Technologies that seek to provide greater visibility to the activities of governments, corporations, or individuals in power and allow others to monitor them.
Suggested reading:
Technology is not a quick fix solution for corruption, by Melissa Tsungai Zisengwe. She writes from a South African perspective but the takeaways are broadly applicable to the whole genre of anti-corruption tech. (2020)
Which Promises Actually Matter? Election Pledge Centrality and Promissory Representation is a published research paper that finds that simply evaluating elected officials on the fulfillment of every miscellaneous promise made while campaigning isn’t helpful, because voters weigh certain promises as more central to the campaign than others. The authors suggest weighting promise centrality when evaluating the campaign’s fidelity. By Jonathan Mellon, Christopher Prosser, Jordan Urban, and Adam Feldman. (2018)
Watchdog is a multidisciplinary team of factcheckers, journalists, researchers and software engineers. We hunt hoaxes and misinformation, investigate matters of public welfare, and build software tools that help operations like ours.
PubliElectoral is a technological tool of social interest that allows the collection of information related to electoral advertising on social networks without affecting the privacy of citizen users.
C. Josefa Perdomo 160 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Polétika República Dominicana is a group of civil society organizations and movements that work in different areas, including: health, housing and habitat, taxation, citizen security, transparency, childhood and adolescence, gender, and municipality.
South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)
Open & Disclose aims to provide a platform for media organisations, journalists, columnists, and commentators to make public their interests, with the aim of strengthening institutional credibility, accountability, transparency, and trustworthiness.
This year, we want to do a bit more. In addition to events, we’re collecting and sharing how the open government movement – even in challenging times – is aligned and how our stories can be a bright spot for the world.
Political campaigns spend a lot of money to reach voters on Facebook. Are they telling the truth? Are they saying different things to different people? Help hold them accountable by installing our browser plugin, which sends us the ads you see on Facebook.
Africa’s first investigative environmental journalism unit, which combines traditional investigative reporting with data analysis and geo-mapping to expose offenses and track crime syndicates
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
Spotlight on Corruption works to end corruption within the UK and wherever the UK has influence · We track how the UK enforces its anti-corruption laws
Parliamentary Network Africa (PNAfrica) is a convenor and connector of civil society parliamentary monitoring organizations and journalists towards promoting Open Parliaments across Africa.
The EU Whistleblowing Monitor was created by the Whistleblowing International Network to track the progress of transposition of the EU Directive on Whistleblowing across all 27 Member States over the next 18 months.
ENCO (European Network of Corporate Observatories) is a network of European civic and media organisations dedicated to investigating corporations and corporate power.
Vigilamos el cumplimiento que el Gobierno hace de las iniciativas de orientación política aprobadas por el Parlamento en temas de desarrollo y lucha contra la pobreza
Este observatorio de compras públicas en Salud recopila datos sobre los precios que pagan diferentes organismos estatales por medicamentos para permitir su análisis y transparentar la información gubernamental.
By developing and equipping a global network of investigative journalists and publishing their stories, OCCRP exposes crime and corruption so the public can hold power to account.
Accountability Lab is a global translocal network that makes governance work for people by supporting active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions. Our goal is a world in which resources are used wisely, decisions benefit everyone fairly, and people lead secure lives.
We are a non-profit research group that analyzes thousands of public records to create a simple searchable database of the commanders and the command structures, locations, and areas of operations of security force units and investigate their potential connections to alleged human rights violations.
Founded in Taiwan, "g0v" (gov-zero) is a decentralised civic tech community with information transparency, open results and open cooperation as its core values. g0v engages in public affairs by drawing from the grassroot power of the community.