Search Results - support (884)

Showing 884 Results

Support Squads

Code for All’s new program brings people together who work similar civic tech roles, but at different organizations and in different parts of the world.

Satellite Imagery to Support Civil & Voter Registries Verification and Validation

2020 UNDP initiative to assist the Republic of Vanuatu in the supervision of registration of electors and the planning and implementation of democratic elections for parliament, province, and municipal councils.

OpenAI Partnership with American Journalism Project to support local news

A new $5+ million partnership aims to explore ways the development of artificial intelligence (AI) can support a thriving, innovative local news field, and ensure local news organizations shape the future of this emerging technology.

International Media Support

IMS is the largest media development organisation in the Nordic region. We work in more than 30 countries across four continents promoting press freedom, good journalism and safety for journalists.

Calling all Black feminist organizations for no-fee tech and data support

Though Black women are at the forefront of some of the most important social justice movements of our time, leading extraordinary initiatives with commitment and creativity, most of the time they are doing so with limited funding.  Recognizing this, we are extending a targeted offer of free tech and data support to Black feminist organizers.

Peer 2 Peer Support

UN-OCHA's Peer-2-Peer (P2P) Support Project is a tool of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)

Google Find Food Support

"Google is working with non-profit groups like No Kid Hungry and FoodFinder, as well as the US Department of Agriculture, to aggregate 90,000 locations with free food support across all 50 states — with more locations to come." - Andrew J. Hawkins

Ukraine Evac Support

Civic Tech Toronto project to support grassroots efforts to evacuate African nationals and people of color from Ukraine

New America's work supporting the 2020 US Census

New America's work supporting the 2020 US Census

New America, 15th Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

A series of projects, events, and resources in support of the 2020 US Census

Fact-Checkers Legal Support Initiative

To meet this need and help ensure fact-checkers can continue doing their important work, this new initiative will provide legal support including connecting fact-checkers with lawyers, establishing a fund to help pay legal fees when pro bono support isn’t available, and publishing guides covering the main legal and non-legal threats that fact-checkers face and how they can be mitigated.

Open Supporter Data Interface

We’re defining an API and data structures to enable true interoperability among products for organizations with progressive values.

Overture Maps Foundation

Powering current and next-generation map products by creating reliable, easy-to-use, and interoperable open map data




emqnet delivers data-driven software built and supported by a team of resilience experts.

Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK)

Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK) is a non-governmental organization based in Prishtina established in 2009 in order to support, promote and develop free and open source software.

Justice Practical Guide

The Practical Guide to Access Justice is a tool available to all citizens, which aims to streamline their interaction with Justice, in the search for the information they need at every moment.

Spread the Facts Grant Program

To support fact-checking on WhatsApp, the International Fact-Checking Network is offering a new round of its Spread the Facts grant program in partnership with Meta to combat AI-generated misinformation.

National Nonprofit Day (US)

Tech and meta-organizations that support the mission of non-profits and charities. Includes mainstream productivity software (like LibreOffice) as well as non-profit-specific tech (like donation management software).

Rising Stars

Do you need help launching or enhancing a participatory program? Apply for expert mentoring support provided by the Nets4Dem network in Horizon Europe Area!

Democratic Innovations Accelerator

DIA will select 40 participants to receive free capacity-building assistance and support for launching or improving innovative participatory programs in the European Union (EU) and Horizon Europe countries.

Catalyst Fund

The Catalyst Fund was launched in October 2023 to support the burgeoning ecosystem of actors working on the intersection of digital rights and climate justice to build cross-territorial strategies and weave thematic threads across movements.




CarbonDB streamlines energy and carbon data management for businesses, aiding compliance with European guidelines and promoting sustainability.

Eco CI

Eco CI


Eco-CI calculates the energy consumption of your CI/CD environments, supporting GitHub and GitLab.



Colombo, Sri Lanka

Prathya is an online ecosystem of support for persons affected by OGBV in Sri Lanka developed by the organizations Hashtag Generation and Delete Nothing and was launched in October 2022.

