Technologies that seek to provide greater visibility to the activities of governments, corporations, or individuals in power and allow others to monitor them.
Suggested reading:
Technology is not a quick fix solution for corruption, by Melissa Tsungai Zisengwe. She writes from a South African perspective but the takeaways are broadly applicable to the whole genre of anti-corruption tech. (2020)
Which Promises Actually Matter? Election Pledge Centrality and Promissory Representation is a published research paper that finds that simply evaluating elected officials on the fulfillment of every miscellaneous promise made while campaigning isn’t helpful, because voters weigh certain promises as more central to the campaign than others. The authors suggest weighting promise centrality when evaluating the campaign’s fidelity. By Jonathan Mellon, Christopher Prosser, Jordan Urban, and Adam Feldman. (2018)
For the benefit of researchers, practitioners, and the public we are proud to host a comprehensive and growing structured database of judges and their financial interests.
New York Focus is a nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom covering state and local politics in the Empire State. We aim to make government more transparent by publishing in-depth journalism that explains how the state really works.
Rule of Law monitoring platform - Govwatch is a collective map of the state of the rule of law in Greece, made up of reports not just from the Govwatch team, but also from civil society organisations, journalists and academics, and citizens.
We empower communities to actively engage with their governments in decision-making through technology, design, communication, and research, driving better public services and enhancing citizen participation in governance.
AdvoKC is a dynamic, youth-led civic technology organization established with a steadfast commitment to fostering transparency, accountability, and positive change in governance.
This map...illustrates a [Congress] in a state of dysfunction, with growing dissatisfaction on the part of the public, waning trust in its ability perform, and -- most significantly -- large-scale disengagement from the system by the public.
South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)
PSAM’s activities include research, monitoring, advocacy and capacity building. Working through southern Africa, PSAM generates and shares knowledge about social accountability and the monitoring and advocacy tools that can build more open, participatory and accountable governments.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
The Advocacy People support people in advocating for themselves with the NHS, or who are in care, under section in a hospital, secure unit or in the community, among other self-advocacy groups.
Este proyecto nace con la intención de ser una campaña de sensibilización para proteger el derecho a la protesta y denunciar la persecución policial en espacios digitales.
Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK) is a non-governmental organization based in Prishtina established in 2009 in order to support, promote and develop free and open source software.
ППЛ – зареєстрована у 2016 році неприбуткова організація, яка об’єднала експертів з великим досвідом роботи та високим рівнем експертиз у неурядовому секторі.
En combinamos nuestra experiencia abriendo datos con amplias capacidades narrativas, investigativas y de desarrollo para crear bases de datos fiables y verificadas que promueven el conocimiento estratégico.
Facilitamos el acceso a contrataciones públicas y beneficiarios reales a través de herramientas de investigación interna y plataformas públicas con el objetivo de incrementar la vigilancia de los recursos públicos y para luchar contra la corrupción.
Nonprofits known as 527s can raise unlimited sums for political spending. ProPublica is releasing a new database that will allow journalists, researchers and others to more easily search these organizations’ finances.
This website tells a story of how a little known legal [corporate tribunal] mechanism is enriching fossil fuel corporations with public money, delaying climate action and threatening our future.
Av. Entre Rios 258 3E (1079 - Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires - Argentina)
"Joining the Dots with PEPs" makes available to the public information on public officials’ Financial Declarations, government procurement and contracting, and contracts and tenders of companies in the extractive sector, with the aim of identifying possible conflicts of interest, corruption or misuse of public office.
Eye on Corruption App is a mobile application which allows people to report/submit a corruption related complaint to the Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC).
Transition Online est une plateforme visant à renforcer la participation citoyenne au Tchad en facilitant et optimisant l’accès aux informations relatives à la transition.
Civil society organization craving for improved government, political parties, CSOs and businesses accountability with the introduction of reliable and innovative civic engagement solutions.
The trial monitoring of corruption cases program uses tech tools to improve the justice sector by making the workings of the judiciary easier to understand and scrutinize.
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)
Parlametar je alat koji pomoću analize glasanja i transkripata govora zastupnika/ca olakšava praćenje rada Parlamentarne skupštine Bosne i Hercegovine.