Search Results - demo (1184)

Showing 1184 Results

Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy

Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy

Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy, 4th Floor, UNI Building, Thimmiah Road, Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore - 560052, 3211 E. 44th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55406, USA

Egyptian Democratic Academy

Egyptian Democratic Academy

4 Dr. Mohamed Shahen St. from Nawal st. 7th floor flat no. 19 - Dokki - Giza - Egypt

Centre for Law and Democracy

CLD works collaboratively with NGOs around the world, on a consultancy or small project basis, to carry out projects aimed at boosting respect for key human rights.

Coalition for Democracy and Civil Society

The goal of the Coalition for Democracy and Civil Society is to contribute to the process of transparency and fairness of elections through the organization of qualitative, objective and independent monitoring of the pre-election process, the voting day and summing up the results.

Center for Democracy and Citizenship

Center for Democracy and Citizenship

ADC Business Center, 1929 5th Street South, Suite 101, Minneapolis, MN 55454

The Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship is Augsburg University's civic and community engagement center. We connect students, faculty, staff, and community members in the everyday work of learning together to address public issues, make change, and build democracy.

Association for Democratic Reforms

Association for Democratic Reforms

Association for Democratic Reforms, b-1/6 Upper Ground Floor, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India - 110016

Seckilerin Monitorinqi Demokratiyanin Tedrisi

The main goal of EMDS is to achieve a democratic election system and formation of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan.

The Democratic Society (Demsoc)

A networked organisation, we work across Europe to connect citizens with the decisions that shape their lives.

Mehr Demokratie

Mehr Demokratie

Mehr Demokratie e.V., Greifswalderstr. 4, 10108 Berlin, Germany

Seit mehr als 30 Jahren bringt Mehr Demokratie die direkte Demokratie und Bürgerbeteiligung voran und kümmert sich um Transparenz und ein faires Wahlrecht.

Fundacion Democracia Sin Fronteras

Fundacion Democracia Sin Fronteras

Colonia Palmira, 4th street, Paseo Republic of Argentina, House No. 357, Tegucigalpa, MDC Fco Morazan, Honduras

Centar za demokratsku tranziciju (CDT)

Centar za demokratsku tranziciju (CDT)

7 Omladinske bb, Podgorica, 81000, Montenegro

Forum on Information & Democracy

Providing democratic safeguards to the global communication and information space

Media Matters for Democracy Courses

Two courses - Understanding Citizen Journalism and Digital Disinformation and Journalistic Responsibilities

National Endowment for Democracy

National Endowment for Democracy

1025 F Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20004

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is an independent, nonprofit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world.

Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows

The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program hosts democracy activists, scholars, and journalists for five-month fellowships, bringing fresh insights and perspectives to Washington, DC.

Digital democracy: analysis of the disinformation ecosystems on Telegram during the 2022 Brazilian electoral process

Understand the role of the Telegram app in the dissemination of disinformation among Brazilian far-right groups and Analyse (online) radicalization process and (offline) political violence against democratic institutions, especially the Brazilian presidential election in October 2022

European Capital of Democracy

The European Capital of Democracy Initiative will build a strong network of Cities that will foster participation; a platform for hope, and for exercising the will and power to change our world for the better.

The Demography Project

The Demography Project is an independent youth-led civic technology and data journalism non profit registered in Kenya.

The Demography Project TikTok

IDADI is our flagship data journalism project, in collaboration with The Infographics Studio, to disseminate, visualize and democratize official data on TikTok to allow Kenyans participate in decision making and enhance government accountability.

African Digital Democracy Observatory Resident Fellows

The African Digital Democracy Observatory (ADDO) is offering a series of seed grants and additional technical support for targeted research into how both state-affiliated and other lobbyist groups use influence/information operations and disinformation and targeted propaganda to subvert African democracies. The initial research grants focus on four countries: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Senegal.