Get the Trolls Out

A campaign that harnesses the power of social media to disseminate innovative media outputs and generate dialogue in order to deliver a powerful counter-narrative against diverse forms of hate speech, including antisemitism, anti-Muslim hate, anti-Christian sentiment.

 Caught in the Web (CitW)

Caught in the Web (CitW)

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Caught in the Web (CitW) is a 26 month initiative supported by the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office United Kingdom where Search for Common Ground, Hashtag Generation, and Centre for Equality and Justice work as a consortium to advance effective responses to gendered online hate speech and cyber sexual and gender based violence in Sri Lanka.

Delete Nothing

Delete Nothing

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Delete Nothing aims to document technology-related gender-based violence in Sri Lanka, particularly but not limited to the experiences of girls, women, and queer and trans people in Sri Lanka.

Data For Crisis

A collaborative work between DW Akademie and SocialLab to provide credible raw and aggregated data from Social Networks about crisis-related topics like COVID and Migration to support media practitioners and researchers with free access to public data

Civic Technology Collaboration

Swimming with the tide of international trends on the "Public Code, Public Goods" and pursuing digital democracy, moda supports civic technology and empowers open source software development.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

We are a charity helping organisations use digital for social good

The Impact and Opportunities of Generative AI in Fact-Checking

Paper by ROBERT WOLFE and TANUSHREE MITRA, University of Washington, United States

Digital Identity in Public Benefits Research

Digital Identity in Public Benefits Research

Georgetown University, Washington, DC

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Digital Benefits Network (DBN) at the Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University, and the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) are collaborating on a two-year-long collaborative research and development project to adapt NIST’s digital identity guidelines to better support the implementation of public benefits policy and delivery while balancing security, privacy, equity, and usability.

Ballots and Audits Standards for Election Excellence

The nonpartisan standards define excellence in U.S. election administration for local election departments across the country.

Future of Constituent Engagement

POPVOX Foundation is working with legislative offices, support institutions, civil society, academics, and tech innovators to explore the future landscape of two-way engagement between representatives and constituents.

Samara Centre for Democracy

Humans of the House has received national media coverage and has been the #1 show in the Government category for several weeks on Apple Podcasts where it has also been featured as a New & Noteworthy Special Series.


Our SAMbot project measures abusive content that candidates and political parties receive online during Canadian elections.

CivTech Scotland

CivTech is a Scottish Government programme that brings the public, private and third sectors together to build things that make people’s lives better

Just Register

Just Register

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Our assisted [UK] voter registration programme Just Register supports people to get onto the electoral roll. It addresses the practical barriers that we know hinder people from getting registered in a timely way. After signing up on Just Register, everyone is signposted to the form. From this point, they receive personalised support via peer-to-peer texting and calls to make sure they follow-through completing their registration with their council.

EU Elections Information Sharing and Analysis Centre

Alliance4Europe is operating an information sharing and analysis centre (ISAC), to identify and defend against disinformation threats and to enable scalable collaboration with those who want to defend democracy.


We support groups of actors to come together to cooperate. Then we develop the effective digital tools for impact. Then, we roll out campaigns for impact with those communities.

National Digital Inclusion Alliance

National Digital Inclusion Alliance advances digital equity by supporting community programs and equipping policymakers to act.

AAPI Hate Tracker

AAPI Hate Tracker

New York City

The AAPI Hate Tracker is a place where you can easily report incidents and connect to organizations to receive support.

AI Existential Safety Map

A fun illustrated map charting AI Safety efforts across blogs, podcasts, training, support, governance, research, and so on.

Community Tech Lab

The Community Tech Lab is a hands-on tech and digital equity learning space located at El Puente’s flagship Leadership Center in South Williamsburg.

Portable Network Kits

The Portable Network Kit (PNK) is a wireless network in a suitcase that helps people understand how to build their own mini-internet – and with it, how the internet works and might be owned and governed more equitably.

Free and Open Source Software Sustainability Fund

The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Sustainability Fund is Open Technology Fund’s newest mechanism to support the long-term maintenance of established FOSS projects and the communities that sustain them.

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