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Voice of the People's Policymaking Simulations

Voice Of the People (VOP) is a nonpartisan organization working to re-anchor our democracy in its founding principles by giving ‘We the People’ a greater and more effective voice in government.

Understanding the social impact of the National Data Strategy

Understanding the social impact of the National Data Strategy

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

A policy note to make it easier for more people to engage with the UK government's National Data Strategy.

Idėja Tauragei

Idėja Tauragei

Lithuania (Lietuva)

This platform helps municipality facilitate participatory budgeting in the municipality.

Dalyvauk! Anykščiai

Dalyvauk! Anykščiai

Lithuania (Lietuva)

This platform helps municipality facilitate participatory budgeting in the municipality.

Dalyvauk! Klaipėda

Dalyvauk! Klaipėda

Lithuania (Lietuva)

This platform helps municipality facilitate participatory budgeting in the municipality.

Dalyvauk! Vilnius

Dalyvauk! Vilnius

Lithuania (Lietuva)

This platform helps municipality facilitate participatory budgeting in the municipality.

Cheeri IMM

Cheeri IMM

Hong Kong

By making it easy for impact funders and fundees to define, measure, analyze, report and manage their impact projects, we help purpose-driven organizations such as social enterprises and nonprofits get trust-based, continuous funding.

reframe[Tech] – Algorithms for the Common Good

In the project “reframe[Tech] – Algorithms for the Common Good”, we are committed to ensuring that efforts to develop and use algorithms and artificial intelligence are more closely aligned with the common good.


Fantapolitica! è una piattaforma di supporto per candidat* di sinistra che abbiano meno di trent’anni. Sostiene candidat* desideros* di sperimentare metodi più partecipativi, facilitare l’organizzazione di comunità, coniugando l’impegno per la giustizia sociale e climatica, e incoraggiando la partecipazione politica giovanile. Job Board

A free climate job board with 10,000+ jobs from more than 800+ companies across industries and geographies!

Digital Futures Lab

Digital Futures Lab is a multidisciplinary research network that examines the complex interactions between technology and society in the global south.

We run weekly(ish) civic hacknights for everyone.

Great King Machines

Great King Machines

India (Bhārat)

We manufacture embedded city maintenance machines for city civic and green agencies to upgrade to new standards of service to the citizens.

The Civic Tech Field Guide's Civic Mastodon server roundup

Since there's not yet a clear home for civic tech on Mastodon, I've rounded up some of the more relevant servers for civic tech's digital migrants to gather.

Design Ethnography Lab

This laboratory was formed as an effort to develop design methods and practices, which on the one hand are based on technological developments, and on the other, based on the development of social, cultural, and political issues and theories.

Centro de Asesoria y Promocion Electorap (CAPEL)

Centro de Asesoria y Promocion Electorap (CAPEL)

Av. 8, Calles 41 y 43, Casa #222, San Jose, Costa Rica

El Centro de Asesoría y Promoción Electoral, IIDH/CAPEL, es un programa especializado del Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (IIDH).

European Capital of Democracy

The European Capital of Democracy Initiative will build a strong network of Cities that will foster participation; a platform for hope, and for exercising the will and power to change our world for the better.

Democracy Technologies

A magazine established to provide people working in politics and the industry of Democracy Technologies with in-depth information about new developments and technologies in the field of digital participation and deliberation, electronic voting, and other digital tools that improve political organisations.




SunTec.AI is an experienced data annotation company that offers premium data annotation services across diverse industry verticals. We create customized business-specific solutions for advanced domains, like AI & ML, robotics, healthcare, and technology.




HateAid setzt sich dafür ein, dass digitale Gewalt keine Chance hat und alle Menschen sich frei und ohne Ängste im Netz bewegen können. Als Betroffene*r von Online-Hass kannst du dich kostenlos an unsere Beratung wenden.

Smart Cville

Smart Cville

401 Water St E, Charlottesville, VA 22902

Empowering and inspiring civic innovators across central Virginia



Eastern Europe

Urbanpinion is a citizen engagement platform that lets city government, community leaders, architects and activists easily set up a landing with an interactive map to collect citizens suggestions, receive analytics based on collected data and make later on right decisions for city development.



New York City

Hawkfish was a 2020 Election effort, supported by Mike Bloomberg, that engaged with Democratic candidates, allies & causes to reach the right voters with the right message in the right place using robust technology, data, and digital-first storytelling.

A Field Guide to “Fake News” and Other Information Disorders

A Field Guide to “Fake News” and Other Information Disorders explores the use of digital methods to study false viral news, political memes, trolling practices and their social life online.

Digital Democracy Monitor Toolkit

The Digital Democracy Monitor Toolkit seeks to empower researchers with the knowledge, tools and examples to analyse democratic discourse online.


Fiskkit allows news readers to annotate the news line by line

MarvelousAI is an (inactive) early stage startup founded by tech industry veterans.


The Digital Literacy Curriculum, focused on disinfo detection, was developed with the Finnish government for integration in schools, supported by the EU Parliament.

Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace

The Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace of 12 November 2018 is a call to come together to face the new threats endangering citizens and infrastructure.

CrashCourse Media Literacy

In 12 episodes, Jay Smooth teaches you Media Literacy! Based on an introductory college level curriculum, this series takes you through the history and psychology of media and gives you the skills to become more media savvy.

Uruguay (Republica Oriental del Uruguay)

A project to verify media around the 2019 elections


Mozilla Rally is aimed at rebuilding your equity in your data. We allow you to choose how to contribute your data and for what purpose.

Copia Gaming

Copia Gaming is our ongoing initiative to design and facilitate a variety of games that explore serious and important subjects.

Perugia Declaration for Ukraine

The International Journalism Festival and members and partners of the Global Forum for Media Development call for increased support of independent media and journalists in Ukraine.


Bringing underheard voices to the center of a stronger public dialogue


An editorial newsletter tool for writers and publishers.

U.S. Digital Corps

U.S. Digital Corps

Washington, DC

The U.S. Digital Corps is a two‑year government fellowship to launch your career at the intersection of technology and public service.

Hivos Digital Integrity Fellowship

Selected organisations receive over the period of six to eight months* constructive assistance to create a secure environment for their employees and thereby the CSAs and HRDs they work with.



Alexandria, VA, USA


Tech & Check Conference

Tech & Check Conference

Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

As part of its Tech & Check Cooperative, the Reporters’ Lab is serving as a hub for automated fact-checking to connect journalists and technologists around the world. The conference gave them an opportunity to demonstrate current projects and discuss the big challenges of automation.

The Prototype Fund

The Prototype Fund

Singerstraße 109, 10179 Berlin, Germany

Der Prototype Fund ist ein Förderprogramm des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), das von der Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland betreut und ausgewertet wird.

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