The Tech > Advocacy tech > Watchdogging and transparency - (345)

Technologies that seek to provide greater visibility to the activities of governments, corporations, or individuals in power and allow others to monitor them.

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Showing 345 Results

Transition au Tchad

Transition Online est une plateforme visant à renforcer la participation citoyenne au Tchad en facilitant et optimisant l’accès aux informations relatives à la transition.

Parliament Watch (Thailand)

An open-source comprehensive platform that serves as a one-stop solution for monitoring Thailand's parliament.

GovServices Monitor

This portal makes it easier for citizens to find information on government services and measure service levels in Nigeria.


We are a civic tech organization fostering courtroom openness, social justice and citizen engagement in Nigeria.

Trial Monitoring of Corruption Cases

The trial monitoring of corruption cases program uses tech tools to improve the justice sector by making the workings of the judiciary easier to understand and scrutinize.

Digital Rogue Society Experiment Group

Civil society organization craving for improved government, political parties, CSOs and businesses accountability with the introduction of reliable and innovative civic engagement solutions.


An app for tracking political advertisements on Meta-owned advertising platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

COA Beat Assistant

COA Beat Assistant

Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines

Custom GPT tool to help journalists in the Philippines to parse long government audit reports for anomalies

The Republic of Moldova (Moldova)

Platformă de monitorizare a activității politicienilor aleși

Parlametar BA

Parlametar BA

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

Parlametar je alat koji pomoću analize glasanja i transkripata govora zastupnika/ca olakšava praćenje rada Parlamentarne skupštine Bosne i Hercegovine.

Lokalni Index Otvorenosti

Lokalni Index Otvorenosti

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

“Lokalni Index Otvorenosti” je kompozitni indikator koji mjeri stepen otvorenosti lokalnih samouprava prema građanima u Bosni i Hercegovini.

The Government Says

"The Government Says" make news releases from Government departments easy to find and easy to scan through quickly.

Open Council Data

Open Council Data

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

All UK councillors 2016-2023 + by-election info

Landlord Tech Watch

Landlord Tech Watch

United States of America (the)

Campaign website explaining landlord / proptech surveillance and what tenants can do to fight back

Citizen Congress Watch (CCW)

Citizen Congress Watch (CCW)

Taipei City, Taiwan

The goals are to oversee the congress, eliminate inadequate legislators and improve congress culture.

Citizen Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Citizen Intelligence Agency (OSINT) , monitoring key political figures and institutions, provides insights into financial performance, risk metrics, and political trends

Observatorio Cali Visible (OCV)

Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a control y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional”. Decreto 1075 de 2015 / Resolución 12220 de 2016

Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria

The Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria is a dynamic organisation established in 2007 to champion the right to access officially held information at all levels of government public institutions and establishing legal standards for these rights in Nigeria.


Parliamentary monitoring and democracy watchdog organisation using civic tech to promote transparency, accountability and citizen engagement.

Marks Out of Tenancy

Marks Out of Tenancy

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Join the thousands of renters rating and reviewing their landlord, letting agent and rental properties.

Zašto ne

Zašto ne

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

Pratimo tačnost i dosljednost izjava i ispunjavanje obećanja, mjerimo otvorenost institucija, upoznajemo javnost s političkim procesima i političkim programima, zagovaramo otvorenost i odgovornost!



Tunisia (Tunis)

ONSHOR est une association créée en 2019. ONSHOR a pour objectif de stimuler la diffusion de l’information publique.

Dostup do Pravdy (Доступ до правди)

Сайт «Доступ до Правди» працює як уніфікована платформа для надсилання електронних запитів розпорядникам інформації відповідно до Закону “Про доступ до публічної інформації”.




An iLab Liberia project, in conjunction with mySociety, powered by Alaveteli

Right to Know

Right to Know

The OpenAustralia Foundation PO Box 147 Katoomba NSW 2780

Alaveteli instance for Australia

Derecho al Dato

Todos los ciudadanos tenemos derecho a acceder a la información que tienen los organismos del Estado o las empresas que administran recursos y servicios públicos.

Digital Rating: отчёты о прозрачности компаний в России

Эксперты проекта Digital Rating исследовали политики и практики популярных веб-сервисов Рунета по раскрытию данных взаимодействия с госорганами, а также соблюдения прав граждан на свободу информации и приватность.

Trump Trials Clearinghouse

Trump Trials Clearinghouse

New York University

To help readers parse through these complex legal developments, we have centralized information on Trump’s major cases in the most comprehensive clearinghouse of its kind.

Be šešėlio

Be šešėlio

Lithuania (Lietuva)

An opportunity for every conscious member of society to contribute to the elimination of the shadow economy.



Vilnius, Lithuania

"S.T.I.R.NA" is an initiative aimed at providing information about media owners and ad spending in a simple and convenient manner.



Latin America

Revisa aquí cómo impacta la evasión de impuestos en las vidas de los habitantes de América Latina

전국 공보 지도 (National Public Information Map)

전국 공보 지도 (National Public Information Map)

Republic of South Korea (Hanguk or Namhan)

Code for Korea's project digitizing government gazettes '공보’란 국가기관과 지방자치단체가 대국민에 정부의 소식을 알려주는 소식지를 말합니다.

Brennan Center for Justice

Brennan Center for Justice

New York University

The Brennan Center is a nonpartisan law and policy institute, striving to uphold the values of democracy.



Sydney NSW, Australia

Elker is an anonymous reporting platform that allows people to speak up about workplace issues such as harassment, discrimination, and misconduct.

tlab پایگاه شفافیت ایران

tlab پایگاه شفافیت ایران

Islamic Republic of Iran (Īrān)

“Transparency Lab” (tlab) is a project that aims to map existing policy and legislation in relation to transparency, corruption and accountability in Iran; to assess their strengths and weaknesses and to introduce international standards, values and policy recommendations to the discussion about transparency, corruption and accountability in the country.




Ubunge is Kenya's pioneer County Assembly parliamentary monitoring project, designed and implemented by The Demography Project, to open public participation and citizen engagement in the 47 County Assemblies and the defunct Local Authorities.

Metamorphosis Foundation

Metamorphosis Foundation

Skopje, North Macedonia

Metamorphosis Foundation works on strengthening the awareness and capacity of citizens and civil society to assume their fullest possible role as activists for democracy, while supporting government to fulfill its democratic role in serving society.

Žinau, ką renku

Žinau, ką renku

Lithuania (Lietuva)

Žinau, ką renku“ – tai nešališkas politikos stebėsenos tinklas, kuriame dalyvauja jauni žmonės iš įvairių Lietuvos miestų ir miestelių.



Lithuania (Lietuva)

"„“ („My Parliament“) is a user-friendly online tool dedicated to making the country´s political scene more transparent and understandable." - WSA Global

iFollow The Money

iFollow The Money

Abuja, Nigeria

A Network Of Grassroots Citizens Dedicated To Tracking Government And International Aid Spending.


The global archive of research material for investigative reporting.

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