State of GovTech

State of GovTech

Arlington, VA

A dynamic in-person conference on the people, technologies, policies, and cultures that make up the govtech ecosystem — brought to you by CivStart and e.Republic

Public Interest Technology Convening

Join us for the 2022 Public Interest Tech University Network (PIT-UN) Convening, hosted by City University of New York, on Oct. 28-29.

Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism

The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) brings together the technology industry, government, civil society, and academia to foster collaboration and information-sharing to counter terrorist and violent extremist activity online.

NYU Public Interest Technology Institute

NYU Public Interest Technology Institute

New York University, New York, NY, USA

A 2-week virtual conference for early and mid-career faculty who seek to accelerate their work in public interest technology

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