Search Results - Barcelona (16)

Showing 16 Results

Barcelona Digital City

Barcelona Digital City

Barcelona, Spain

The priority of Barcelona is to go beyond the concept of smart city or smart city and take full advantage of the opportunities offered by data-based technologies and their great power of transformation.

Barcelona Metropolis Dossiers

The new Barcelona Metròpolis wants to be a tool for promoting and stimulating citizen debate on the big questions affecting our future.

Barcelona Pressupost Obert (Open Budget)

A tool created for citizens and all those people or organizations that may be interested, which aims to facilitate the analysis and understanding of the budgets of the City of Barcelona.

The Decidim ‘soft infrastructure’: democratic platforms and technological autonomy in Barcelona

Paper by Paolo Cardullo, Ramon Ribera-Fumaz, and Paco González Gil. "In this paper we focus on the platform’s ‘soft infrastructure’ – the network of developers, ethical hackers, academics, maintainers, advocates and activists, and city administrators but also the agreements with the city and the documentation produced – on its internal governance arrangements and the provincialising relationships these might entail."

Bitlab Barcelona

Bitlab Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

Dissenyem, coordinem i implementem projectes d’innovació al territori i amb retorn social.

Decidim Barcelona

Decidim Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

Benvingut/da a la plataforma de participació de Barcelona.Construïm una ciutat més oberta, transparent i col·laborativa.Entra, participa i decideix!

Global Observatory of Urban Artificial Intelligence

Its goal is to promote research and disseminate best practice in the ethical application of artificial intelligence in cities.

Raval data commons

Raval data commons

Barcelona, Spain

Developing a robust and replicable Data Commons methodology in the Raval, Barcelona

Global Network of Ciities, Local and Regional Governments

United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) represents and defends the interests of local governments on the world stage, regardless of the size of the communities they serve. Headquartered in Barcelona, the organisation’s stated mission is: "To be the united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government, promoting its values, objectives and interests, through cooperation between local governments, and within the wider international community."

The Impacts of Civic Tech Conference (TICTeC)

The Impacts of Civic Tech Conference (TICTeC)

OECD, Rue André Pascal, Paris, France

TICTeC is an annual milestone in the Civic Tech world, bringing together researchers, practitioners, and all those with an interest in how technology is changing the way we engage with society.



Barcelona, Spain

Free open-source participatory democracy for cities and organizations

DEcentralised Citizen-owned Data Ecosystems (DECODE)

an experimental project to enable practical alternatives to how we manage our personal data and interact on the internet

Eines per a una transformació digital oberta i àgil

El programa per a la Digitalització Oberta: Programari Lliure i Desenvolupament Àgil de Serveis de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona defineix el procés de canvi profund i progressiu de la manera en que la ciutat oferirà els seus serveis a la ciutadania en els propers anys.

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