Governments have the responsibility to share information with citizens in a readily understandable way. Openness and accountability will help to strengthen democracies and guarantee trust. The process of demanding transparency should also include public participation and citizen engagement. These platforms were created with the goal of offering information on how governments are spending money or implementing policies and what are the best ways in which citizens could monitor these processes.
The Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria is a dynamic organisation established in 2007 to champion the right to access officially held information at all levels of government public institutions and establishing legal standards for these rights in Nigeria.
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)
Pratimo tačnost i dosljednost izjava i ispunjavanje obećanja, mjerimo otvorenost institucija, upoznajemo javnost s političkim procesima i političkim programima, zagovaramo otvorenost i odgovornost!
Todos los ciudadanos tenemos derecho a acceder a la información que tienen los organismos del Estado o las empresas que administran recursos y servicios públicos.
Everyone has the right under the Hong Kong Code of Access to Information to ask for and receive access to information held by government departments and agencies.
This website provides data on the turnover of leaders in municipal and state-owned enterprises, and their connections with political parties or associations.
The portal is designed not only for IT specialists who want to create projects using open-source code but also for residents who want to make important personal life decisions based on sound statistical data.
The website allows you to view, filter and analyze government finance data in a variety of sections and levels, from the national level, which includes aggregated (total) government, municipal, social security and monetary fund data, to detailed institution-level data.
Transparency International Hungary's project, based solely on public data, will show the companies that win public money, their procurement activities, results, ownership and public relations, to provide an online tool to detect and prevent political corruption.
“Transparency Lab” (tlab) is a project that aims to map existing policy and legislation in relation to transparency, corruption and accountability in Iran; to assess their strengths and weaknesses and to introduce international standards, values and policy recommendations to the discussion about transparency, corruption and accountability in the country.
Metamorphosis Foundation works on strengthening the awareness and capacity of citizens and civil society to assume their fullest possible role as activists for democracy, while supporting government to fulfill its democratic role in serving society.
"„“ („My Parliament“) is a user-friendly online tool dedicated to making the country´s political scene more transparent and understandable." - WSA Global
Todos los ciudadanos tienen el derecho a acceder a la información que tiene los organismos y autoridades públicas. Por ley, deben responder. (Alaveteli instance for Colombia)
In cooperation with the Organization for a Participatory Society and PIC - Legal-Informational Centre for NGOs, we prepared a survey on the transparency of Slovenian municipalities.
The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) is a coalition of over 200 public interest groups and trade unions concerned with the increasing influence exerted by corporate lobbyists on the political agenda in Europe, the resulting loss of democracy in EU decision-making and the postponement, weakening, or blockage even, of urgently needed progress on social, environmental and consumer-protection reforms.
Senado aprova acordo de cooperação entre brasil em questões relacionadas à defesa damares alves e tarcísio de freitas vão se filiar ao republicanos neta de arraes se filia ao solidariedade e lula pode ter palanque duplo em pernambuco
Թրանսփարենսի Ինթերնեշնլ Հակակոռուպցիոն Կենտրոն - մեր առաքելությունն է կոռուպցիան նվազեցնելու և ժողովրդավարությունն ամրապնդելու ճանապարհով նպաստել լավ կառավարմանը Հայաստանում:
Boulevard E. Jacqmain one hundred and thirty-five 1 000 Brussels
Transparency International Belgium is the Belgian national chapter of Transparency International (TI) a global movement against corruption. Together we share a common vision: a world in which government, politics, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption.
South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)
We build tools, open up data, and provide data training which supports an active citizenry and helps communities and governments work better, together.
Transparency International EU is part of the global anti-corruption movement, Transparency International, which includes over 100 chapters around the world
21 Nicolae Balcescu Bvd. 2nd Floor, Sector 1, Bucuresti, 010044, Romania
Transparency International România are două priorități majore: îmbunătățirea raportării și sancționării corupției în România și schimbarea de atitudine în rândul instituțiilor și al cetățenilor, astfel încât corupția să devină inacceptabilă în România.