Search Results - react (13)

Showing 13 Results

The Digital Co-Op

The Digital Co-Op

United States of America (the)

150+ members pooling email audience information to drive list growth, donor growth, reactivation, and advocacy


Powerfully simple open access tools for a just and kind information age.

Empathy Helps Counter Hate Speech

A team of researchers led by Dominik Hangartner, IPL co-director and professor of public policy at ETH Zurich, has joined forces with colleagues at the University of Zurich to investigate what kind of messages could lead authors of hate speech to refrain from such postings in the future


OpenTripPlanner (OTP) is a family of open source software projects that provide passenger information and transportation network analysis services.


FakerFact was an Artificial Intelligence tool built to help us understand more about what we read.

Informe ta Ville

Informe ta Ville

32 route du souillet 38500 Voiron France

Reporting management software for municipal technical services


Oligrapher is a tool for visualizing networks of influence



Los Angeles, CA

PeakMetrics tracks news and government action around the clock, so you save time and react faster.


Vizalytics creates custom contextual insights from open and private data for enterprise, government, and institutional clients. Our Knowledge Graph senses context for users based on their unique circumstances, draws targeted conclusions from disparate data sets, notifies users, and suggests how to react. The Knowledge Graph enables our customers and their users to go about their business, driven by data but free from the need to find and manage it.

One Concern

One Concern

Menlo Park, California, United States

Our platform provides unprecedented situational awareness and actionable insights for decision-makers.

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