The Tech > Participatory democracy - (558)

Participatory democracy strives to create opportunities for all members of a population to make meaningful contributions to decision-making and seeks to broaden the range of people who have access to such opportunities. (Wikipedia: Participatory democracy)

Showing 558 Results

Democracy Festivals Association

Democracy Festivals are the platforms for constructive political dialogue across opinions, age, gender, and hierarchy, where people come together each summer to discuss how to improve their countries.



Lithuania (Lietuva)

"„“ („My Parliament“) is a user-friendly online tool dedicated to making the country´s political scene more transparent and understandable." - WSA Global

Rosario Participa

Rosario Participa

Rosario, Argentina

Unite, participá y decidí. Todas las acciones de participación en un lugar.



Santiago, Chile

El Programa Creamos de INJUV está dirigido a jóvenes entre 15 y 29 años que quieran ser líderes y generar cambios a pequeña o mediana escala, proponiendo ideas innovadoras para problemas que afecten a una comunidad.

Long Beach Co-Lab

Long Beach Co-Lab

Long Beach, CA

The LB Co-Lab will engage Long Beach community members in an immersive and collaborative technology deployment and training process to design a technology solution that works for them.

Maino Tech

Maino Tech

Helsinki, Finland

We provide modern, effective solutions for participation and collective decision-making.

Democracy Beyond Elections

Democracy Beyond Elections

United States of America (the)

A collaborative, national campaign rooted in equitable, accessible, and significant community-led decision-making practices.

Ampliando Democracia

Ampliando Democracia

Madrid (Spain)

Ampliando Democracia es un proyecto que promueve la reflexión sobre cómo mejorar la gobernanza, las políticas públicas y la calidad democrática a través de una participación ciudadana más profunda, inclusiva y sólida.

Todos los ciudadanos tienen el derecho a acceder a la información que tiene los organismos y autoridades públicas. Por ley, deben responder. (Alaveteli instance for Colombia)

MyCandidate Nigeria

MyCandidate Nigeria

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

The MyCandidate platform empowers citizens of African countries to play an active role in electoral and democratic processes during elections and strengthens civil society’s advocacy work ahead of and post elections. MyCandidate, ingests electoral candidate data, to present it in a way that all voters can understand on a widely-accessible web-based platform.



Los Angeles, CA

Sequent is a next-generation online voting platform purposely built to ensure the highest level of confidence in digital elections for election managers, voters and auditors

Alliance of Democracies

The Alliance of Democracies Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2017 by Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former NATO Secretary General and former Prime Minister of Denmark.

The Democracy Tech Entrepreneur Fellowship

Our democracy tech entrepreneurs fellows are selected from Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Armenia, which all live in the menacing shadow of Russia.

The Centre for Civic Innovation

The Centre for Civic Innovation

Sydney NSW, Australia

What would you like to do for your community? We want to help make it happen.

Danes je nov dan

Ljubljana, Slovenia based civic tech NGO, focusing efforts on (digital) political participation, open data, transparency, and public institutional oversight.

El Avispero

We are a platform of more than 140 thousand activists, organizations and groups that mobilize to transform behaviors and attitudes, generating influence in public policies and thus building a more tolerant, fair, sustainable, inclusive and participatory country.

Participatory Digital Futures: How digital transformation can be made good for all

by Mark Findlay, Sharanya Shanmugam. In this article, through vignettes from the United Kingdom and Singapore’s experience, we highlight how digital transformation can be made more participatory for users affected by digital initiatives.

Közösségi Digitális Eszközök Alapítvány

"We created the foundation in 2016 - economists, IT and communication specialists - to support the development of free digital tools necessary for community decision-making, and to operate such tools." (Translated)

Red Ciudadana

Red Ciudadana


Participación, formación ciudadana y apertura de datos Somos una organización que trabaja por una Guatemala más democrática, innovadora y transparente.

Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD)

ICLD’s mission is to support democratic participation and change at the local level.



Hungary (Magyarország)

PARTIMAP is a free, easy to use and customizable map-based survey for those who believe that affected citizens should have a say in public development projects.



Hungary (Magyarország)

We Use Technology, Research & Participatory Action to Unveil Corruption.

