Search Results - parliament (263)

Showing 263 Results




Odekro began as an open data initiative but it has grown into a national platform which promotes transparency and citizen participation. The site says it sets out to improve social mobilisation, citizen action, and engagement using technology.

Copy, Paste, Legislate

Copy, Paste, Legislate

Phoenix, AZ, USA

An investigative series deploying algorithms to detect copy-paste legislation

The Firefox EU Elections Toolkit

The Firefox EU Elections Toolkit helps you to prevent pre-vote online manipulation



Los Angeles, CA

PeakMetrics tracks news and government action around the clock, so you save time and react faster.


Mzalendo is a non-partisan entity that keeps an eye on Kenyan Parliament with a mission to facilitate public participation in Parliamentary processes through Information Sharing, Research and Networking.


Vote iQ connects voters & elected officials. We help you learn about issues, simplify the election process,...


¡Sigue los proyectos de ley de tu interés! Encuentra proyectos relacionados a las propuestas hechas en Chilecracia y proyectos de la Agenda social y anti-abuso del Gobierno.



Brasília - Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil

Lets citizens collaboratively draft and edit legislative texts, as well as upvote and downvote individual clauses

Campaign Together

Campaign Together

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

We bring together people from the UK, no matter what their background, to stop the Tories from winning another parliamentary majority at the next election. We use electoral data to determine which left-leaning party has the best chance of beating the Tories in 50 of the most marginal seats and support any and all volunteers to get out campaigning.

Nos Députés

Nos Députés

17 Rue Corneille, 31100 Toulouse, France

Le collectif Regards Citoyens est une association constituée de citoyens de tous âges et régions, tous bénévoles, qui se sont rencontrés sur Internet dans un désir commun de proposer un accès simplifié au fonctionnement de nos institutions démocratiques à partir des informations publiques.


GovRight provides citizens the opportunity to understand and contribute to government and legislation.

Le coup d'État citoyen

Le coup d'État citoyen

9 bis, rue Abel-Hovelacque - 75013 Paris

It opens avenues for reflection to renew our democracy and offers concrete solutions that everyone can take up.


TheyWorkForYou is a website which makes it easy to keep track of your local MP's activities.



Switzerland (Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera)

smartvote BePart ist eine partizipative Plattform. Über diese Plattform können Bürger/-innen aktiv an der Gestaltung des smartvote-Fragebogens für ihre Wahl teilnehmen und ihre eigenen Ideen und Fragen einbringen.

Watchout Issues Lab

Watchout Issues Lab

Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

Watchout is dedicated to lower the threshold of civic participation so that more can understand and engage in our political processes to make Taiwan a better nation. If every citizen keep a watchful eye open, we can make politicians serve the interest of the public, and our civil society can flourish.

CrowdLaw Communiqué

Designed for interested public officials, technologists, politicians and researchers, the CrowdLaw Communiqué features curated news, interviews, announcements, and recommended readings on the…

una nova constitucio

una nova constitucio

Catalonia (Spain)

Here you can find the Catalan Constitution draft that has been written by the group of jurists led by Santiago Vidal. Help us and give us your opinion on the different articles. Your opinion counts!


GovRight provides citizens the opportunity to understand and contribute to government and legislation.

Pauta Participativa

Pauta Participativa

Brasília - Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil

invites citizens to help set Parliament's agenda with a sophisticated form of ranked voting that allows them to express more nuanced preferences than traditional first-past-the-post systems



Defence Colony, New Delhi, Delhi 110024, India

Nyaaya’s platform provides comprehensive information on various legal topics in an accessible and simple language,covering aspects of the law that the public interact with in their daily lives.



Barcelona, Spain

D-CENT is a Europe-wide project creating open, secure and privacy-aware tools for direct democracy and economic empowerment.



Islamic Republic of Iran (Īrān)

Hamdam is a classic period and ovulation tracker with a twist: a significant function of the app is to help familiarize Iranian women with their reproductive and legal rights.



1624 Market St, Denver, CO 80202, USA

Konveio turns regular PDFs into social documents for draft reviews, interactive reports, digital workshops or immersive guides and training materials.



Belgium (België / Belgique / Belgien)

Transparencia is a platform for access to administrative documents (subsidies, public markets, etc.) developed by Anticor Belgium



United States of America (the)

Acquired by Causes. Countable was a citizen’s dashboard to democracy, combining a decoder for Washington policymaking with civic action in one place.


Uses machine learning to track legislation and predict the best methods of advocating for them

National Lottery Community Fund

National Lottery Community Fund

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

The National Lottery Community Fund distributes over £600m a year to communities across the UK, raised by players of The National Lottery

Open Australia Foundation

Open Australia Foundation

The OpenAustralia Foundation PO Box 147 Katoomba NSW 2780

Giving all Australians the tools they need to effect the change they want.

Congress on anything

Congress on anything

United States of America (the)

The latest bills and statements by members of Congress on the topics you care about - search the record



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Get answers from the government and public sector

Common Social Accountability Platform

The CSAP uses interactive radio shows (radio dialogues in combination with SMS feedback) to enable citizens to hold their leaders to account by asking the hard questions. By enabling citizens to text their views to a free short code, the approach allows for large-scale consultations and provides evidence of citizen’s opinions. AVF analyses these views using rigorous social science research and presents them in a form that supports policy action by authorities

Chemi Parlamenti

Chemi Parlamenti

Georgia (Sakartvelo)

Parliamentary oversight and citizen engegement with the legislative process.

Morocco (Al Maghrib)

هذا الموقع يسلط الضوء على تعديلات القانون الجنائي المغربي التي جاءت بها مسودة المشروع . كما يمنح الموقع للزوار إمكانية المشاركة عن طريق التصويت والتعليق.




Flux is a new political party designed to connect Australians directly to Parliament and change politics forever!



Library of Congress, Independence Avenue Southeast, Washington, DC, USA

The Library of Congress announced that the legislative information website THOMAS is scheduled to stop functioning on July 5, with…

Crowdlaw Manifesto

Crowdlaw Manifesto

The GovLab, MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA

A statement of 12 principles for online, participatory lawmaking.



United States of America (the)

Search, browse, subscribe and comment on your City Council bills, council members and events.

Kirchenstraße 15, 5301 Eugendorf, Salzburg, Austria is a thematic search engine that is covering legal content.

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