The People - (994)

A directory of the people and social processes that make up civic tech, organized by your needs.

Showing 994 Results

Code for America gov listserv

Code for America is working towards a government by the people, for the people, that works in the 21st century. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit that helps residents and governments harness technology to solve community problems.

Programa de Derechos Humanos

Programa de Derechos Humanos

Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico

El Programa de Derechos Humanos busca, desde su creación en el año de 1998, contribuir a la plena vigencia de los derechos humanos en México a través de la investigación con pertinencia social, la incidencia en el contexto político y social y la promoción de la justicia.

New America's work supporting the 2020 US Census

New America's work supporting the 2020 US Census

New America, 15th Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

A series of projects, events, and resources in support of the 2020 US Census

Open San Diego

Open San Diego

San Diego, CA

We are San Diegans who believe data and technology can better serve citizens, sparking a more vibrant democracy and civic life. We treasure our communities and work together to bolster our public experience. We are a brigade of the national, non-partisan Code for America, leveraging their resources, but keenly focused on our improving local issues here at home.

Code for Germany

Code for Germany

Germany (Deutschland)

The goal of the program is to promote developments in transparency, open data, and civic technology.

The Interface

The Interface is a daily column about the intersection of social media and democracy.

Civic Innovation Challenge Ideas Competition

The Civic Innovation Challenge aims to leverage social science, data, and technology to address complex community challenges, enhance job growth and economic competitiveness, and address equity in our communities.

How do you like it so far?

How do you like it so far?

3502 Watt Way, ASC 104 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0281

How Do You Like It So Far uses pop culture to take soundings of a society in transition, exploring intersections with civic imagination and engagement, and social and political change. Henry Jenkins and Colin Maclay are your guides on this adventure.



Washington, DC

the world's first social networking platform for the labor movement with 30,000 Union Profiles

Microsoft AI for Good Challenge

In the 2020 Microsoft AI for Good Challenge, Australian students in Grades 7-12 are supported by their teachers to learn the basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence.

Warren's Meme Team

Warren's Meme Team

United States of America (the)

Saving the nation with selfies and memes

Govtech 360

A show that takes the two dullest subjects in the world, government and technology, and makes them irresistibly relevant and undeniably fascinating. (Trust us!)

New Urban Visions

New Urban Visions

Warsaw, Poland

New urban visions, the final event of the EU-funded DSI4EU project, will see the launch of our experimental index and ideas bank, a pioneering piece of work exploring how city ecosystems and governments can support and work with DSI, and of our new collection of positive visions for the future of DSI.

Managing Innovation Prizes in Government

The use of prizes and awards is a visible element of the Obama Administration’s efforts to promote innovation in government



Brazil (Brasil)

Non-profit organization specialized in helping other organizations through the implementation of innovative technological developments.

The Digital Bill

The Government clearly highlighted the modifications made to the text following this consultation, in order to facilitate the follow-up of proposals from different contributors.

Civic Tech YYC

Civic Tech YYC

Calgary, AB, Canada

CivicTechYYC is a community based group that is part of a global movement to leverage technology for public good.

Obama Foundation

"I'm asking you to believe. Not in my ability to create change — but in yours." President Barack Obama

Sulaiman Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi

Sheikh Sulaiman bin Abdulaziz Al Rajhi (Arabic :سليمان بن عبد العزيز الراجحي, born 1929)[1] is a Saudi Arabian corporate figure and billionaire.

Open Governance Research Exchange

OGRX is a platform for browsing and sharing research findings about new, innovative ways to solve public problems.

Hive Chicago Fund

The Hive Chicago Fund for Connected Learning (Fund) at The Chicago Community Trust is a funder collaborative that empowers educators to use connected learning principles, including the thoughtful integration of digital media and technology, to help engage youth in meaningful 21st Century learning experiences.

Digital Cities

Digital Cities

United States of America (the)

Examining the overall technology programs and plans of the city with awards presented concurrently with the National League of Cities conference held each November.

People's Press

People's Press

58 Victoria Embankment

People’s Press is a fictional community magazine exploring the use of digital social innovation in the year 2030

Blue 1647

Blue 1647

Chicago, IL

Powered by community we exist to enable your educational & entrepreneurial pursuits.

Media Party

Media Party

Buenos Aires

The Media Party is a three days event that brings together 2000 entrepreneurs, journalists, software programmers and designers from five Continents to work together for the future of media.

Call Time

Call Time

Los Angeles, CA

Online political fundraising tools powered by artificial intelligence, automation, and analytics. Call Time provides online donor research and an automated fundraising platform.

Chatham House Commission on Democracy and Technology

Chatham House is establishing a Commission on Democracy and Technology in Europe to help investigate the nexus of technological change and the future of democratic governance.

Ryerson University Digital Government and Civic Tech

Designed for public servants, this course helps government innovators learn how to lead digital-driven change in the public sector.

Annenberg Civic Media Fellowship

Annenberg Civic Media Fellowship

3502 Watt Way, ASC 104 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0281

a fellowship program to empower social entrepreneurs, artists, activists, scholars and other catalysts to increase awareness, understanding and engagement around pressing areas of public interest, with particular attention to underrepresented communities and their ideas

The Annenberg Innovation Lab (AnnLab)

The Annenberg Innovation Lab (AnnLab)

3502 Watt Way, ASC 104 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0281

The Annenberg Innovation Lab is a curious, creative and committed Think & Do Tank at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism

Public Hall

Public Hall

1 Horse Guards RdWestminster, London SW1A 2HQ, UK

Looking to transform public services and influence government? Grab a desk and join the startups and civic servants driving the govtech revolution.

United States of America (the)

We bring the best of Google to help solve some of humanity’s biggest challenges — combining funding, innovation, and technical expertise to support underserved communities and provide opportunity for everyone.

Dangerous Speech Project

The Dangerous Speech Project was founded in 2010 to study speech (any form of human expression) that inspires violence between groups of people – and to find ways to mitigate this while protecting freedom of expression.



South America

LABIC are a series of labs aimed at fostering civic innovation in Ibero-America, in order to boost social transformation, democratic governance, and social, cultural and economic development.

Proto's WhatsApp Checkpoint Tipline

“The Checkpoint tipline is primarily used to gather data for research, and is not a helpline that will be able to provide a response to every user.”

Codeando Mexico

Codeando Mexico

Mexico (Estados Unidos Mexicanos)

Generamos nuevas formas de participación ciudadana a través de la tecnología.

Netzpolitik podcast

Netzpolitik podcast

Germany (Deutschland)

NPP Off The Record ist ein Podcast zu unseren Reportagen und Recherchen, der einen Einblick in die redaktionelle Arbeit gibt. Er erscheint regelmäßig am 1.

The Responsive City

The Responsive City: Engaging Communities Through Data-Smart Governance [Stephen Goldsmith, Susan Crawford] on

Explora Latam

Explora Latam

South America

Map of Open Data, Civic Technology and social innovation in Latin America

Digital Disinformation Calendar of Events

Given the volume of events being organized in the emerging field around Digital Disinformation, we are developing an events calendar to better track the timing and focus of these convenings.

HiiL (The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law)

HiiL (The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law)

Fluwelen Burgwal 582511, The Hague, The Netherlands

User-friendly justice. With data and technology we co-create high quality justice based on what we need now.

Mobile Phone Data for Optimizing Bus Routes in Korea

The Data and Statistics division of Seoul’s metropolitan government analyzed late night call records provided by the Korean telecom KT Company to plan bus routes in a more inclusive manner.

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