The Tech > Govtech - (641)

In the Civic Tech Field Guide, we focus on examples of govtech that seek to improve society to make it more just and democratic, not just more digital or efficient. We recognize that this is a subjective, values-based perspective of govtech. There is a much larger government IT industry, and we do not aspire to catalog and curate every instance of governmental technology.

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Showing 641 Results

Civil Service Strong

People, organizations, and communities across the country are joining together to ensure our civil servants have resources if they are targeted or attacked.



Rua de Santa Marta no. 55

Centro para a Inovação no Setor Público

Agência para a Modernização Administrativa (AMA)

A Agência para a Modernização Administrativa, I.P. (AMA) é o instituto público responsável pela promoção e desenvolvimento da modernização administrativa em Portugal.

Global Trends in Government Innovation 2024

Global Trends in Government Innovation 2024

OECD, Rue André Pascal, Paris, France

This report analyses nearly 800 case studies from 83 countries and identifies five critical trends in government innovation that are reshaping public services.

Acessibilidade Digital Challenge

Acessibilidade Digital Challenge

Rua de Santa Marta no. 55

O Acessibilidade Digital Challenge visa capacitar as equipas técnicas dos municípios portugueses a obterem a Declaração de Acessibilidade para os seus sítios web

Observatoire des algorithmes publics

L’observatoire des algorithmes publics (ODAP) crée et rassemble des informations sur les algorithmes utilisés par les administrations françaises, pour les rendre plus transparents.

Parlex and Lex

Parlex and Lex

10 Downing Street

Equipping policy makers and researchers with AI-driven tools to explore legislation, analyse parliamentary developments, and empowering them in the policy making process.



10 Downing Street

Bringing Generative AI to the way the Civil Service works



10 Downing Street

An end-to-end solution to sharing data across government

Consult (Gov.UK)

Consult (Gov.UK)

10 Downing Street

Consult is a machine learning and LLM-powered tool to automate the processing of public consultations.

Connect (GOV.UK)

Connect (GOV.UK)

10 Downing Street

i.AI are using AI to match capacity to demand in the Grid connections queue

Department for Science, Innovation and Technology

Accelerate innovation, investment and productivity through world-class science, ensure that new and existing technologies are safely developed and deployed across the UK and drive forward a modern digital government for the benefit of its citizens.



10 Downing Street

A package of tools to speed up the work of civil servants and make them deliver ministerial plans more quickly.

Scout (GOV.UK)

Scout (GOV.UK)

10 Downing Street

An AI-powered tool that improves government major project delivery by automatically analysing thousands of documents to help detect problems earlier, enabling timely interventions that keep critical projects on track.

Minute (GOV.UK)

Minute (GOV.UK)

10 Downing Street

Minute is a secure AI transcription service that produces customisable summaries in the formats that public servants need.

i.AI and NHS England Collaboration Charter

The Incubator for Artificial Intelligence (i.AI), an innovative team of technical experts at the heart of government, and NHS England (NHSE) have signed a first-of-a-kind Collaboration Charter to support the use of AI in the NHS.

GOV.UK Wallet

GOV.UK Wallet

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

The UK government is launching a GOV.UK Wallet and App to simplify access to services and documents like digital driver’s licences

E-Participation Index

A country’s EPI reflects the e-participation mechanisms that are deployed by the government as compared to all other countries.




GovFresh is a media and innovation lab working at the intersection of design, technology and government.

Proudly Serving

Proudly Serving

United States of America (the)

A guide to public service in the digital age



Austin, TX

GovOS is a leading provider of government software solutions in the United States.

Digital Government Assessment Programme

This project aims to conduct a comprehensive study of the relevant and available literature and present research findings that will assist the Digital Government Authority (DGA) in enhancing the online presence of key government entities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

More and Better! Diversifying electronic participation mechanisms and improving the online services offered by Portuguese municipalities

The 2023 edition of the “IPIC – Portuguese Municipal Councils’ Online Presence Index” series of studies presents the results of the evaluation of Portuguese municipal councils’ websites.

International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV)

It was conceived in 2007 as an annual gathering to bring together academia, governments, international organisations, civil society, and industry to share the latest insights and experiences in the theory and practice of Electronic Governance (now more commonly referred to as Digital Governance).

EGOV Repositories

EGOV Repositories

Guimarães, Portugal

Discover the United Nations University EGOV's repository platform, a centralized hub of specialized repositories tackling global challenges.

European Public Sector Award (EPSA)

EPSA – the European Public Sector Award – is a Europe-wide award scheme for public sector entities at all levels of government which has been organised every two years since 2009 by the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA).

United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV)

As a forward-thinking policy-oriented entity, we lead innovation, actively exploring and advocating emerging technologies to transform public service delivery on a worldwide scale.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Get essential insights into opportunities, accounts and competitors with the all-in-one UK public sector market intelligence platform for business development professionals

Tussell for Gov

Tussell for Gov

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Tussell's market intelligence platform provides the data-led insights you need to make better procurement decisions, drive value-for-money, and promote social value.

Digital Infrastructure for Governance and Inclusive Transformation (DIGIT)

Digital Infrastructure for Governance and Inclusive Transformation (DIGIT) is an open-source, scalable, interoperable platform for responsive public service delivery and good governance.




Build more qualified public sector pipeline.

Government AI Coalition

Government AI Coalition

San Jose, California, USA

The GovAI Coalition went public...publishing a set of deliverables any organization could use to help jumpstart their agency with responsible AI practices.

San José AI Reviews & Inventory

San José AI Reviews & Inventory

San Jose, California, USA

An AI Inventory is an important transparency mechanism that enables the City of San José to meaningfully communicate the AI systems that it uses to its residents. In January 2023, the DPO began maintaining an AI Inventory in an effort to increase transparency of the technological tools used by the City.



Barcelona, Spain

Localret és el consorci local format per les administracions locals de Catalunya per acompanyar els municipis en la seva transformació digital

Governo Digital Brasil

Governo Digital Brasil

Brazil (Brasil)

Ministério da Gestão e da Inovação em Serviços Públicos

Software Público no Governo Digital Brasil

O Software Público Brasileiro é um tipo específico de software livre que atende às necessidades de modernização da administração pública de qualquer dos Poderes da União, dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos Municípios e é compartilhado sem ônus no Portal do Software Público Brasileiro.

The UK's National Programme for IT

The UK's National Programme for IT

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

[A]n ambitious programme launched in 2002 with an initial budget of some £6.2 billion. It attempted to implement a top-down digitization of healthcare in England's National Health Service (NHS)

GOV.UK Service Standard Reports

GOV.UK Service Standard Reports

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Assessments of government programs provided by the Central Digital and Data Office



Germany (Deutschland)

Digital Ticketing made simple for railways.

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