Search Results - war (885)

Showing 885 Results

Voice of San Diego

Voice of San Diego

San Diego, CA

Launched in 2005, Voice of San Diego was the first digital, nonprofit news organization in the country to serve a local community.

Amachi Pittsburgh

Amachi Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Amachi Pittsburgh raises awareness and delivers services to give children a fighting chance in Allegheny County, and runs a VR pilot program to connect chidren with incaracerated parents


An Earthquake Early Warning System for the West Coast of the United States

HX Project

Short for “human experience,” HX is an approach to talking about, engaging with, and designing technology in a way that is aligned with our needs as humans — not users.

Misinformation Amplification Analysis and Tracking Dashboard

At the Integrity Institute, we are tracking how misinformation performs on platforms to measure the extent to which platforms are amplifying misinformation, and the extent to which they are creating an incentive structure that rewards lies and misinformation online.

Tech Lake City’ initiative

Salt Lake City's govtech innovation program is focused on modernization and digital equity for residents. "Another area the department will focus on is integrating the city’s “Digital Equity For All” policy. Passed in September 2020, the policy aims to provide residents with the opportunity to access and use information and communication technologies reliably. The resolution, which was inspired by the importance of technology during the pandemic, aims to incorporate three concepts: relevant content, services, hardware and digital literacy into the city’s policymaking. To achieve this, the department will: increase usage and understanding of digital and communications technology address potential barriers to digital inclusion address the need for digital literacy training address the need for access via reliable and affordable devices address the need for language and disability accommodations develop relevancy and advocacy campaigns within specific communities and populations"

Transparency & Accountability Initiative (TAI)

Transparency & Accountability Initiative (TAI)

1100 13th Street NW Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20005

The Transparency and Accountability Initiative (TAI) is a donor collaborative working toward a democratic world where power and resources are more equally distributed; people are informed and empowered, governments and the corporate sector are open and responsive, and collective action advances the public good.



Sweden (Sverige)

Society for free culture and software

Quebrando o Tabú

Quebrando o Tabú is a storytelling organisation focused on raising awareness and engagement around human rights, democracy, and development in Brazil.



421 University Ave, Rochester, NY 14607, USA

Inactive academic program on Free & Open Source Software


OpenTripPlanner (OTP) is a family of open source software projects that provide passenger information and transportation network analysis services.

Center for Government Interoperability

Center for Government Interoperability

Center for Government Interoperability, 500 Main Street, Winters, CA 95694

Our drive and passion is to help government save money and become more efficient through sharing software and collaboration


Zenysis is an interoperability platform built to accelerate global development goals and improve lives everywhere.

Beirut Urban Lab

Beirut Urban Lab

Raymond Ghosn Building, American University of Beirut, Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture PO Box. 11-0236 Riad El Solh 1107 2020, Beirut Lebanon

Refugees as City-Makers

The World Investigates (TWI)


The Ferret

The Ferret is an award winning investigative journalism co-operatitive powered by our readers and writers. Join us.

Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust

The Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust or ARTT is focused on helping people engage in trust-building ways when discussing vaccine efficacy and other topics online.

WFP Innovation Challenge

We’ve launched the latest WFP Innovation Challenge in search of game-changing innovations addressing the Global Food Crisis.

Response Innovation Lab Iraq

The Iraq Response Innovation Lab (IRIL) convenes actors around humanitarian problems faced locally through analysis and promotion of innovations and innovators.

공익제보자가 외롭지 않도록

공익제보자가 외롭지 않도록

Republic of South Korea (Hanguk or Namhan)

An award for the public interest whistleblower of the year

g0v Citizen Science and Technology Innovation Grants

In order to encourage more outstanding talents to invest in the new-type democratic experiment field and accelerate the incubation of more achievements, the g0v zero-hour government loosening group of Dasong is held on a regular basis.



Palo Alto

JusticeAI is an open source platform and suite of tools that strategically apply machine learning, computer vision, and metadata analysis to sort, identify, and analyze digital media.

Coda Story

Coda Story reports on major currents shaping our world from disinformation to authoritarian technologies to the war on science. Coda stays on these stories to reveal why they matter, how they are connected and where they are heading next.

European Capital of Democracy

The European Capital of Democracy Initiative will build a strong network of Cities that will foster participation; a platform for hope, and for exercising the will and power to change our world for the better.

Designing Digital Participatory Budgeting Platforms: Urban Biking Activism in Madrid

Investigating the empirical case of urban biking activists in Madrid, we explore how the design of the digital platform Decide Madrid impacted the collaborative practices involved in digital participatory budgeting. We found that the design of the platform made the interaction competitive, where individuals sought to gain votes for their single proposals, rather than consider the relations across proposals and the larger context of the city decisions, even if the institutional process rewarded collective support.


At, we meet, discuss, learn and take climate action together. We would love for you to join us on Slack.



Brussels, Belgium

Social elections solution for staff representative elections

Omidyar Network - The Tech We Want

Omidyar Network - The Tech We Want

1991 Broadway Street, Suite 200, Redwood City, California 94063

The Tech We Want is four-year, $8 million portfolio of work focused on connecting and empowering a new wave of leaders, companies, and technologies that are built on inclusivity, mutualism, sustainability, accountability, and responsible innovation.

مبادرة تغريدات (Taghreedat)

مبادرة تغريدات (Taghreedat)

Middle East and North Africa

Taghreedat (Arabic: مبادرة تغريدات) is the largest Arabic crowdsourcing initiative in the MENA region.


WikiRumours is a web-based database which enables geographically distributed teams to collaborate asynchronously on monitoring, verifying, and countering the spread of harmful rumours and misinformation.

The Turing Way

The Turing Way

The Alan Turing Institute, Euston Road, London, UK

Community-led guides for data science and open research


Power your mission with industry-leading fundraising and donor management software. Engage donors seamlessly from anywhere with a built-to-grow solution.

The Demography Project

The Demography Project is an independent youth-led civic technology and data journalism non profit registered in Kenya.

The Continent

The Continent is an award-winning African newspaper, designed to be read and shared on WhatsApp.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

15 stories of workers fighting back in a digital age

Artificial Intelligence in the City: Building Civic Engagement and Public Trust

A collection of essays edited by Ana Brandusescu and Jess Reia featuring essays from participants of the AI in the City: Building Civic Engagement and Public Trust symposium that took place remotely on February 10, 2022.

Callisto Vault

Callisto Vault

San Francisco

A suite of tools designed to help survivors navigate barriers and define their own pathways toward healing and justice. Within Callisto Vault, survivors can access two tools: the Matching System and Encrypted Record Form.

YAI Center for Innovation and Engagement

YAI’s Center for Innovation and Engagement understands how technology can help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities better participate in their community.

Critical Media Literacy and Civic Learning

Interactive Explorations for Students and Teachers, by Robert W. Maloy, Torrey Trust, Allison Butler, & Chenyang Xu

El Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología

El Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología publica un directorio general de aplicaciones o/y soluciones cuyo objetivo es favorecer la reutilización de soluciones por todas las Administraciones Públicas en España.

Harassment Manager

Harassment Manager is a web application that aims to empower users to document and take action on abuse targeted at them on online platforms.

Smart Cville

Smart Cville

401 Water St E, Charlottesville, VA 22902

Empowering and inspiring civic innovators across central Virginia

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