Search Results - Democracy (892)

Showing 892 Results

Declaration on Parliamentary Openness

The Declaration on Parliamentary Openness is a call to national parliaments, and sub-national and transnational legislative bodies, by civil society parliamentary monitoring organizations (PMOs) for an increased commitment to openness and to citizen engagement in parliamentary work.

United Humans

[W]hich aspires to establish a global democracy, solving the hard problem of representing every human in the world – including those who won’t participate – without the help of government.

Delib Citizen Space

Delib Citizen Space

Orchard Street Business Centre, 13-14 Orchard Street, Bristol, BS1 5EH

Next-generation engagement tools for 21st century democracy.

Agora (France)

Agora (France)

Paris, France

L'application Agora permet aux Français de s'exprimer sur des sujets à forts enjeux en participant à des consultations et en posant des questions au Gouvernement.

Agora (Parliaments)

The leading global knowledge platform on parliamentary development.

Speakeasy AI is a SaaS company building end-to-end tools for better conversations.

Idėja Tauragei

This platform helps municipality facilitate participatory budgeting in the municipality.

Dalyvauk! Klaipėda

This platform helps municipality facilitate participatory budgeting in the municipality.

Dalyvauk! Anykščiai

This platform helps municipality facilitate participatory budgeting in the municipality.

World Atlas of Participatory Budgeting

The World Atlas of Participatory Budgeting represents the widest compilation of data, to date, on the situation of these processes on the planet.

Dalyvauk! Vilnius

This platform helps municipality facilitate participatory budgeting in the municipality.

Fundusz sołecki

Polish law institutionalizing the "Village Fund" form of participatory budgeting, first in rural areas and later required for the 66 largest cities

Lithuania is a Lithuanian website that serves as a platform for creating and signing petitions.



Vilnius, Lithuania

A platform for the public sector to directly consult with the citizens.

Women at the Table

Women at the Table

Geneva, Switzerland

Women at the Table breaks down barriers to systems change so that women and girls are able to fully and actively participate and influence the world’s social, political and economic spheres.




FairVote is a nonpartisan organization advocating for ranked-choice voting in the US.

Microsoft AccountGuard

Microsoft AccountGuard is a cybersecurity service that adds an extra layer of protection to the high-risk, highly-targeted organizations that underpin a healthy democracy, including those in the political, elections, journalism, thinktank, human rights and nonprofit sectors.

Center for Applied NonViolent Actions and Strategies (CANVAS)

CANVAS was founded in 2005 by Slobodan Djinovic and Srdja Popovic to advocate for the use of nonviolent resistance in the promotion of human rights and democracy. Since then, we have worked with pro-democracy activists from more than 50 countries.

Free Machine

Free Machine awakens civic participation where emerging technology, public policy, and culture meet.

Future Perfect

Future Perfect is a live, choose-your-own-adventure game where players join an imagined society called Tomorrowland.

Brennan Center for Justice

Brennan Center for Justice

New York University

The Brennan Center is a nonpartisan law and policy institute, striving to uphold the values of democracy.

Press Forward

Press Forward

United States of America (the)

Building on years of work and investments, a growing group of national, regional, and local funders have come forward to invest in local news and information.

Artificial Intelligence for the Legislative Branch

POPVOX Foundation is working with Demand Progress and the Foundation for American Innovation (formerly the Lincoln Network) to facilitate information-sharing and best practices for the testing, deployment and oversight of automated technologies including Large Language Models (LLMs) in the legislative branch.

MAPLE: The Massachusetts Platform for Legislative Engagement

MAPLE makes it easy for anyone to view and submit testimony to the Massachusetts Legislature about the bills that will shape our future.

Metamorphosis Foundation

Metamorphosis Foundation

Skopje, North Macedonia

Metamorphosis Foundation works on strengthening the awareness and capacity of citizens and civil society to assume their fullest possible role as activists for democracy, while supporting government to fulfill its democratic role in serving society.

coletivo delibera

coletivo delibera

Brazil (Brasil)

O coletivo delibera trabalha com uma forma inédita e democrática de atuação da sociedade nas decisões de pautas políticas do país, de comunidades, de cidades e até mesmo de bairros.

Making Voices Heard in the Regulatory Process (US OMB)

Making Voices Heard in the Regulatory Process (US OMB)

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

Today, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is releasing guidance detailing new steps that Federal agencies should take to make it easier for interested members of the public to voice their views in the regulatory process.

Stichting Netwerk Democratie

Netwerk Democratie’s mission rests on two pillars: Digital democracy and the democratisation of technology.

UN HABITAT Digital Cities Toolkit

An open source Policy Toolkit for cities to develop digital policies that put citizens at the center, tackle Sustainable Development Goals and make Governments more open, transparent, and collaborative.

European Citizen Action Service

The European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) is an international, Brussels-based non-profit organisation with a pan-European membership and more than 30 years of experience.


Vetted methods, key principles, inspiring stories and experts from around the world

Hallo Bundestag

Gewählt. Gelost. Gemeinsam. Wahlkreisräte für die Demokratie

Es geht LOS!

Wir sind ein zivilgesellschaftlicher, überparteilicher Think & Do Tank für losbasierte Bürgerbeteiligung. Wir initiieren geloste Bürgerräte kommunal, im Wahlkreis, national und sogar in öffentlichen Institutionen.

Wir holen euch ab!

Dabei haben sich Katharina Liesenberg und Linus Strothmann vom Team Es geht LOS einer jahrtausendealten, urdemokratischen Methode bedient: des Losens. Indem sie im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes an Türen klingelten, haben sie Menschen in ihrer persönlichen Lebensrealität abgeholt und miteinander in Kontakt gebracht. Ein Buch voll inspirierender Beispiele, die ihren Praxistest alle bestanden haben.


Citizens' movement to practice democracy by sortition. Notable twist includes winning a seat in Brussels Parliament, where their elected representative must act on behalf of 50 residents chosen by lot.

Innovationshauptplatz of the city of Linz

You want to actively shape your Linz? Join the Innovationshauptplatz Linz and become part of our community of 7,300 users!


Diseñamos y desarrollamos procesos de participación ciudadana

What Makes an Assembly?

Weaving together the anthropological, aesthetic, and political aspects of assembly-making, What Makes An Assembly? explores the potential of assemblies to reimagine the way democracy is practised in contemporary societies.

The Movement

The Movement was founded to give the world better social media, where the people control the platform and receive its profits, where democracy and children are prioritized over corporate profits, and where the community is enabled to fight income inequality and the climate crisis LEARN MORE

Civic Hall Brussels

A place to restore trust and shape the future of democracy via collective experimentation, empowerment and creativity

PowerSwitch Action

PowerSwitch Action

Oakland, California

PowerSwitch Action is a national community of organizers, strategists, and leaders forging multiracial feminist democracy and economies in our cities and towns.




"„“ („My Parliament“) is a user-friendly online tool dedicated to making the country´s political scene more transparent and understandable." - WSA Global

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