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The School for Everyday Democracy

This programme will support 100 people to become Everyday Democracy Champions, in turn catalysing the action of others in communities furthest from power, and creating tangible change across all four UK nations.



Dakar, Senegal

The African League of Cyber-Activists and Bloggers for Democracy, commonly known as AfricTivistes, is the union of bloggers and web-activists from the continent and its diaspora to promote and defend democratic values, human rights and good governance through digital means.

Les Villageois 2.0

Les Villageois 2.0

Guinea (Guinée)

Villageois 2.0 est une association qui a pour objectif de sensibiliser les citoyens des différentes localités de la Guinée sur les avantages et risques des TIC.

Trial Monitoring of Corruption Cases

The trial monitoring of corruption cases program uses tech tools to improve the justice sector by making the workings of the judiciary easier to understand and scrutinize.

Digital Rogue Society Experiment Group

Civil society organization craving for improved government, political parties, CSOs and businesses accountability with the introduction of reliable and innovative civic engagement solutions.

Civic Tech Innovation Short Course, Wits School of Governance

This course will provide you with skills to develop an applied understanding of how to use technological platforms to enhance the interface between government and citizens in the delivery of services.

Equitable Community Engagement Toolkit

The City of Philadelphia aims to improve collaboration with communities. This website shares guidance on how to engage communities equitably.




Maru is a chatbot that helps you tackle online harassment

Planning for Informality

Planning for Informality

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

What is your city doing to upgrade informal settlements?


We are a civic tech organization fostering courtroom openness, social justice and citizen engagement in Nigeria.

Civic Changemakers Fellowship

In 2020, the initiative launched a yearly civic innovation and governance training to empower community champions to become lifelong changemakers by developing and scaling solutions for disrupting civic participation and improving governance and social justice in their communities.

Democracy Works Foundation (DFW)

Democracy Works Foundation (DFW)

Johannesburg, South Africa

Providing Tools To Build Resilient Democracies.

Joseph Rowntree Foundation

At the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, we work to speed up and support the transition to a future free from poverty, in which people and planet can flourish.

CivicSpace (New America)

CivicSpace focuses on building better feedback loops between residents and policymakers to build policies that improve racial and economic equity in Illinois.

New America Chicago

New America Chicago is a nonpartisan policy innovation lab based at The Chicago Community Trust.

Digital Fundamentals for Public Impact

Digital Fundamentals for Public Impact

Georgetown University, 3700 O St NW, Washington, DC 20057, United States

Online course offered through Georgetown University’s Initiative on Technology and Society, the Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation and the McCourt School of Public Policy: a continuing education course to help participants rapidly grasp digital fundamentals in a way that is practical and relevant to their work.


CivicSearch is a search and discovery tool for everything that is said in local government meetings, texts, and laws. It covers 547 cities and towns in the US and Canada.


Wholly embeddable voter registration, polling place lookup, reminders, absentee, and election date tools for your organization.


Bypass censorship by disguising web traffic. A feature in Tor Browser, Onion Browser, and Orbot.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is a public benefit corporation responsible for public transportation in the New York City metropolitan area of the U.S. state of New York.


Datamuse is a collection of websites, mobile apps, and APIs designed to help people create and communicate more effectively.

Find your elected rep with GPS

This free app includes information on 100 Senators, 50 State Attorney Generals, 50 Governors, 426 Congressional reps by state. And 1,964 State Senators and 5,443 State House Reps.

Engaged Athlete Fellowship

Starting in the fall of 2023, this fellowship will empower student athletes from across the country to strengthen non-partisan civic participation on their teams, on their campuses, and in their broader communities.

New York City

A tool that makes it easy to navigate and research government meetings. It uses LLMs to create granular chapters that readers can skim and share.

University of Maryland's Program for Public Consultation

The Program for Public Consultation was established to develop the methods and theory of public consultation and to conduct public consultations.

Voice of the People's Policymaking Simulations

Voice Of the People (VOP) is a nonpartisan organization working to re-anchor our democracy in its founding principles by giving ‘We the People’ a greater and more effective voice in government.

Humanitas AI

Humanitas AI

Palo Alto

We’re reimagining the supply chain of social care for the new era.

The Global Innovations in Democracy: Parliamentary Exchange

The Global Innovations in Democracy: Parliamentary Exchange (GID), led by the Institute for Democratic Engagement and Accountability (IDEA) at The Ohio State University, and the Center for Democracy Innovation (now part of the National Civic League), was established in 2022 to provide a global forum for legislators to discuss the most innovative methods and tools for gathering input, overcoming divisions, building trust, and gaining public support for public policy.

News Ambassadors

What might it sound like if a reporter in rural Missouri partnered with a reporter in New York City to together explore contentious issues and uplift common ground?

Citizen Connect

Citizen Connect is a non-partisan platform dedicated to helping Americans right, left and center find ways to heal our divides and strengthen this great nation.

Digital Public Library of America

Discover 49,883,271 images, texts, videos, and sounds from across the United States

Bridge Alliance

Bridge Alliance members work in diverse areas of practice, all serving the larger movement for healthy self-governance.

Ohio State Institute for Democratic Engagement and Accountability (IDEA)

We seek to make democracy more deliberative – to empower people to talk across differences, find common ground, and build political change for the public good.

Digital Donors Exchange (DDX)

Digital Donors Exchange (DDX)

United Nations Foundation

The Digital Donors Exchange, or DDX, is a community of global digital development funders who are committed to improving the lives of all people through harnessing that power.

The Social Practice

The Social Practice is an ideologically-driven consultancy based in the US and Europe. We help those working for big change to strategize, communicate, and organize at scale.




Platform brings workers and communities together to create new, liberatory systems that tackle injustice and climate breakdown.



Chicago, IL

Where Chicago's historically underrepresented tech founders find the funding, knowledge, and networks to help your business thrive.

Digital Public Goods Charter

Digital Public Goods Charter

United Nations Foundation

The DPG Charter is a multi-stakeholder campaign to align and mobilize diverse stakeholders and initiatives around a compelling shared vision for digital public goods (open-source technologies designed for the public good) and their role in driving safe, trusted and inclusive digital public infrastructure at scale.

Civic X Syllabus

Civic X Syllabus is a roadmap to learning about civic research, civic data, civic tech, and civic design.



New Orleans, LA

Beloved Community offers a number of consulting services to support organizations and communities to drive change within organizations by providing teams with custom coaching and the necessary thought leadership to advance equity journeys.

The Digital Impact Exchange

The Digital Impact Exchange

United Nations Foundation

It can be tough for government decision makers to find current, reliable information on tried-and-tested technologies. The Exchange solves that problem by serving as a one-stop shop, featuring over 500 digital tools, products and opportunities for government technology decision makers, IT developers, and product vendors.

Climate Data Joint Learning Network

Climate Data Joint Learning Network

United Nations Foundation

The Climate Data JLN will surface key data governance innovations that will enable climate-relevant data to be more accessible and useful for frontline governments and communities.

The Citizens’ Biometrics Council

Bringing together 50 members of the UK public to deliberate on the use of biometrics technologies like facial recognition.

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