The Tech > Media - (725)

Journalism, storytelling, and other forms of interactive media are critical to civic engagement in democracies. Here we track those media and journalism tech projects that directly relate to citizens working to shift power in society.

Showing 725 Results

Информационно-аналитический портал «Полит.ua» - создание конструктивной дискуссии по теме дня и рефлексия актуальных общественно значимых событий.

Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI)

Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI) is an organization focused on developing and promoting various forms of investigative journalism through collaboration with journalists, activists, and citizens in Italy and abroad.

BBC Media Action

BBC Media Action is the BBC’s international charity - we believe in media and communication for good. Last year, we reached more than 130 million people in some of the world’s poorest and most fragile countries. Our projects and programmes save lives, protect livelihoods, counter misinformation, challenge prejudice and build democracy.



62 Ram 5 seperate 3 Rd. Bangkhen, Bangkok 10220 Thailand

สำนักข่าวออนไลน์ไทยพับลิก้า ก่อตั้งในเดือนกันยายน 2554 นำเสนอข่าวสืบสวนสอบสวน เน้นประเด็นตรวจสอบความโปร่งใสภาครัฐ ความโปร่งใสภาคเอกชน และการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน ดำเนินงานโดยทีมงานนักข่าวอาชีพที่มีประสบการณ์ในวงการรวมกันกว่า 60 ปี

CGnet Swara

CGnet Swara

New Delhi

CGNet Swara is a voice-based portal, freely accessible via mobile phone, that allows anyone to report and listen to stories of local interest

Centro de Periodismo Investigativo De Puerto Rico

El CPI reconoce que el requisito fundamental para una verdadera democracia es que la ciudadanía esté bien informada y que existan entidades independientes con la capacidad de fiscalizar los poderes que accionan en la sociedad, sean públicos o privados.

Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación Periodística (CLIP)

CLIP es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro, con sede en Costa Rica, y equipo latinoamericano, que realiza y coordina investigaciones periodísticas transfronterizas colaborativas y pone sus innovaciones tecnológicas al servicio del periodismo de la región.


Save (Share Archive Verify Encrypt) by OpenArchive enables you to safely preserve, organize, and share your mobile media. Designed with and for newsrooms, human rights defenders, and archivists, Save keeps you in control of your mobile media at all times.



Brazil (Brasil)

Um laboratório de comunicação e mobilização para causas, com foco no desenvolvimento de ações e campanhas baseadas em dados e na compreensão profunda de nichos de audiência, cultura digital contemporânea e conjuntura política.

Publi Ou Fake

Publi Ou Fake

Brazil (Brasil)

Uma cartilha em que trazemos ferramentas para que profissionais da área de marketing e publicidade possam navegar melhor e com mais confiança frente às complexidades da relação entre publicidade e desinformação.



United States of America (the)

The Digital Hub for Pro-Democracy Advocates

Forum on Information & Democracy

Providing democratic safeguards to the global communication and information space



Eastern Europe

a new organisation dedicated to supporting journalism in Europe

The Newsroom

We cut out noise and bring perspective to the news through AI

Viral Spiral

Viral Spiral is an adaptive digital card game about sharing news on the Internet. The game reflects the ways and reasons misinformation is shared, letting players experience first hand the temptation to share fake news for their own gain and face the consequences of the harm it causes around them.


Archive containing content scraped from all the different sources- the Tattle Jod telegram bot, Fact-checking sites, social media and chat apps.

PolétikaRD Chequeos

PolétikaRD Chequeos

C. Josefa Perdomo 160 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Fact-checking in the Dominican Republic

WhatsApp archiver

The WhatsApp archiver consolidates chat files exported from different WhatsApp conversations into one database. The scraper relies on WhatsApp's export chat feature which allows 40,000 messages to be exported without media and 10,000 to be exported with media. If a media item has not been downloaded to your phone, it cannot be exported through the export chat feature. The archiver removes overlaps in different files exported from a chat; and anonymizes sender and group names.


One of Tattle's goals is to make stories fact-checking content circulated on chat apps and social media more accessible to mobile first users. To make the content accessible, Tattle wants the content to be discoverable through image search and video search. To implement search, Tattle needs the multi-media content inside the stories from fact-checking sites, linked with the sites that it is coming from.

