Search Results - ATI (5733)

Showing 5733 Results

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project received a grant from Google AI Impact to do machine learning on incoming calls to route callers to FAQs or humans.

Better Reykjavik

Better Reykjavik

Reykjavík, Iceland

Better Reykjavik allows citizens to propose the policies that matter to them

Calyx Institute

Calyx Institute

Brooklyn, NY

Our mission is to educate the public about privacy in digital communications and to develop tools that anyone can use. By embracing "privacy by design," we help make digital security and privacy more accessible to everyone.

CSDC Systems

CSDC Systems

804 Las Cimas Parkway, Austin, TX 78746, USA

Since 1989, CSDC has been fueling process performance through purpose-built, automation technology.

Anti Ring

This is a project to counter the Amazon Ring doorbell camera surveillance infrastructure. We provide information for users and community members concerned about the country’s biggest company planting always-on cameras all over our streets.

La Fabrique de la Loi

La Fabrique de la Loi

41 Rue Boissy d'Anglas, Paris, France

Explorez l'évolution de la loi au fil de la procédure parlementaire avec La Fabrique de la Loi ! Plus de 800 textes de loi promulgués depuis 2008 à explorer pour mieux comprendre comment les parlementaires influent sur la loi

Petition site. WeMove Europe is a values-based community of Europeans spread across the continent that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of all people, future generations and the planet.

The GDELT Project

The GDELT Project

Georgetown University, 3700 O St NW, Washington, DC 20057, United States

Monitors the world's broadcast, print, and web news from nearly every corner of every country in over 100 languages and identifies the people, locations, organizations, themes, sources, emotions, counts, quotes, images and events driving our global society every second of every day, creating a free open platform for computing on the entire world

D3 Impact Nights

Impact investors embracing more responsibility to a society bring innovations in investing values, assets and practices, and awakens the financial world that the real role of money is to contribute to the humanity and a sustainable world.




U-Report is a free SMS social monitoring tool for community participation, designed to address issues that people care about

UrbanFootprint (previously Calthorpe Analytics)

Design the sustainable cities of tomorrow with the first end-to-end urban planning software. Discover the platform built for planners, by planners.



India (Bhārat)

cVIGIL is an innovative mobile application for citizens to report Model Code of Conduct and Expenditure violations during the elections

Wayfindr with TfL

Wayfindr with TfL

52-58 Arcola Street, London E8 2DJ, UK

We have developed the world's first internationally-approved standard for accessible audio navigation.


The basic idea of the game is to end the monopolistic practices of the 3-company-combinations of the game board. The players are Trust-Busting lawyers going about the board slapping lawsuits on the monopolies. The winning trust buster is the one who ends with the largest number of social-credit points when one of the players runs out of money.There are 3 kinds of company combinations on the board: Oligopolies, Trusts and Monopolies, marked by one, two and three “accusation circles” respectively. “Accusing” is done by placing a small, round chip of the same color as your token on such a circle. When all accusation circles of a combination are covered, the monopolistic practices of that combination have been ended. An accusation chip can be bought from the “Budget-Commissioner”; when lending money, he provides a Social-Credit card as an IOU.Variant rules are supplied for a Low-Budget Game and a Trading Game.Anspach fought –and won– a vicious court battle against Hasbro (and others) over this game.Anti-Monopoly was briefly (1976-1982) published as “Anti” and “Anti-Monopoly II” was published as “Choice” whilst the company was forbidden to use the word “Monopoly”. In 1984 after prevailing in court the company used the names “Anti-Monopoly” and “Anti-Monopoly II” for its two games. In 1987, Anti-Monopoly was withdrawn and Anti-Monopoly II was renamed “Anti-Monopoly”. The game described here was produced as Anti-Monopoly before 1976 and from 1984 thru 1987. The game produced as Anti-Monopoly after 1987 is a different game, with the same name. Plenty of potential for confusion there, eh?

Voix et Actions Citoyennes

Voix et Actions Citoyennes is a civic organization led by young people and oriented towards Beninese and African youth. It aims to promote, via digital tools, active and responsible civic participation of young people for the effective achievement of increased democratic and local governance. It is intended to be an information and training platform for young people on the concepts of digital citizenship, citizen participation, accountability, E-democracy, Open data.



Google, 8th Avenue, Manhattan, New York, NY, USA

Unfiltered.News maps what important news stories might not be covered in your country, using the Google News corpus to allow internet users to discover which stories are being covered in certain locations, how different countries cover stories differently, and how issue coverage changes over time.




