Search Results - support (955)

Showing 955 Results

Transit Tech Lab

Transit Tech Lab

New York City

The Transit Tech Lab is an accelerator program for startups solving public transportation challenges. Successful companies have an opportunity to pilot their technology with the MTA and transform New York City.


WITNESS is an international nonprofit organization that trains and supports people using video in their fight for human rights.

Jotto Video

Jotto Video

New York City

Jotto allows individuals allied with a cause to record and automatically upload videos directly to an organization behind that cause.

OECD Digital Government Toolkit

OECD Digital Government Toolkit

OECD, Rue André Pascal, Paris, France

This toolkit is designed to help you implement the OECD Recommendation on Digital Government Strategies.

Open Field

Open Field

Los Angeles, CA

OpenField is a canvassing application for more complex conversations that can push richer qualitative context back into a central repository of voter-insights.

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