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) es una comunidad de periodistas nacida en Venezuela al calor de la crisis y la censura de sus medios. Tiene como objetivo brindar una plataforma independiente, que respalde y acompañe a periodistas venezolanos y latinoamericanos en la reportería de historias trasnacionales, bien narradas y de profundidad, que no tienen cabida en otros sitios.




Non-profit news site serving Kyrgyzstan, including election monitoring



Palo Alto

JusticeAI is an open source platform and suite of tools that strategically apply machine learning, computer vision, and metadata analysis to sort, identify, and analyze digital media.

Coda Story

Coda Story reports on major currents shaping our world from disinformation to authoritarian technologies to the war on science. Coda stays on these stories to reveal why they matter, how they are connected and where they are heading next.

Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows

The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program hosts democracy activists, scholars, and journalists for five-month fellowships, bringing fresh insights and perspectives to Washington, DC.

Chequeo Colectivo

Es una plataforma abierta para verificar contenidos a pedido de la comunidad.


El Chequeador es una plataforma educativa diseñada por el equipo de Chequeado para el desarrollo de cursos virtuales sobre Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional, desinformación, fact checking y otros temas relacionados.

WhatsApp Third Party Fact-Checkers

End-to-end fact-checking on the WhatsApp Business API organized by Meedan


Logically works to tackle the individual, institutional, and societal harms caused by misleading and deceptive online discourse.

UNESCO Audio resources to counter disinformation

To contribute to countering disinformation on COVID-19 and promoting healthy behaviours, UNESCO has produced a series of audio messages that can be freely used by radio stations from around the world.


WikiRumours is a web-based database which enables geographically distributed teams to collaborate asynchronously on monitoring, verifying, and countering the spread of harmful rumours and misinformation.

Chequeado's WhatsApp bot

Latin American fact-checking organization's Whatsapp bot to make it easier for people to ask for fact-checks

Disinfo Database

EU vs Disinfo's database of over 12,000 samples of pro-Kremlin disinformation

Um guia da dieta de mídia digital brasileira

Como os brasileiros usam a internet? Como é seu comportamento na hora de buscar informações na rede? O InternetLab manterá um guia com indicadores sobre como anda a dieta de mídia dos brasileiros e brasileiras.

Interactive Media Bias Chart

A chart of thousands of media sources based on source reliability and surveys of perceived political biases

The Propagandists' Playbook

The Propagandists' Playbook

United States of America (the)

How Conservative Elites Manipulate Search and Threaten Democracy, by Francesca Bolla Tripodi

The Empower Rangers

The Empower Rangers

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

The Empower Rangers es una creación animada pensada y ejecutada por RedesAyuda y el primero, de un grupo de ellos, es el Empower Ranger Azul.

Instituto Prensa y Sociedad Venezuela

Instituto Prensa y Sociedad Venezuela

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Somos una organización no gubernamental que trabajaba en la promoción, defensa y formación en libertad de expresión, periodismo de investigación y derecho a la información, con la aspiración de contribuir al logro de una ciudadanía más consciente ante la necesidad de defender y ejercer estos derechos.

Ellinika Hoaxes

Τα «» είναι ο μοναδικός ελληνικός ιστότοπος κατά της παραπληροφόρησης και η μοναδική συντονισμένη προσπάθεια κατάρριψης αναληθών δημοσιευμάτων στο ελληνικό διαδίκτυο. Εργαλεία μας, η έρευνα, η συλλογή στοιχείων και πληροφοριών από αξιόπιστες πηγές και σωστή αξιολόγηση τους.

Cazadores de Fake News

Cazadores de Fake News

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Somos una comunidad crowdsourcing que monitorea la desinformación difundidas en cadenas de WhatsApp y redes sociales entre venezolanos. Nuestro centro de operaciones es un grupo de Telegram abierto en el que analizamos colectivamente la información que recibimos.

The Demography Project TikTok

IDADI is our flagship data journalism project, in collaboration with The Infographics Studio, to disseminate, visualize and democratize official data on TikTok to allow Kenyans participate in decision making and enhance government accountability.

The Continent

The Continent is an award-winning African newspaper, designed to be read and shared on WhatsApp.



Tanzania, United Republic of

InfoNile is a cross-border group of geojournalists with a mission to uncover critical stories on water issues in the Nile River Basin through data-based multimedia storytelling.

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