We are a hands-on, empathy-guided consultancy agency. Our projects help start-ups, corporates, and administrations navigate city ecosystems and deploy impactful urban tech solutions globally.
We take planning proposals out of city hall and onto their urban context, seamlessly communicating projects with a large, diverse audience to win community support while crowdsourcing stakeholders' feedback.
Numina measures all kinds of curb-level activity. Anonymously and in aggregate, Numina delivers the volume counts, paths, and traffic behaviors of travelers and objects in streets.
Terreform ONE is a nonprofit architecture and urban design research group. We endeavor to combat the extinction of planetary species through pioneering acts of design.
A l’occasion des élections de 2020, Municipales.app dote le citoyen d’outils pour comprendre le débat, y participer et exprimer sa voix. Participez au changement !
Solidarity with frontline communities using tech to defend environmental & human rights. Co-building mapping & monitoring tools. Challenging tech colonialism.
Spark Eco will invest in solar energy projects, fund non-profits working on solar projects in developing communities, and support land preservation efforts.
The Open Forest Protocol (OFP) is changing how forestation (reforestation, afforestation and conservation) projects are monitored, verified and funded with blockchain technology.
Dataphyte is a media research and data analytics organisation with the mission to deploy data tools and technology for the socio-economic development of Nigeria.
Axe Pleyel 4 B104
32 boulevard Ornano
93200 Saint-Denis
Cette plateforme mise en œuvre par Bruitparif centralise les cartes stratégiques de bruit (CSB) disponibles au sein de la région Île-de-France dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la directive européenne 2002/49/CE.
You're the general manager of a large city. Balance ethics and corruption to keep your position and get things done. Whatever happens, don't get caught!
ZoningHub gives municipalities a new way to post their #zoning regulations online. Big cities or small villages, ZoningHub is easy and accessible. #civictech
The ArcticHubs project is an ambitious, multi-disciplinary international collaboration that aims to develop research-led, practice-based solutions to help address the urgent challenges faced in the Arctic.
South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)
The South African Cities Open Data Almanac (SCODA) is a city-centric data portal that contains data and indicators on issues such as city demographics, productive cities, inclusive cities, sustainable cities and well governed cities
John A. Wilson Building 1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 533 Washington, DC 20004
The Lab uses scientific insights and methods to test and improve policies and provide timely, relevant, and high-quality analysis to inform the District's most important decisions.
In partnership with the Social Tech Trust, the Civic Innovation Challenge is calling on tech startups and innovators to develop solutions to London’s biggest challenges.
Fundación Avina is a Latin American foundation created in 1994 and focused on producing the large-scale changes necessary for sustainable development by fostering collaborative processes among leaders from different sectors, thereby contributing toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
We help Open Source projects for cities become successful, build sustainable communities around them and create a thriving public Open Source ecosystem.
Bloom Network is an international community of people and projects working toward regenerative cultures. Local Bloom hubs around the world grow participation in practices such as food security, local economies, celebrations of diversity, and art as cultural transformation.
A global platform connecting physical places: a curated network for civic innovation, connecting local innovators with government, academia, business, and community both within their cities and around the world.
Flex, the company’s flagship product, predicts and controls tens of thousands of energy resources from millions of customers by ingesting, storing, and managing petabytes of data from trillions of endpoints.
We, the undersigned cities, formally come together to form the Cities Coalition for Digital Rights, to protect and uphold human rights on the internet at the local and global level.
It explores how different stakeholders in the Smart City ecosystem can come together to build safer, more efficient and sustainable cities of the future.