Journal of Deliberative Democracy (previously the Journal of Public Deliberation)

The Journal of Deliberative Democracy (formerly the Journal of Public Deliberation) is an open access journal publishing articles that shape the course of scholarship on deliberative democracy.



Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

LocalView is a database co-created by Soubhik Barari and Tyler Simko to advance the study of local government in the United States. It is the largest dataset of local government public meetings — the central policy-making process in American local government — as they are captured on video.



Carrer Concepció Arenal 165 08027 Barcelona (Spain)

Tecnologies obertes, democràcia participativa i cultura digital

The Role of Community Engagement in Urban Innovation Towards the Co-Creation of Smart Sustainable Cities

"Findings from this study presents a developed model that can support community engagement for urban innovation by specifying factors that influences community engagement for smart sustainable city development." by Bokolo Anthony Jr.

The Collective Intelligence Project

Our mission is to direct technological development towards the collective good.

Mühlleite 13, 91465 Ergersheim, Germany

Deutschlands Nr. 1 Consul-Anbieter. Consul is the world's most successful platform for citizen participation.

Reclaiming Participatory Governance: Social Movements and the Reinvention of Democratic Innovation

"Reclaiming Participatory Governance offers empirical and theoretical perspectives on how the relationship between social movements and state institutions is emerging and developing through new modes of participatory governance."

Best practices of engaging and involving people with lived experience in decision-making

Democratic Society (Demsoc) was commissioned by the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (ALLIANCE) to identify and share best practices and evidence on including people with lived experience in health and social care policy and practice in Scotland.

OECD Guidelines for Citizen Participation Processes

The OECD Guidelines for Citizen Participation Processes are intended for any public official or public institution interested in carrying out a citizen participation process.


Our artificial intelligence platform covers many of today's most relevant topics: from sustainable cities to citizen security, from migration to climate change & biodiversity, and more.

The People's Money

The People's Money

New York City, NY, USA

NYC's first citywide Mayoral participatory budgeting process, run by the NYC Civic Engagement Commission (CEC) (2022-2023)

Legislative Theater

In legislative theater, communities, advocates and policymakers work together, to identify, develop, and build support for new legislation.

Participatory Policymaking

Through participatory policymaking, residents propose, debate, and vote on new policies and policy changes, through online platforms and meetings.

The Participation Playbook

The Participation Playbook is an interactive guide to help you successfully advocate for and implement a participatory program for your government or community. It is a tool for people who want to open up government to meaningful and equitable community participation.

Research Methods in Deliberative Democracy

Research Methods in Deliberative Democracy is the first book that brings together a wide range of methods used in the study of deliberative democracy.

Democracy Network (United Kingdom)

A UK-wide community of democracy organisations and initiatives, working to build stronger relationships, connections and resources amongst those working to build a stronger, more resilient democracy in the United Kingdom.

Open Parliament Canada

Finding out what your representatives in Ottawa are up to can be tough. We’re trying to make it easy.

Mehr Demokratie

Mehr Demokratie

Mehr Demokratie e.V., Greifswalderstr. 4, 10108 Berlin, Germany

Seit mehr als 30 Jahren bringt Mehr Demokratie die direkte Demokratie und Bürgerbeteiligung voran und kümmert sich um Transparenz und ein faires Wahlrecht.

Bill Track 50

Bill Track 50

LegiNation Inc, 1747 Pearl Street, Suite 304, Denver, CO 80201

We provide a simple search tool for state and federal legislation and regulations and assemble your results into a spreadsheet-style grid for you to view and enjoy.

WeChat mini app for participatory budgeting

China’s Participation Center developed a “mini app” for the popular WeChat platform, and grew the number of participatory budgeting users in Chengdu city to more than 3 million



Los Angeles, CA

The Los Angeles Reforms for Equity and Public Acknowledgment of Institutional Racism (L.A. REPAIR) is L.A.'s first participatory budget pilot program. L.A. REPAIR will distribute roughly $8.5 million directly to nine L.A. City neighborhoods, called REPAIR Zones.

Denver Participatory Budgeting

In the first cycle of Denver's Participatory Budgeting, residents guide the selection of $2 million of neighborhood infrastructure.

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