Search Results - wiki (75)

Showing 75 Results

WikiProject Medicine

WP:MED as it is known aims to manage and help in curation of Wikipedia's medical articles.

Wikipedia and Westminster: Quality and Dynamics of Wikipedia Pages about UK Politicians

The aim of this study is to quantify and qualify content production and consumption for articles about politicians, with a specific focus on UK Members of Parliament (MPs).

Wikidata search tool for Venezuelan works in public domain

An automated query in Wikidata of all existing profiles of Venezuelan authors, scientists and creators whose works are in the public domain according to national and international laws by virtue of the time elapsed since their death.


Wikimedians Strengthening Knowledge and News Credibility on the Internet

Wikimedia Community User Group Uganda

Wikimedia Community User Group Uganda is a team of self-motivated individuals who improve articles on Wikimedia Foundation project websites and promote free and open access to knowledge locally. They also invested in projects that sensitize and train communities about Wikipedia.

Wikimedians of the Caribbean User Group

The Wikimedians of the Caribbean Usergroup is a Wikimedia user group focused on the peoples of the Caribbean and the Caribbean Diaspora, bringing together cultures and languages, and also the communities with their diasporas.


WikiRumours is a web-based database which enables geographically distributed teams to collaborate asynchronously on monitoring, verifying, and countering the spread of harmful rumours and misinformation.

Wikimedia Knowledge Equity Fund

The Wikimedia Foundation Knowledge Equity Fund is a new US$4.5 million fund created by the Wikimedia Foundation in 2020, to provide grants to external organizations that support knowledge equity by addressing the racial inequities preventing access and participation in free knowledge.

Wikimedia Foundation

The nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation provides the essential infrastructure for free knowledge.


A Browser Extension for Adding Context to Online Stories by Suggesting Related Wikipedia Articles


WikiUX takes a user-centred approach to address credibility.

Wikimedia Germany

Wikimedia Germany

Wikimedia Deutschland

Unsere Vision ist eine Welt, in der alle Menschen am Wissen der Menschheit teilhaben, es nutzen und mehren können.

Wikimedia Germany Fellowships

Wikimedia Germany Fellowships

Wikimedia Deutschland

Mit dem Fellow-Programm Freies Wissen unterstützen Wikimedia Deutschland, der Stifterverband und die VolkswagenStiftung Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler dabei, ihre Forschung und Lehre offen zu gestalten. Das Fellow-Programm startet im September in die vierte Programmrunde, wieder werden 20 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus verschiedenen Disziplinen gefördert und dabei unterstützt, ihre wissenschaftliche Arbeit offen(er) zu gestalten.



Brasília - Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil

Lets citizens collaboratively draft and edit legislative texts, as well as upvote and downvote individual clauses


Wikidata acts as central storage for the structured data of its Wikimedia sister projects including Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, Wiktionary, Wikisource, etc.

Prototype Fund FOSS Tools wiki

Prototype Fund FOSS Tools wiki

Singerstraße 109, 10179 Berlin, Germany

Here you can find a list of tools and resources that were either recommended by projects during their funding period or mentioned during coaching sessions and calls.

Skills Wiki for New Government Hires

Skills Wiki for New Government Hires

Aspen Institute, North 3rd Street, Aspen, CO, USA

A comprehensive set of resources to help new techies in government hit the ground running on day one.



Santa Cruz, California, USA

Centering the knowledges of marginalised communities from around the world. Re-imagining the internet to be for and from us all.

Civic Commons wiki

The Civic Commons Wiki was a collaborative encyclopedia documenting best-practices and open standards for file formats, APIs, agile development processes, open source software, and supporting policies and licenses in the civic sector.

Gender and Technology Resources wiki

This wiki is dedicated to document initiatives around gender and tech, privacy and digital security that are organised by participants to the trainings and activities related to the program “Securing Online and Offline Freedoms for Women: Expression, Privacy and Digital Inclusion”.



United States of America (the)

Original Version of govwiki - May 2015



United Republic of Tanzania (Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania)

"JamiiForums is a Tanzania-based social networking website in East Africa founded in 2006. The online network is notable as the most popular social media website in Tanzania, according to AllAfrica" -Wikipedia


soweego is a pipeline that connects Wikidata to large-scale third-party catalogs.

Der Kampf um das Internet

Wie Wikipedia, Mastodon Und Co. Die Tech-giganten Herausfordern. by Stefan Mey

California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA)

"The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) is a California state government agency created by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA). As the first dedicated privacy regulator in the United States, the agency implements and enforces the CPRA and the California Consumer Privacy Act." - Wikipedia



United States of America (the)

"FedNow is a service developed by the Federal Reserve for depository institutions in the United States. It will enable individuals and businesses to send and receive instant payments. Banks will be able to build products on top of the FedNow platform." - Wikipedia

The Atlantic

The Atlantic is an American magazine and multi-platform publisher. It features articles in the fields of politics, foreign affairs, business and the economy, culture and the arts, technology, and science. - Wikipedia

European Citizen's Prize

It is intended to reward on an annual basis individuals or groups who have particularly distinguished themselves in strengthening European integration by the expression of European cooperation, openness to others and practical involvement in the development of mutual understanding.

The Civic Tech Field Guide's Civic Mastodon server roundup

Since there's not yet a clear home for civic tech on Mastodon, I've rounded up some of the more relevant servers for civic tech's digital migrants to gather.

Associazione Openpolis

Associazione Openpolis

Associazione Openpolis, Via degli Equi 42, 00185 Roma T. Italy

"Openpolis è una fondazione indipendente e senza scopo di lucro che promuove progetti per l'accesso alle informazioni pubbliche, la trasparenza e la partecipazione democratica. Svolge attività di giornalismo basato sui dati (data journalism), porta avanti campagne di attivismo civico, fa divulgazione critica sul tema dei dati e sviluppa applicazioni web basate su dati aperti." - Wikipedia Italia

Arab Techies

10 سنوات من عمر مؤسسة التعبير الرقمي العربي


Following the example of the whistleblowers site Wikileaks we opened this site to promote transparency and fight the nexus of organized crime and political corruption in the Balkan states.

Cite Unseen

Cite Unseen is a Wikipedia user script that helps readers quickly evaluate the sources used in a given English Wikipedia article. The script adds iconic indicators to identified sources that indicate various attributes of the source, such as if the source is a news article, opinion piece, or government-controlled.


"Acumen is a nonprofit impact investment fund focused on investing in social enterprises that serve low-income individuals in United States." - Wikipedia


A Bot to Add References to WikiData Statements


Sourceror was meant to leverage Wikipedia’s credibility data to improve media literacy and combat disinformation on the web. It's not clear if it launched.

Scribe Reference API

The Scribe reference API will list references based on usage and domain by language.

Source Scour

Was a prototype to help newsrooms crowdsource better information about the communities they serve, by Wikipedians


a protocol for news publishers to open the history of changes of any Wordpress-based site. The intention was to give audiences the possibility of seeing stealth edits in the news.

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