Search Results - app (1308)

Showing 1308 Results

Trusted Contacts

Inactive -- Once you install the Android app, you can assign “trusted” status to your closest friends and family. Your trusted contacts will be able to see your activity status — whether you’ve moved around recently and are online — to quickly know if you're OK.

Big Stage Teleprompter

Free teleprompter to make more persuasive presentations and share your script with supporters to amplify your message.

Vote Force

Vote Force

San Francisco

Relational organizing app to build support for your campaign through friends and family

Democracy Labs

Democracy Labs

San Francisco

DemLabs works with campaigns to understand their needs, finds the best free/affordable apps that meet it and then freely shares how others can use the solution as well.

How to tell your PERSONAL STORY for community organizers

You'll learn how to structure and tell your own personal story in a way that's compelling and engaging, allowing you to be an effective organizer.

Research Methods in Deliberative Democracy

Research Methods in Deliberative Democracy is the first book that brings together a wide range of methods used in the study of deliberative democracy.

Spatial Collective

We support communities and organizations in adopting available technologies to collect data that is important to them

Kenya Digital Public Works

"DPW set out to answer a question: Can the youth use affordable and widely available technologies to gather the information necessary to support informal settlement upgrading?"



Seattle, WA, United States of America

Openly mapping for the pedestrian experience.

European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency

The European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency (ECAT) will contribute to a safer, more predictable and trusted online environment for people and business.

Collaborative Indigenous Research

The Digital Garden is designed to bring together two fields of research: participatory research and Indigenous research.

USAID Digital Strategy

USAID’s first Digital Strategy charts an agency-wide approach to development in a rapidly evolving digital age.

IASC Operational Guidance on Data Responsibility in Humanitarian Action

While each organization is responsible for its own data, humanitarians under the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) – which brings together United Nations (UN) entities, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) consortia and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – need common normative, system-wide guidance to inform individual and collective action and to uphold a high standard for data responsibility in different operating environments.

Panoptic - Facial Recognition Technologies Tracker

IFF’s Project Panoptic aims to bring transparency and accountability to the relevant government stakeholders involved in the deployment and implementation of facial recognition technology (FRT) projects in India.


An Earthquake Early Warning System for the West Coast of the United States

The state of digital identity in Europe

Data reveals a patchwork of approaches to digital identities across the continent with varying levels of success.

HX Project

Short for “human experience,” HX is an approach to talking about, engaging with, and designing technology in a way that is aligned with our needs as humans — not users.

Comparative Print Suite

"The applications allow users to view how a bill would change current law and differences between proposed legislation." URL will only work for US Capitol Hill IP addresses

The fundraising spam is out of control. Here's how that happened — and how we take back our inboxes.

Cívica Digital

Technology to strengthen citizens - Transforma a tu organización en aliada de la ciudadanía.


OpenTripPlanner (OTP) is a family of open source software projects that provide passenger information and transportation network analysis services.

Teplitsa Social Technologies

Teplitsa Social Technologies

str. 1905, 10A, 3rd Floor, 127006, Moscow, p/58

Некоммерческий образовательный проект для гражданских активистов и IT-специалистов

Cornell eRulemaking Initiative

From 2005-2017, CeRI was a multidisciplinary group of Cornell University researchers engaged intheoretical and applied research, in partnership with government agenciesand civil society groups, to discover how the design and process of online engagement can support public discussion that is informed, inclusive and

Consumer Reports Digital Lab Fellows

The CR Digital Lab offers paid, non-resident fellowships to study the effects of connected products and services.  Fellows will undertake research to increase transparency and advance consumers’ interests in the marketplace—devising new testing frameworks, tools, and procedures to evaluate values such as privacy, security, and fairness. Fellows will have the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse community of technologists, leverage CR’s physical labs and testing infrastructure, and communicate findings to manufacturers, policymakers, and the public. Applications for our 2020 non-resident fellowships are now closed. We appreciate your interest and hope that you will consider applying next year when we reopen applications for the 2021 season.

Feminist Internet Research Network (FIRN)

We are building an emerging field of internet research with a feminist approach, to inform and influence activism and policymaking.

