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Digital Benin

Digital Benin brings together all objects, historical photographs and rich documentation material from collections worldwide to provide a long-requested overview of the royal artefacts from Benin Kingdom looted in the late nineteenth century.

Red de Transparencia Legislativa

The Latin American Network for Legislative Transparency (RLTL) is an initiative for linking, communication and collaboration between civil society organizations that promote the opening of congresses in the region, seeking to raise the standards of transparency, access to information, citizen participation, accountability and responsibility in the legislative powers.

offenes Parlament

offenes Parlament

Germany (Deutschland) sammelt Informationen über die Arbeit des Bundestages. Last updates 2017.

U.S. Public Assembly on High Risk Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The AI Assembly is the first national deliberative event on AI in the United States and represents a significant step toward understanding public sentiment on AI-related issues and shaping the conversation around the role of AI systems in society, with a focus on transparency, accountability, and responsible use.  

FreedomBox Foundation

FreedomBox is a private server system that empowers regular people to host their own internet services, like a VPN, a personal website, file sharing, encrypted messengers, a VoIP server, a metasearch engine, and much more.

Civic Futures

Civic Futures

United States of America (the)

A scratchpad for studying and imagining revived civic engagement in the 21st century.

State-level Digital Transformation Policy Scan: Executive Orders

State-level Digital Transformation Policy Scan: Executive Orders

Georgetown University, 3700 O St NW, Washington, DC 20057, United States

In Fall 2023, the Digital Service Network kicked off its digital transformation policy scan by documenting executive orders (EO) enacted since 2013 that shape the digital transformation of government across states and territories.



Dublin, Ireland

AID:Tech was established in 2015 and was the first company in the world to deliver international aid over blockchain technology.



Tunisia (Tunis)

ONSHOR est une association créée en 2019. ONSHOR a pour objectif de stimuler la diffusion de l’information publique.

自由微博 (

自由微博 (,匿名和不受屏蔽的新浪微博搜索,于 2012 年 10 月 11 日由 建立。




Twelve like-minded European and global organizations committed to advancing democratic innovation and participation are coming together in the new Horizon project Nets4Dem.

Insurrection Index

Insurrection Index

United States of America (the)

Insurrection Index is a searchable database of records on individuals and organizations in positions of public trust who were involved in the deadly attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Declaration on Parliamentary Openness

The Declaration on Parliamentary Openness is a call to national parliaments, and sub-national and transnational legislative bodies, by civil society parliamentary monitoring organizations (PMOs) for an increased commitment to openness and to citizen engagement in parliamentary work.

Le Lieu de la Transformation Publique

A la fois laboratoire d’innovation publique, équipe d’experts pluridisciplinaires, centre de ressource et de formation, réseau dédié à l’innovation - le Lieu de la Transformation Publique propose, depuis 2019, un accompagnement sur mesure aux porteurs de projets engagés dans une démarche de transformation.

United Humans

[W]hich aspires to establish a global democracy, solving the hard problem of representing every human in the world – including those who won’t participate – without the help of government.

Open Data on GitHub: Unlocking the Potential of AI

Academic analysis of open data on Github finds it's "one of the largest hosts of open data in the world and has experienced an accelerated growth of open data assets over the past four years."

Delib Citizen Space

Delib Citizen Space

Orchard Street Business Centre, 13-14 Orchard Street, Bristol, BS1 5EH

Next-generation engagement tools for 21st century democracy.

Центр защиты прав СМИ:

Центр защиты прав СМИ работает с 1996 года в сфере защиты прав редакций СМИ и оказывает правовую помощь журналистам, блогерам, фотографам по вопросам их профессиональной деятельности. Приоритеты: содействие в становлении в России института свободы слова и свободы выражения мнения как фундаментального элемента демократического, правового государства, расширение практических возможностей журналистов и общества в целом для отстаивания своих конституционных прав на свободу слова и свободу выражения мнения, свободное получение и распространение информации. Центр признан экспертной организацией в области защиты прав журналистов и в целом свободы слова на международном уровне, представляя интересы профессионального сообщества в Европейском суде по правам человека, в Совете Европы.

Match avec la démocratie

À partir du jeudi 17 février 2022 et jusqu’au 8 avril, l'ensemble des membres de Tinder en France âgés de 18 à 25 ans verront donc apparaître plusieurs “Swipe Video Card'' détaillant les démarches à suivre pour les élections présidentielles de 2022. Chaque Swipe Card dirige les membres vers notre page “Infos élections”.

