The Tech > Advocacy tech > Watchdogging and transparency - (343)

Technologies that seek to provide greater visibility to the activities of governments, corporations, or individuals in power and allow others to monitor them.

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Lestvica Transparentnosti

Lestvica Transparentnosti

Slovenia (Slovenija)

In cooperation with the Organization for a Participatory Society and PIC - Legal-Informational Centre for NGOs, we prepared a survey on the transparency of Slovenian municipalities.

Open Supply Hub

Open Supply Hub

United States of America (the)

Open Supply Hub (OS Hub) is an accessible, collaborative, supply chain mapping platform, used and populated by stakeholders across sectors and supply chains.

Danes je nov dan

Ljubljana, Slovenia based civic tech NGO, focusing efforts on (digital) political participation, open data, transparency, and public institutional oversight.




Agami is a movement of ideas and people seeking to transform the experience of Justice in India



India (Bhārat)

We work to strengthen the course of civic engagement using data / social science / tech / design

Red Ciudadana

Red Ciudadana


Participación, formación ciudadana y apertura de datos Somos una organización que trabaja por una Guatemala más democrática, innovadora y transparente.


Search over 120'000 companies to see their controversies and hierarchies! Random Company

NYC OpenRecords

NYC OpenRecords

City Hall, Centre Street, New York, NY, USA

Welcome to NYC Government’s home for filing Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests.



Hungary (Magyarország)

We Use Technology, Research & Participatory Action to Unveil Corruption.

55 Moleye Street, Alagomeji-Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria

While the Open Treasury portal hosts all federal daily treasury reports, GOVSPEND.NG, a platform powered by BudgIT, simplifies the treasury report for citizens and Civil Society Organizations to access, monitor and understand federal government’s real time expenditure.

Mapping NGOs Repairs

Mapping NGOs Repairs

Raymond Ghosn Building, American University of Beirut, Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture PO Box. 11-0236 Riad El Solh 1107 2020, Beirut Lebanon

Between March and September 2021, BUL researchers identified around 80 NGOs that participated in shelter repair within the neighborhoods severely affected by the August 2020 port blast. The data and findings are presented through a recent mapping output on the Beirut Urban Observatory.


Established on the 18th of July 2001, Penplusbytes is a not-for-profit organization driving change through innovations in three key areas: using new digital technologies to enable good governance and accountability, new media and innovations, and driving oversight for effective utilisation of mining, oil and gas revenue and resources.

Transparency International EU

Transparency International EU is part of the global anti-corruption movement, Transparency International, which includes over 100 chapters around the world

Transparency International Moldova

Transparency International Moldova

Str. 31-August 1989, Nr. 98, birou 205, Chisinau Moldova MD-2004

Transparency International chapter

Open Data Albania

Open Data Albania

Kryqezimi i Rruges se Durresit, Kompleksi "Karl Topia", Tirane, Albania

Qëllimi i këtij projekti është të mbledhim dhe të ruajmë të dhëna mbi indikatorët ekonomiko-shoqëror në Shqipëri.

The Lebanese Transparency Association

The Lebanese Transparency Association

Sami El Solh Avenue, Manhattan Building, 6th Floor, Badaro, Beirut, PO Box 50-552, Lebanon

Transparency International Lebanon

Pakistan Institute of Legislative
Development and Transparency (PILDAT)

Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (PILDAT)

No. 7, 9th Avenue (service road west), F-8/1, Islamabad, Pakistan.

PILDAT will work for strengthening democracy and democratic institutions in Pakistan by building the capability of and instituting non-partisan monitoring framework for the elected representatives and legislatures while facilitating greater participation of all segments of the society in the democratic process and development of new political leadership.

Campaign for Freedom of Information

Campaign for Freedom of Information

Unit 109 Davina House, 137-149 Goswell Road, London EC1V 7ET UK

The Campaign for Freedom of Information has been promoting and defending freedom of information in the UK for 38 years.

Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU)

The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) is a coalition of over 200 public interest groups and trade unions concerned with the increasing influence exerted by corporate lobbyists on the political agenda in Europe, the resulting loss of democracy in EU decision-making and the postponement, weakening, or blockage even, of urgently needed progress on social, environmental and consumer-protection reforms.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)

CREW is a leading ethics watchdog organization that takes relentless legal and investigative actions holding people in power to account.

Indonesian Parliamentary Center (IPC)

Indonesian Parliamentary Center (IPC)

Jalan Tebet Utara IIID No. 12A Jakarta Selatan

Menjadi Repository Parlemen Indonesia, itu cita-cita awal para pendiri lembaga ini. Karena itulah, diberi nama Indonesian Parliamentary Center (IPC). Harapannya, repository dihasilkan dari kajian terkait kelembagaan, fungsi, dan sistem pendukung parlemen. Inilah basis untuk penguatan parlemen dan partisipasi masyarakat.

Congresso em Foco

Congresso em Foco

Brazil (Brasil)

Senado aprova acordo de cooperação entre brasil em questões relacionadas à defesa damares alves e tarcísio de freitas vão se filiar ao republicanos neta de arraes se filia ao solidariedade e lula pode ter palanque duplo em pernambuco

Transparency International Slovakia

Transparency International Slovakia

TI Slovakia, Bajkalska 25, 827 18 Bratislava, Slovenska Republika

Transparency International chapter

Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS - Viitorul)

Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS - Viitorul)

Iacob Hincu 10/1 Str., Chisinau, MD-2005 Republic of Moldova

În calitate de think tank independent, IDIS combină cercetarea socială, politică și economică cu componente solide de advocacy



Myanmar (Myăma)

ALTSEAN-Burma (Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma) was formed in October 1996 by a diverse network of organizations and individuals at the Alternative ASEAN Meeting on Burma, held in Bangkok.

