Search Results - test (268)

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Test+Build is a digital platform that provides customers with the tools to design their own behavioural science interventions and run their own randomised controlled trials (RCTs).

Public Interest Cybersecurity Contest

The Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC) is accepting proposals from members of the public interest cybersecurity community who have ideas that will advance the cybersecurity capacity and resilience of small critical infrastructure at the community level.

Surveillance Defense for Campus Protests

The recent wave of protests calling for peace in Palestine have been met with unwarranted and aggressive suppression from law enforcement, universities, and other bad actors. It’s clear that the changing role of surveillance on college campuses exacerbates the dangers faced by all of the…

PLATO Testing

Changing our world by building a stronger, more inclusive technology workforce

NYC Smart City Testbed

The NYC Smart City Testbed Program is inspiring innovation within City government by streamlining and accelerating the citywide process for piloting emerging technologies.



Germany (Deutschland)

Durch Protest verschaffen sich junge Menschen Gehör, üben politischen Einfluss aus und gestalten kreativ die demokratische Gesellschaft

Civic User Testing Network

Successful public-facing technologies rely upon direct resident engagement and community-focused design.

Cleveland’s Civic User Testing Group

CUTgroup is a civic engagement program that includes residents throughout the technology design process.

Protestlandschaft Deutschland

Die Plattform beinhaltet Informationen zu Protestkampagnen und Protestaktionen von 1950 bis 2020, die in mehreren Forschungsprojekten gesammelt wurden.

Michigan, USA

An aggregator of Black Lives Matter protests across the US

A citywide experiment testing the impact of geographically targeted, high-pay-off vaccine lotteries

"We implemented a pre-registered, citywide experiment to test the effects of three high-pay-off, geographically targeted lotteries designed to motivate adult Philadelphians to get their COVID-19 vaccine...we do not detect evidence of any overall benefits."

Watchdog Protest Tracker

Watchdog Protest Tracker

Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

Our intention with the protest tracker was to map public discourse around GotaGoHome protests and it's spread around Sri Lanka.

UserTesting OneWorld

UserTesting OneWorld

United States of America (the)

UserTesting is pleased to offer free and discounted customer experience research services to qualifying charitable organizations through the OneWorld program.

San Francisco Public Voice Civic User Testing Program

By CivicMakers: The City [of SF] turned to CivicMakers to create a new program, Public Voice SF, that allows any San Francisco department or agency to connect to a diverse group of community members, collect real-time feedback, and use the input to improve City services.

WeGov Consul Test Deployment

Consul is one of the leading open source citizen participation platforms. It's built on Ruby on Rails and deployed in dozens of cities around the world. It was originally built by the City of Madrid.

Civic User Testing Group (CUTGroup) Chicago

Civic User Testing Group (CUTGroup) Chicago

222 West Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago, IL, USA

CUTgroup gives residents the opportunity to be a part of the design process for emerging civic technology initiatives through user testing and focus groups

Brightest COVID-19 Relief

Brightest COVID-19 Relief

Brightest, Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Connecting coronavirus relief and aid orgs with support

Institut für Protest- und Bewegungsforschung

Das Institut für Protest- und Bewegungsforschung (ipb) will der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung zu Protesten, sozialen Bewegungen und ihrem Wechselverhältnis zur Demokratie einen Ort geben.

NY Times pilot tests journalism action

The New York Times beta Android app appears to be experimenting with a GoFundMe link to help readers touched by a story give back. Newspapers have run fundraising drives for local residents for years,...

Apple Maps COVID-19 Testing Locations

As a healthcare provider, lab, or other business, follow these steps to submit information on COVID-19 testing locations that Apple may display to its users.

Youth in Front guide to student protests

This is an online course designed around promoting and discussing student-led voice in civic engagement.

