The Tech > Participatory democracy - (558)

Participatory democracy strives to create opportunities for all members of a population to make meaningful contributions to decision-making and seeks to broaden the range of people who have access to such opportunities. (Wikipedia: Participatory democracy)

Showing 558 Results

Public Digital Innovation Space (PDIS)

To connect Taiwan and the world, PDIS incubates and facilitates public digital innovation and service, optimises the processes and tools of the public service with design thinking, guides the public sector to adopt social innovations and collaborate with communities of practice.

Participa Portugal

A maneira fácil de participar nas consultas públicas lançadas em Portugal (MyVoice)

Latvian "civic-initiatives platform (MyVoice), developed and run by an NGO Foundation of Public Participation, MyVoice."

Cal Poly Institute For Advanced Technology and Public Policy

Cal Poly Institute For Advanced Technology and Public Policy

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Grand Avenue, CA, USA

The Digital Democracy project has been one of the earliest and most ambitious projects of the IATPP, being almost continuously worked on for over ten years.



Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

A public engagement method that invites citizens and stakeholders to come to a consensus together, using a mix of digital tools.

La Constitución de Todos

Una plataforma para crear la Constitución de Todos, entre Todos.

Cap Collectif

Cap Collectif

25 rue Claude-Tillier 75012 Paris, France

La plateforme d’intelligence collective la plus complète et la plus polyvalente sur le marché.

Citizen OS

Citizen OS


Open source platform for collaborative decisions and e-democracy applications.

Citizens Foundation

Citizens Foundation

Reykjavík, Iceland

A platform that offers different citizen engagement solutions


Crowdicity is an idea management software solution that can be used to harness the ideas of your employees, customers, and stakeholders to drive innovation.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

We're the UK's leading public participation charity, on a mission to put people at the heart of decision-making



Cochabamba, Bolivia

Una plataforma de participación ciudadana digital que permite visibilizar y priorizar propuestas ciudadanas a nivel nacional



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

mySociety is a not-for-profit social enterprise that exists to invent and popularise websites and apps that enable citizens around the world to exert power over institutions and decision makers.

Ki Mit Tud

Ki Mit Tud

Hungary (Magyarország)

Requesting data of public interest in just a few clicks: KiMitTud helps you to easily and transparently request data of public interest from any state, municipal or other public institution that participates in the running of the state or spends public money.



Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Cobi engages an entire academic community in planning a large-scale conference. Cobi elicits community members' preferences and constraints.

Practical Participation

Practical Participation

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Participation, organisational change, community development, and social technology

Mudamos signature collection app

Mudamos signature collection app

ITS Rio - Rua da Assembléia - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Empowers citizens to directly present bills. It uses blockchain technology to register citizens' support for the bill.

Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons

Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons

487 Central Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

“Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons” showcases over a hundred sharing-related case studies and model policies from more than 80 cities in 35 countries.



Barcelona, Spain

DecidimFest is an intense 3-day program of activities devoted to the Decidim project, participatory democracy and open source tools for collective intelligence in the era of Global Democracy.

Constitution App

an ingenious tool that lets Zambian citizens participate in the country’s ongoing constitution-drafting process—effectively allowing almost any Zambian adult to help forge the nation.




Stig est une application gratuite qui permet aux citoyens de construire ensemble la volonté générale à l'échelle de la France ainsi qu'à l'échelle locale.


Start a new political campaign and begin crowdfunding in minutes. Support candidates and causes you agree with. Crowdpac is your home for impacting politics.

Javna Rasprava

Javna Rasprava

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Cobudget makes it easy for organizations and groups to allocate funds collaboratively and transparently.

Imagine Mesa

Imagine Mesa

Mesa, Arizona, USA

Neighborland instance. From amazing new parks and safe neighborhoods to growing our local economy and promoting green initiatives, City leaders are looking for your bright ideas to Imagine Mesa in innovative and exciting ways.

They Vote For You

They Vote For You

The OpenAustralia Foundation PO Box 147 Katoomba NSW 2780

Discover how your MP votes on the issues that matter to you.


Neighborly delivers access, efficiency and transparency to borrowing communities and investors in the municipal bond market.

Portland, OR

A web forum that elevates your community's opinions. Civil and organized discussion even when hundreds of stakeholders participate.

United States Capitol

U.S. Congress legislation, Congressional Record debates, Members of Congress, legislative process educational resources presented by the Library of Congress

Block By Block Minecraft participatory planning workshops

Did you know that you can use Minecraft for more than a simple fun? Learn about great Block by Block initiative for community participation in urban design.

Forum Jurisprudence – Forum Bundesgericht (Switzerland) and Forum Bundesgerichtshof (Germany)

„Forum Bundesgerichtshof“ ist eine private, politisch und konfessionell unabhängige Webseite, die es interessierten Bürgerinnen und Bürgern ermöglicht, alle Urteile des deutschen Bundesgerichtshofs öffentlich zu analysieren, zu kommentieren und darüber zu debattieren.

The Internet Government is an alternate legislative government platform where people elect ideas, not individuals. It's politics without politicians.

Imamo pravo znati

Imamo pravo znati

Croatia (Hrvatska)

Dobijte odgovore od Vlade i javnog sektora. Make a request for information to a RH public authority: by law, they have to respondd. Croatian Alevateli site



Brazil (Brasil)

O Nossas impulsiona o ativismo solidário e democrático no Brasil



68 Harrison Ave Boston

Human-Led + AI-Supported Listening


Kickstarter is the world's largest funding platform for creative projects. A home for film, music, art, theater, games, comics, design, photography, and more.

Décider ensemble

Décider ensemble

128 rue Vieille-du-Temple, 75003, Paris, France

Décider ensemble met en place des échanges sous forme de groupes de réflexion à travers l’organisation de colloques, matinées de questionnements, formations et événements annuels



United States of America (the)

Demo data visualization of an election held with liquid democracy in place

Go Vocal

Go Vocal

Bd Pachéco 34, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

The only platform you need for meaningful community engagement.



Madrid (Spain)

Contigo, construimos el cambio político en nuestro país. Sí se puede. ¡Podemos!

Audiencias Interativas

Audiencias Interativas

Brasília - Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil

livestreams video from the committee debates in Brasilia, and includes a chat window designed to let citizens ask questions, vote on others' questions, and generally chat about the proceedings with other viewers

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