Transparency International anti-corruption center

Transparency International anti-corruption center

6, Aygestan 9th Street, Yerevan 0025, Armenia

Թրանսփարենսի Ինթերնեշնլ Հակակոռուպցիոն Կենտրոն - մեր առաքելությունն է կոռուպցիան նվազեցնելու և ժողովրդավարությունն ամրապնդելու ճանապարհով նպաստել լավ կառավարմանը Հայաստանում:

KOMAS (Parliamentary Watch Project)

KOMAS (Parliamentary Watch Project)

A-2-10, 8 Avenue, Jalan Sg Jernih 8/1, Seksyen 8, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, 03-7968-5414

Advocates Equality | Fights Racism and Racial Discrimination

Alancia Fair-Play

Alancia Fair-Play

Aliancia Fair-Play, Smrecianska 21, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Aliancia Fair-play je štandardné neziskové a nestranícke občianske združenie, ktoré v roku 2002 založila bývalá novinárka Zuzana Wienk.

Transparencia Venezuela

Transparencia Venezuela

Av Andres Eloy Blanco, Chamber of Commerce Building Caracas, Floor 2, Office 2-15, Caobos, Caracas 1050, Venezuela

Transparency International Venezuela

International Budget Partnership (IBP)

International Budget Partnership works globally to make budgets work for all people.

Transparency International Hungary

Transparency International Hungary

Transparency International Hungary, 1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 30. 4/2

Transparency International chapter

The Network for Affirmation of NGO Sector (MANS)

The Network for Affirmation of NGO Sector (MANS)

Dalmatinska 188, Podgorica, Montenegro

MANS is a non-governmental organization that fights against corruption and organized crime affecting Montenegro.

Democracy and Freedom Watch

Democracy and Freedom Watch

Office no. 21, 2. floor, Kostava Stret 47/47, Tblisi, Georgia

Democracy & Freedom Watch is an independent news service reporting on democracy and freedom in the Republic of Georgia. It is published by Journalists for the Future, a non-governmental organization registered in Georgia and supported by Open Society and The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.



South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

We build tools, open up data, and provide data training which supports an active citizenry and helps communities and governments work better, together.

Transparency International Belgium

Transparency International Belgium

Boulevard E. Jacqmain one hundred and thirty-five 1 000 Brussels

Transparency International Belgium is the Belgian national chapter of Transparency International (TI) a global movement against corruption. Together we share a common vision: a world in which government, politics, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption.



62 Ram 5 seperate 3 Rd. Bangkhen, Bangkok 10220 Thailand

สำนักข่าวออนไลน์ไทยพับลิก้า ก่อตั้งในเดือนกันยายน 2554 นำเสนอข่าวสืบสวนสอบสวน เน้นประเด็นตรวจสอบความโปร่งใสภาครัฐ ความโปร่งใสภาคเอกชน และการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน ดำเนินงานโดยทีมงานนักข่าวอาชีพที่มีประสบการณ์ในวงการรวมกันกว่า 60 ปี

Latin American Database on Mining Conflicts

El Observatorio de Conflictos Mineros de América Latina (OCMAL) nace formalmente en marzo del año 2007 en un encuentro realizado en Oruro, Bolivia

Project on Government Oversight (POGO)

Project on Government Oversight (POGO)

POGO, 1100 G Street NW, Suite 500, Washington DC, 20005

An organization dedicated to investigating corruption, injustice, and abuse of power in the federal government and advocating for reforms.

Centri Civilnih Inicijativa

Centri Civilnih Inicijativa

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

CCI je bosanskohercegovačka, nevladina, neprofitna, nestranačka organizacija koja podstiče i promoviše učešće građana u demokratskim dešavanjima i jača kapacitete kako pojedinaca tako i organizacija na rješavanju problema u zajednicama širom Bosne i Hercegovine.

Transparency International - Initiative Madagascar

Transparency International - Initiative Madagascar

Lot II M 98 B (2e Etage) - Antsakaviro, 101 Antananarivo, Madagascar

Nous effectuons des études pour mettre en lumière les mécanismes et les risques de corruption dans nos différents secteurs d’intervention.

Accountability Counsel

Accountability Counsel amplifies the voices of communities around the world to protect their human rights and environment. As advocates for people harmed by internationally financed projects, we employ community driven and policy level strategies to access justice.

Citizens Police Data Project

The Citizens Police Data Project ( is a tool for holding police accountable to the public they serve. By Invisible Institute

Ma Dada

Ma Dada


Ma Dada est un site associatif qui vous aide à faire des demandes d’accès aux documents administratifs communicables.

Asociatia Romana pentru Transparenta

Asociatia Romana pentru Transparenta

21 Nicolae Balcescu Bvd. 2nd Floor, Sector 1, Bucuresti, 010044, Romania

Transparency International România are două priorități majore: îmbunătățirea raportării și sancționării corupției în România și schimbarea de atitudine în rândul instituțiilor și al cetățenilor, astfel încât corupția să devină inacceptabilă în România.

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