Search Results - demo (1193)

Showing 1193 Results

Centro de Asesoria y Promocion Electorap (CAPEL)

Centro de Asesoria y Promocion Electorap (CAPEL)

Av. 8, Calles 41 y 43, Casa #222, San Jose, Costa Rica

El Centro de Asesoría y Promoción Electoral, IIDH/CAPEL, es un programa especializado del Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (IIDH).

Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU)

The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) is a coalition of over 200 public interest groups and trade unions concerned with the increasing influence exerted by corporate lobbyists on the political agenda in Europe, the resulting loss of democracy in EU decision-making and the postponement, weakening, or blockage even, of urgently needed progress on social, environmental and consumer-protection reforms.

BBC Media Action

BBC Media Action is the BBC’s international charity - we believe in media and communication for good. Last year, we reached more than 130 million people in some of the world’s poorest and most fragile countries. Our projects and programmes save lives, protect livelihoods, counter misinformation, challenge prejudice and build democracy.

Candidate Watch

Candidate Watch, c/o Ashoka Ireland, 18 Eustace Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

CandidateWatch is a non-partisan, non-profit project which helps to make election campaigning more transparent and politicians more accountable.

The Asian Network for Free Elections

The Asian Network for Free Elections

105 Suthisarnwinichai Road, Huaykwang, Samsennok, Bangkok 10320 Thailand

The three sections of our work, Election Observation, Capacity Building and Campaign & Advocacy are different parts of ANFREL’s holistic approach to the promotion of democratic institutions. These divisions, while different, support one another.

Instituto Igarapé

The Igarapé Institute is an independent think and do tank focused on the areas of public, climate and digital security and its consequences for democracy. Its objective is to propose solutions and partnerships for global challenges through research, new technologies, communication and influence on public policies.

Associazione Openpolis

Associazione Openpolis

Associazione Openpolis, Via degli Equi 42, 00185 Roma T. Italy

"Openpolis è una fondazione indipendente e senza scopo di lucro che promuove progetti per l'accesso alle informazioni pubbliche, la trasparenza e la partecipazione democratica. Svolge attività di giornalismo basato sui dati (data journalism), porta avanti campagne di attivismo civico, fa divulgazione critica sul tema dei dati e sviluppa applicazioni web basate su dati aperti." - Wikipedia Italia



Brazil (Brasil)

Publica is Brazil’s first investigative reporting non-profit dedicated to exposing human rights violations and promoting open democracy.

Institut Pre Verejne Otazky

Institut Pre Verejne Otazky

Institut pre verejne otazky, Bastova 5, 811 03 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Inštitút pre verejné otázky (IVO) je nezávislou mimovládnou neziskovou organizáciou združujúcou odborníkov z rôznych oblastí, vytvorenou so zámerom presadzovať hodnoty otvorenej spoločnosti a demokratickej politickej kultúry vo verejnej politike a spoločenskom rozhodovaní.

Progressive Power Lab

Progressive Power Lab provides management and marketing services to nonprofit and for-profit organizations working to realize democracy, achieve justice, and restore our environment. PPL partners provide technology, canvassing services, grassroots organizing services, financing, and technical support to organizations moving millions of people and dollars into action.

Open Parliament Canada

Finding out what your representatives in Ottawa are up to can be tough. We’re trying to make it easy.

Centro de Periodismo Investigativo De Puerto Rico

El CPI reconoce que el requisito fundamental para una verdadera democracia es que la ciudadanía esté bien informada y que existan entidades independientes con la capacidad de fiscalizar los poderes que accionan en la sociedad, sean públicos o privados.

Pakistan Institute of Legislative
Development and Transparency (PILDAT)

Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (PILDAT)

No. 7, 9th Avenue (service road west), F-8/1, Islamabad, Pakistan.

PILDAT will work for strengthening democracy and democratic institutions in Pakistan by building the capability of and instituting non-partisan monitoring framework for the elected representatives and legislatures while facilitating greater participation of all segments of the society in the democratic process and development of new political leadership.

Asociacion Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ)

Asociacion Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ)

Av. de Mayo 1161, 5° piso, oficina 9. (C1085ABB) Buenos Aires - Argentina

Trabajamos por una sociedad justa e inclusiva, capaz de revertir la pobreza y la discriminación contra grupos vulnerabilizados, que garantice a todas las personas el acceso pleno a sus derechos, a ser tratadas como iguales y a contar con instituciones democráticas y transparentes que brinden posibilidades reales de participar e influir en la toma de decisiones sobre los asuntos públicos.

Bill Track 50

Bill Track 50

LegiNation Inc, 1747 Pearl Street, Suite 304, Denver, CO 80201

We provide a simple search tool for state and federal legislation and regulations and assemble your results into a spreadsheet-style grid for you to view and enjoy.

Al-Hayat Center for Civil Society Development

Al-Hayat Center for Civil Society Development

P.O. Box 1700, Amman 11935, Jordan

Al Hayat aims to promote accountability, governance, public participation and community cohesion in Jordan and the region within the framework of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, taking into consideration gender mainstreaming in public policy and action.