The IDA B. WELLS Just Data Lab

The IDA B. WELLS Just Data Lab brings together students, educators, activists, and artists to develop a critical and creative approach to data conception, production, and circulation. Our aim is to rethink and retool data for justice.

Civic Impulse

Civic Impulse

United States of America (the)

We build tools that foster civic participation, civc education, and government transparency. Civic Impulse, LLC is Joshua Tauberer’s liability wrapper around

Bill Track 50

Bill Track 50

LegiNation Inc, 1747 Pearl Street, Suite 304, Denver, CO 80201

We provide a simple search tool for state and federal legislation and regulations and assemble your results into a spreadsheet-style grid for you to view and enjoy.



Brasília - Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil

Nunca foi tão fácil avaliar políticas públicas!



Czech Republic (Ceska Republika)

Otevíráme, vizualizuje a analyzuje parlamentní, volební a rozpočtová data. Díky nám víte, kdo vás doopravdy zastupuje.

Qomon (formerly Quorum)

Quorum is the mobile app & digital platform to connect, engage and mobilise. ✔️ Action-focused tools for on the field & digital organising ✔️ Globally trusted, easy-to-use and available in your language

Co-Creation Hub

We are an innovation centre dedicated to accelerating the application of social capital and technology for economic prosperity


Connect and live more safely. Citizen is a personal safety network that empowers you to protect yourself and the people and places you care about. Download for COVID-19 contact tracing, access to real-time 911 alerts, instant help from crisis responders, and safety tracking for friends and families.


DemGames for Debates - developed in partnership with NDI’s Citizen Participation and Latin American and Caribbean teams - provides users with a fun way to practice the terms and concepts associated with crafting arguments, identifying evidence, and justifying rebuttals.

US Department of Transportation Smart City Challenge

mid-sized cities across America to develop ideas for an integrated,first-of-its-kind smart transportation system that would use data,applications, and technology to help people and goods move more quickly,cheaply, and efficiently. The Challenge generated an overwhelming response:78 applicant cities shared the challenges they face and ideas for how totackle them.

Beirut Urban Lab

Beirut Urban Lab

Raymond Ghosn Building, American University of Beirut, Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture PO Box. 11-0236 Riad El Solh 1107 2020, Beirut Lebanon

Refugees as City-Makers

Vox Public

VoxPublic appuie les associations et collectifs citoyens en France qui combattent les injustices sociales, les discriminations, la corruption et toute atteinte à l’État de droit.



South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

We build tools, open up data, and provide data training which supports an active citizenry and helps communities and governments work better, together.

The Asian Network for Free Elections

The Asian Network for Free Elections

105 Suthisarnwinichai Road, Huaykwang, Samsennok, Bangkok 10320 Thailand

The three sections of our work, Election Observation, Capacity Building and Campaign & Advocacy are different parts of ANFREL’s holistic approach to the promotion of democratic institutions. These divisions, while different, support one another.

Brazil (Brasil)

Faça com que os direitos sociais se tornem uma realidade.

Center for Technology and Society (Anti-Defamation League)

How do we ensure justice and fair treatment for all in a digital environment? How do we counter online hate, protect free speech, and use social media to reduce bias in society? The Center for Technology and Society takes ADL’s civil rights mission and applies it to the 21st century.

Associazione Openpolis

Associazione Openpolis

Associazione Openpolis, Via degli Equi 42, 00185 Roma T. Italy

"Openpolis è una fondazione indipendente e senza scopo di lucro che promuove progetti per l'accesso alle informazioni pubbliche, la trasparenza e la partecipazione democratica. Svolge attività di giornalismo basato sui dati (data journalism), porta avanti campagne di attivismo civico, fa divulgazione critica sul tema dei dati e sviluppa applicazioni web basate su dati aperti." - Wikipedia Italia

WFP Innovation Challenge

We’ve launched the latest WFP Innovation Challenge in search of game-changing innovations addressing the Global Food Crisis.

City of Sacramento Participatory Budgeting

On June 15, 2021, the Sacramento City Council approved the use of up to $1 million in Measure U funds for residents to propose ideas and vote on project concepts.

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