African Digital Democracy Observatory

ADDO is a coalition of investigative analysis + forensic research organisations that monitor how digital tools and civic technologies impact on the rights of African citizens. The Medium publication covers disinfo trends, provides micro-grant funding to research fellows, and publishes investigations, as well as tools and resources for fighting disinformation.

Climate Democracy Accelerator

Climate Democracy Action (CDA) is a practice-oriented training and support program that prepares advocates and policymakers to use participatory strategies to drive local governments’ response to the climate crisis.

Design 4 Democracy

Our mission is to ensure that information technology and social media play a proactive role in supporting democracy and human rights globally.

Digital Democracy Monitor Toolkit

The Digital Democracy Monitor Toolkit seeks to empower researchers with the knowledge, tools and examples to analyse democratic discourse online.

International Partnership on Information and Democracy

The International Partnership on Information and Democracy is an intergovernmental non-binding agreement endorsed by 38 countries around the world to promote and implement democratic principles in the global information and communication space. It was formally signed during the 74th UN General Assembly in September 2019.

Women's Democracy Network

We empower women around the world to participate in the political process and equip them with the skills to take on greater leadership roles.

Digital Democracy Room

The Digital Democracy Room is an initiative of FGV DAPP to monitor the public debate on the internet and fight disinformation strategies which threaten the integrity of political and electoral processes, seeking to strengthen the democratic institutions.

Digital Democracy Charter

"The Digital Democracy Charter outlines several guiding principles on countering online disinformation and strengthening our democracies given the new digital age." -

Digital Democracy Risk Assessment: A User Guide

A user guide for civil society organizations and researchers to assess the vulnerability of a country’s electoral integrity to online manipulation.

Defending Digital Democracy

Connects academic research on disinformation threats and vulnerability to governments, CSOs, technology firms, political organizations.

Digital Democracy: Episode IV -- A New Hope, How a Corporation for Public Software Could Transform Digital Engagement for Government and Civil Society

Though successive generations of digital technology have become increasingly powerful in the past twenty years, digital democracy has yet to realize its potential for deliberative transformation.

Tech, Media & Democracy course

Through a unique pan-university course, NYC universities partner to explore challenges and opportunities & build prototypes at the intersection of technology, media and democracy

Digital Democracy Lab

The Digital Democracy Lab researches the implications of digital technology for politics and democracy using computational social science methods.

Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions: Catching the Deliberative Wave by OECD

Public authorities from all levels of government increasingly turn to Citizens' Assemblies, Juries, Panels and other representative deliberative processes to tackle complex policy problems ranging from climate change to infrastructure investment decisions.

NYU Tandon Cybersecurity for Democracy

NYU Tandon Cybersecurity for Democracy

New York University, New York, NY, USA

Cybersecurity for Democracy is a research-based effort to expose online threats to our social fabric – and recommend how to counter them. We are part of the Center for Cybersecurity at NYU.

Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index

The EIU Democracy Index provides a snapshot of the state of world democracy for 165 independent states and two territories. The Democracy Index is based on five categories: electoral process and pluralism, civil liberties, the functioning of government, political participation, and political culture. Based on their scores on 60 indicators within these categories, each country is then itself classified as one of four types of regime: full democracy, flawed democracy, hybrid regime or authoritarian regime.

Healthier Democracies Case Studies

Public Agenda's Healthier Democracies project studied public engagement systems from 15 locations around the world, and, accordingly, each study has its own report with key learnings and takeaways.

Xnet Institute For Democratic Digitalisation

An activist project working and proposing advanced solutions in fields related to digital rights and democracy: freedom of expression; net neutrality; digital privacy; the free circulation of culture, knowledge and information; mechanisms for transparency, participation and citizen control of power and institutions; the defence of citizen journalism for the right to know, inform and be informed; the technical, communications and legal fight against corruption; and the technopolitics understood as the practice of networking and taking action for citizen empowerment, justice and social transformation.

Nesta Democracy Pioneers

Nesta Democracy Pioneers

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Democracy Pioneers is an award for innovations that are experimenting with ways to re-energise civic participation and everyday democracy in the UK.

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