Transparency & Accountability Initiative (TAI)

Transparency & Accountability Initiative (TAI)

1100 13th Street NW Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20005

The Transparency and Accountability Initiative (TAI) is a donor collaborative working toward a democratic world where power and resources are more equally distributed; people are informed and empowered, governments and the corporate sector are open and responsive, and collective action advances the public good.

Cybersecurity Handbook for Civil Society Organizations

A guide for civil society organizations looking to get started on a cybersecurity plan

WeChat mini app for participatory budgeting

China’s Participation Center developed a “mini app” for the popular WeChat platform, and grew the number of participatory budgeting users in Chengdu city to more than 3 million



Los Angeles, CA

The Los Angeles Reforms for Equity and Public Acknowledgment of Institutional Racism (L.A. REPAIR) is L.A.'s first participatory budget pilot program. L.A. REPAIR will distribute roughly $8.5 million directly to nine L.A. City neighborhoods, called REPAIR Zones.

Denver Participatory Budgeting

In the first cycle of Denver's Participatory Budgeting, residents guide the selection of $2 million of neighborhood infrastructure.

City of Sacramento Participatory Budgeting

On June 15, 2021, the Sacramento City Council approved the use of up to $1 million in Measure U funds for residents to propose ideas and vote on project concepts.




Purpoz, la plateforme de démocratie participative pour bâtir une société plus pertinente. (Citizen engagement platform by Cap Collectif)

Qué hacen los diputados

Como ya hicimos en anteriores legislaturas, vamos a monitorizar toda la actividad legislativa y parlamentaria de la Cámara baja para ayudar a la institución y a nuestros diputados y diputadas a cumplir con valores de gobernanza imprescindibles en nuestros días como la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas.



Brazil (Brasil)

Um laboratório de comunicação e mobilização para causas, com foco no desenvolvimento de ações e campanhas baseadas em dados e na compreensão profunda de nichos de audiência, cultura digital contemporânea e conjuntura política.



United States of America (the)

The Digital Hub for Pro-Democracy Advocates



Mountain View, CA, USA

Millions of refugees & people in need of humanitarian assistance struggle with language barriers. Help give them on-demand language access. Volunteer with Us

g0v Citizen Science and Technology Innovation Grants

In order to encourage more outstanding talents to invest in the new-type democratic experiment field and accelerate the incubation of more achievements, the g0v zero-hour government loosening group of Dasong is held on a regular basis.


Hacks/Hackers is an international grassroots community of people who seek to inspire and inform each other to build the future of media.

Вони голосують для тебе

Як депутати голосують за питання, які важливі для тебе? - They Vote for You instance in Ukraine

Hurford Youth Fellowship

The Hurford Youth Fellowship Program seeks to build the leadership skills and harness the potential of young democracy activists from around the world.

Innovation in Politics Institute

Improving democratic politics is our mission: The Innovation in Politics Institute identifies, develops and applies innovations in politics and facilitates best practice exchange across borders and party lines.

The Innovation in Politics Awards

The annual Innovation in Politics Awards recognise creative politicians from across Europe who have the courage to break new ground to find innovative solutions for today’s challenges.

Designing Digital Participatory Budgeting Platforms: Urban Biking Activism in Madrid

Investigating the empirical case of urban biking activists in Madrid, we explore how the design of the digital platform Decide Madrid impacted the collaborative practices involved in digital participatory budgeting. We found that the design of the platform made the interaction competitive, where individuals sought to gain votes for their single proposals, rather than consider the relations across proposals and the larger context of the city decisions, even if the institutional process rewarded collective support.

Socks Talk Politics

“Socks Talk Politics” is a YouTube series launched by the Innovation in Politics Institute to showcase the wide-ranging community and government projects that are around Europe.



99 Wall Street NY

ClearRoad provides cloud-based solutions to keep roads well-maintained and well-managed Schedule a demo

Institute for Representative Government

The Institute for Representative Government (IRG) was established in 1988 by a group of former Members of Congress as an independent, bipartisan, non-profit organization to provide high level, professional exchange programs for parliamentarians from developing or newly-established democracies.

America in One Room

For the first time, a representative microcosm of the entire American electorate was brought together to a single location.

Civic Voices

With the Civic Voice, you have the power to access, follow through and contribute to bills that matter most to you.

The Propagandists' Playbook

The Propagandists' Playbook

United States of America (the)

How Conservative Elites Manipulate Search and Threaten Democracy, by Francesca Bolla Tripodi

Asociación por los Derechos Civiles

Asociación por los Derechos Civiles

Av Cordoba 795 - Floor 8 - (C1054AAG) Buenos Aires, Argentina

La Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC) es una organización de la sociedad civil con sede en Argentina que, desde su creación en 1995, trabaja en la defensa y promoción de los derechos civiles y humanos en Argentina y América Latina.

Vote Rookie

Vote Rookie

Germany (Deutschland)

Vote Rookie ist eine überparteiliche Demokratie Plattform. Wir unterstützen junge Menschen bei der Teilhabe an Politik und bürgerschaftlichem Engagement.

ONTRaC Learning Management System

This is the online learning portal of the Community Solutions Network. Here you can access courses, guides, and additional resources as part of your digital transformation learning journey. Whether you are just embarking on this path or are a seasoned hand, there are courses tailored to your level and interest!

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