MetroQuest is public involvement software with a track record of award-winning planning projects. Engage thousands, gain insight, build community support.

Facebook Tracking Exposed

a project to improve the transparency behind Facebook’s algorithms



Washington, DC

Sometimes, collaboration means an overt step forward. Other times it's a step to the side. With this in mind, we're bidding farewell to OpenCongress and redirecting users to GovTrack.

Register to vote. Check your registration status. Get your absentee ballot. Fast, free, easy, secure, nonpartisan.

Urban Data Explorer

We have developed a data visualisation app which enables you to upload and visualise exports from both the Tombolo Digital Connector and your commonly used GIS systems online.

Reach for Change

Reach for Change is a non-profit organisation founded by the Kinnevik Group to improve the lives of children and youth.

Future Cities Expo

Cityx is a two-day expo organised by Connected Places Catapult taking place at the Urban Innovation Centre in London from 13th – 14th November 2019.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Mountain View, CA, USA

It gives you the free tools you need to analyse data for your business in one place, so you can make smarter decisions.

Visions of Government in 2040: The Future of Civic Engagement

In the IBM Center’s new book, Government For The Future: Reflection and Vision for Tomorrow’ Leaders, Part Two of the book looks twenty years ahead – to 2040 -- offering perspectives on the future.

Dispute Finder Archive

The Dispute Finder Firefox Extension helped you know when information you read is disputed by highlighting snippets if they make a disputed claim


Crowdfund innovations in tech and design before they go mainstream, and buy hundreds of unique products shipping now from Indiegogo's Marketplace.



Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

a convenient place to verify that our efforts are to have hope in the future cleaner network environment, cultivate hope we have a verification message can alert attitude Instead of sharing information. // 對於 MyGoPen 的起源是希望協助長輩或有資訊落差的朋友們,有個方便查證的地方,我們的努力是希望未來能有更乾淨的網路環境,希望培養大家都有個可以警戒查證訊息的態度,而不是人云亦云的分享資訊。

Public Agenda

Public Agenda is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that helps build a democracy that works for everyone and fuels progress on critical issues.

Storyweaver Freedom to Read

StoryWeaver offers open source libraries for children's books in their native languages.

Cuentas Claras en Elecciones

A page that allows candidates and parties to present election campaign finance information.



Barcelona, Spain

Free open-source participatory democracy for cities and organizations

New Urban Visions

New Urban Visions

Warsaw, Poland

New urban visions, the final event of the EU-funded DSI4EU project, will see the launch of our experimental index and ideas bank, a pioneering piece of work exploring how city ecosystems and governments can support and work with DSI, and of our new collection of positive visions for the future of DSI.


A data collaborative company. Using open source tech & data trusts to enhance impact, inform decisions, & increase equity of opportunity.

MIT Open Documentary Lab Docubase

MIT Open Documentary Lab Docubase

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Drawing on MIT’s legacy of media innovation and its deep commitment to open and accessible information, the MIT Open Documentary Lab brings storytellers, technologists, and scholars together to explore new documentary forms with a particular focus on collaborative, interactive, and immersive storytelling.

Living Wage

Living Wage

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

Empowering employers and employees to ensure fair wages. South Africa has one million domestic workers, with the majority of them left vulnerable to exploitation and living below the poverty line. Living Wage is a calculator based on research surrounding the basic expenses on which a domestic worker may have to spend their salary.

Congress on New Urbanism

Congress on New Urbanism

Congress For the New Urbanism, 1720 N Street Northwest, Downtown, Washington, DC 20036, USA

The premiere national event on building better places



Fuencarral, Madrid, Spain

Ciudad.Decide is a pilot project to encourage citizen participation in Fuencarral, district of Madrid, Spain.

Kupeza Chambo

Kupeza Chambo

Malawi (Malaŵi)

It is a platform that will innovate technology to increase access to the Malawi story, including access to the historical manuscripts at the National Archives of Malawi, and other well-researched content authored by ‘Logos – Open culture’, and other producers

Code for Iowa

Code for Iowa

Iowa City, IA

Iowa is known around the country for its abundance of corn, soybeans, and pork. Code for Iowa is about leveraging our lesser-known abundance of technology talent to spur civic innovation.


MapLight is a nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that reveals the influence of money in politics, informs and empowers voters, and advances reforms that promote a more responsive democracy.

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