Tow Zone Alerts

We help people avoid getting ticketed and towed when they park on the street through simple SMS alerts.

Transparency & Accountability Initiative Grants Database

Includes funding from Ford, Hewlett, Luminate, MacArthur, OpenSocietyFoundation, and Chandler foundations totaling over half a billion dollars

APAC Cybersecurity Fund, Google’s philanthropic arm, is providing $15M to The Asia Foundation to launch the APAC Cybersecurity Fund in partnership with CyberPeace Institute and Global Cyber Alliance to bolster cyber capabilities of 300,000 underserved micro and small businesses, nonprofits, and social enterprises.



Austin, TX

#ISOJ is the official research journal of the International Symposium on Online Journalism. It features articles based on original research, methodologies relevant to the study of journalism and innovative technologies (online, tablets, mobile platforms, etc.), critical syntheses of research and theoretical perspectives on journalism today.



Ireland (Éire)

The objective of the UnderServed Project is to develop a platform for reporting and analysing threats, intended for sectors that are vulnerable to cyberattacks yet lack the resources to mitigate them effectively.

Cyber Secure The Hague

Cyber Secure The Hague

The Hague, Netherlands

A non-profit consortium will offer free cybersecurity support to almost 200 humanitarian NGOs in The Hague in the next 1.5 years.

Mano Valstybė

This website provides data on the turnover of leaders in municipal and state-owned enterprises, and their connections with political parties or associations.

Rinkėjo puslapis

Rinkėjo puslapis

Lithuania (Lietuva)

"Voter Page" aims at providing electronic advanced services to voters.



South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

MyCandidate is a platform that empowers voters with easy-to-understand electoral information that anyone can access ahead of an election.

Centre for Democracy

The Centre for Democracy was founded in January 2021 to develop the ecosystem of organisations working towards a better democracy in the UK

Americans Elect

Americans Elect was a political organization in the United States known primarily for its efforts to stage a national online primary for the 2012 US Presidential Election. Although it was successful in obtaining signatures to get on the ballot in a majority of states, the process set up by the organization did not select a candidate.

US Department of Homeland Security Customer Experience Office

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced today that it has established a permanent Customer Experience (CX) office to help deliver services that are simple to use, accessible, equitable, protective, transparent, and responsive for all DHS customers.

The Internews Risk and Response Fund

The Risk and Response Fund is a $10 million pool of unrestricted resources that can be deployed with speed when a crisis strikes. It will also ensure Internews has unrestricted funds to cover the organizational risks and costs inherent in operating a multinational nonprofit with programs in the places that need information most.

Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) Local Government Jobs board

Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) is an “accidental professional association” that began in Portland, Oregon in 2012 with a 16 member dinner group. Today, ELGL has grown to over 4800 members from all 50 states plus Canada, UK, Israel, and Australia.



United States of America (the)

Safecity empowers communities worldwide to report and combat gender-based violence through crowd-sourced data and technology.



United States of America (the)

An AI startup's chatbots representing each of the 17 major US presidential candidates.

Advocacy Assembly

Advocacy Assembly

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Advocacy Assembly is a free e-learning platform featuring dozens of courses for human rights activists, campaigners and journalists.

Public Works Office

Public Works Office

United States of America (the)

PwO is a technical consultancy that specializes in 0->1 product development and technology enablement in complex stakeholder environments, frequently touching government or the built environment, and often related to innovation and/or user experience-first initiatives.



Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan

NoKunda was a pioneering civic tech initiative designed to catalyze a civic movement in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, enabling citizens to report instances of electricity theft to the relevant authorities.

Dados eleitorais

Dados eleitorais

Rio de Janeiro

Os dados referem-se a eleições realizadas no Brasil entre 1945 e 2006 para os mais diversos âmbitos de governo. Incluem a competição eleitoral para a Presidência da República, para governos de estado, para a Câmara dos Deputados e para o Senado Federal.

Dados legislativos Brasil

Acervo de dados do Congresso Nacional coletados e organizados pelo NECON.

Meta's Trusted Partners

Meta's Trusted Partners

Facebook, Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA, USA

"Bringing local context to our global standards...Our network of Trusted Partners includes over 400 non-governmental organizations, humanitarian agencies, human rights defenders and researchers from 113 countries around the globe."




Digitizing Local Languages, Localizing Digital access for 1 Billion Africans

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