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Open Mapping Hub - Eastern and Southern Africa

The Open Mapping Hub - Eastern and Southern Africa exists to serve communities in the region by supporting the creation, maintenance, distribution, and use of high-quality open maps that are relevant for and contributed to by local communities.

Conversations with Volunteers

Conversations with Volunteers

Southern and East Africa

Open Mapping Hub Eastern & South Africa's podcast

Innovation Exchange

Initiators of successful political projects in a specific area of politics provide their know-how, experience and dos-and-don’ts in a highly motivating dialogue

Democracy Technologies

A magazine established to provide people working in politics and the industry of Democracy Technologies with in-depth information about new developments and technologies in the field of digital participation and deliberation, electronic voting, and other digital tools that improve political organisations.



Paris, France

DemocracyNext is an international non-profit, non-partisan research and action institute.


At, we meet, discuss, learn and take climate action together. We would love for you to join us on Slack.



Brussels, Belgium

Social elections solution for staff representative elections



99 Wall Street NY

ClearRoad provides cloud-based solutions to keep roads well-maintained and well-managed Schedule a demo

Omidyar Network - The Tech We Want

Omidyar Network - The Tech We Want

1991 Broadway Street, Suite 200, Redwood City, California 94063

The Tech We Want is four-year, $8 million portfolio of work focused on connecting and empowering a new wave of leaders, companies, and technologies that are built on inclusivity, mutualism, sustainability, accountability, and responsible innovation.


Blockchain-based connectivity network for decentralized wireless infrastructure

Forage Payments

Forage Payments

San Francisco

Forage is a USDA approved third-party payment processor (TPP) and a PIN provider that authenticates and processes EBT transactions.

WhatsApp Third Party Fact-Checkers

End-to-end fact-checking on the WhatsApp Business API organized by Meedan


LandOS facilitates project design, due diligence, finance and certification – all key to unlocking supply at scale.

Clean Energy for All

Clean Energy for All

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

The Biden Administration's explainer site for the Inflation Reduction Act's renewable energy provisions

GovTrack Legislator Misconduct Database

This page lists 479 instances of alleged and actual misconduct by legislators in the United States Congress from 1789 to the present.

Institute for Representative Government

The Institute for Representative Government (IRG) was established in 1988 by a group of former Members of Congress as an independent, bipartisan, non-profit organization to provide high level, professional exchange programs for parliamentarians from developing or newly-established democracies.

Hack Your Bureaucracy: Get Things Done No Matter What Your Role on Any Team

In this "deeply empowering and practical book"(Cecilia Muñoz), two technology and innovation leaders reveal dozens of tactics that enabled them to accomplish seemingly impossible reforms in organizations of all types and sizes

University of Bern

Die Universität Bern ist eine 1834 gegründete Volluniversität in der Stadt Bern, mit acht Fakultäten, rund 150 Instituten und 9 inter- und transdisziplinäre Kompetenzzentren.


WikiRumours is a web-based database which enables geographically distributed teams to collaborate asynchronously on monitoring, verifying, and countering the spread of harmful rumours and misinformation.


Logically works to tackle the individual, institutional, and societal harms caused by misleading and deceptive online discourse.

UNESCO Audio resources to counter disinformation

To contribute to countering disinformation on COVID-19 and promoting healthy behaviours, UNESCO has produced a series of audio messages that can be freely used by radio stations from around the world.

Access Lab

Access Lab


Access Lab é uma empresa que trabalha o acesso de pessoas com deficiência e S/surdas à cultura e ao entretenimento enquanto direito humano fundamental.

Chequeado's WhatsApp bot

Latin American fact-checking organization's Whatsapp bot to make it easier for people to ask for fact-checks

Disinfo Database

EU vs Disinfo's database of over 12,000 samples of pro-Kremlin disinformation

Um guia da dieta de mídia digital brasileira

Como os brasileiros usam a internet? Como é seu comportamento na hora de buscar informações na rede? O InternetLab manterá um guia com indicadores sobre como anda a dieta de mídia dos brasileiros e brasileiras.

Wikimedia Foundation

The nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation provides the essential infrastructure for free knowledge.

Government Apps Special Report

In this project, we studied 13 government mobile apps – eight from the federal public administration and five from the state of São Paulo – that we believed most affect Brazilian citizens on a daily basis for their relation to services that are especially relevant to our day-to-day life and to the government-citizen relationship.



South America

SocialTIC es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a la investigación, formación, acompañamiento y promoción de la tecnología digital e información para fines sociales.Conoce nuestros proyectos, reflexiones y recomendaciones sobre infoactivismo, datos abiertos y seguridad digital

Brazil (Brasil)

Esta é uma plataforma de monitoramento de casos que levaram, puderam levar ou podem levar a bloqueios de aplicações de Internet no Brasil. Aqui se encontram materiais originais e análises, em português e inglês, de casos envolvendo bloqueios no país.



South America

A collection of tactics, cases, and guides to using information for activism

The Turing Way: Community-led guides for data science and open research

The Turing Way: Community-led guides for data science and open research

The Alan Turing Institute, Euston Road, London, UK

Alan Turing has long proved a subject of fascination, but following the centenary of his birth in 2012, the code-breaker, computer pioneer, mathematician (and much more) has become even more celebrated with much media coverage, and several meetings, conferences and books raising public awareness of Turing's life and work.



Brazil (Brasil)

Com o objetivo de ampliar as discussões envolvendo liberdade de expressão travadas na seção “Colunas” e levá-las para outros espaços, estabeleceu parceria com o Jota, portal de notícias voltado a operadores do Direito

Arquivo Casoteca

Arquivo Casoteca

Brazil (Brasil)

Conheça casos envolvendo liberdade de expressão no ambiente digital

Plataforma Democrática

O projeto Fura Bolha é uma série de bate-papos entre figuras conhecidas na sociedade brasileira por pensarem diferente.

Interactive Media Bias Chart

A chart of thousands of media sources based on source reliability and surveys of perceived political biases

Civic Voices

With the Civic Voice, you have the power to access, follow through and contribute to bills that matter most to you.

Flood Light

Flood Light


Ushahidi instance crowdsourcing the flood-related data from the 2022 Floods in Pakistan.

National Center for Charitable Statistics

Open data and code about the nonprofit sector in the US

Technology Innovation Awards

Technology Innovation Awards

United States of America (the)

Does your nonprofit have a technology related project idea that will advance your mission?

No Minor Futures

No Minor Futures is a public education campaign amplifying children's hopes and fears about AI technology. It uses animations, podcasts, workshops, and social media.


The future of philanthropy built upon Bitcoin and Blockchain

TechImpact Technology Learning Center (formerly NPower)

Find original research, insights, and assessment tools to help you solve your biggest tech challenges.

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