Pennsylvania Broadband Test

Broadband connectivity is crucial for access to the modern economy, as well as engagement in contemporary civic and political life

Chicago Test Out

Chicago Test Out

Chicago, IL

This site tracks COVID-19 testing data and hospital bed availability over time in the city of Chicago.

¿Quién vigila a los vigilantes?

Este proyecto nace con la intención de ser una campaña de sensibilización para proteger el derecho a la protesta y denunciar la persecución policial en espacios digitales.

Democracy R&D Conference

Magazín o zdraví, kráse, detoxikácii, testosterónu, vypadávanie vlasov, zväčšenie poprsia, peelingu, chudnutie a ďalších témach.

Forms Camp

NCSC staff will provide intensive training and technical assistance to help courts revise one form or a small set of forms to improve plain language and readability. Your court will identify one form, or a small set of forms to work on throughout the project. At the end of camp, your materials will be redesigned, translated into plain language, and user tested.


The Open Energy Badge displays energy/CO2 costs for GitHub projects, covering test runs, API calls, and more, created by Green Metrics Tool.

MLCommons AI Safety

The MLCommons AI Safety working group is composed of a global consortium of industry leaders, practitioners, researchers, and civil society experts committed to building a harmonized approach to AI safety.



Colombo, Sri Lanka

Prathya is an online ecosystem of support for persons affected by OGBV in Sri Lanka developed by the organizations Hashtag Generation and Delete Nothing and was launched in October 2022.

We-Gital Heros in Digital Peacebuilding

We-Gital Heros in Digital Peacebuilding is a Search for Common Ground Sri Lanka project to establish a digital learning, networking, mentorship, and professional development platform for youth (ages 18-29) interested in addressing online dangerous hate speech.

Fairness Without Categories: Enabling Collective Action for Algorithmic Accountability

This project [by Jessica Dai], in collaboration with Deb Raji, explores designing a framework for the general public to report and contest large-scale harms from algorithmic decision making systems (ADS).

Estimativa de Público – Manifestação de 25 de fevereiro de 2024 em São Paulo

Former president Bolsonaro claimed 600,000 attended a rally for him, but researchers used the tool to prove it was less than a third of that.

Social Change Lab

Social Change Lab

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Using social movement research to tackle the world's most pressing problems

Media Impact Monitor

Media Impact Monitor

Germany (Deutschland)

a collaborative project aimed at enabling protest groups and NGOs to evaluate their impact on public discourse.

Brooklyn Navy Yard

Brooklyn Navy Yard

Brooklyn Navy Yard, Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, USA

The Brooklyn Navy Yard is the center of urban manufacturing and innovation.

The Climate Realism Exhibition

The WWF Climate Realism Exhibition combines latest local data from climate research with custom-built AI pipelines to send famous landscape paintings from art history into their possible climate futures.

The Atlas of Urban Tech

A global atlas of case studies of tech-enabled urban districts and municipal digital masterplans.


An affordable voter file perfect for civic engagement and grassroots organizing

FCA Digital Sandbox

The Digital Sandbox offers General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant datasets in a secure environment, mentorship from industry experts and access to the FinTech Community to help enable experimentation and scaling for proof of concepts.

World Health Organization Innovation hub

We use sustainable innovation to solve bottlenecks, accelerate impact, and improve health, focusing on the most neglected problems and people.

Digital Democracy

Digital Democracy

Sacramento, California, USA

AI-powered database where you can search California's legislators, lobbyists, donors, gifts, travel, bills, transcripts, videos, supporters, and organizations

Street Activity Sensors

8-month pilot to test 12 computer-vision sensors across four boroughs of NYC to employ machine vision and improve street-level data collection and improve planning decisions

The Digital Impact Exchange

The Digital Impact Exchange

United Nations Foundation

It can be tough for government decision makers to find current, reliable information on tried-and-tested technologies. The Exchange solves that problem by serving as a one-stop shop, featuring over 500 digital tools, products and opportunities for government technology decision makers, IT developers, and product vendors.

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