Search Results - api (268)

Showing 268 Results

United States Department of State's Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology

Secretary Blinken established the office as part of the wider modernization agenda because the constellation of critical and emerging technologies reshaping the world is now an integral part of the conduct of U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy.


Automated data gathering, simple ESG frameworks & actionable insights for venture capital investors and portfolio companies.


Lioness helps everyday people bring forward stories in the public interest.


Hatebase was a collaborative, regionalized repository of multilingual hate speech, developed in partnership between the Dark Data Project and The Sentinel Project


Google's open-sourced Mediapipe-based library to redact faces from videos and images

Misinformation exposure

Misinformation exposure scores measure how much the politicians and public organizations you follow tend to lie (based on fact-checking their claims by PolitiFact).


At ex/ante, we’ve created an experimental sandbox for inventive teams to build solutions that advance free societies and counter authoritarianism. We bet early on novel technology that advances democratic values and individual rights. We seek to restore personal control over assets, data, and networks. We provide the right resources to kick-start, build, and scale these concepts—leveraging diverse partners and risk-forward capital.

Research Methods in Deliberative Democracy

Research Methods in Deliberative Democracy is the first book that brings together a wide range of methods used in the study of deliberative democracy.

The Civic Tech Field Guide's Civic Mastodon server roundup

Since there's not yet a clear home for civic tech on Mastodon, I've rounded up some of the more relevant servers for civic tech's digital migrants to gather.

Disinfo Matters

We’re looking beyond fake news to examine how manipulation of narratives, rewriting of history and altering our memories is reshaping our world.

USAID Digital Strategy

USAID’s first Digital Strategy charts an agency-wide approach to development in a rapidly evolving digital age.

The Texas Tribune

The Texas Tribune is the only member-supported, digital-first, nonpartisan media organization that informs Texans — and engages with them — about public policy, politics, government and statewide issues.




MinnPost is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces thoughtful, in-depth journalism about civic and cultural affairs impacting Minnesota.

Open Data Is Here. But What Data Do Governments Publish?

Government Technology used the Socrata Open Data API to look at about 55,000 data assets published by 336 U.S. state and local governments — an average of 163 assets per publisher

All Tech Is Human Library Podcast Series

The All Tech Is Human Library Podcast is a special 16-part series featuring a series of rapid-fire intimate conversations with academics, AI ethicists, activists, entrepreneurs, public interest technologists, and integrity workers, who help us answer: How do we build a responsible tech future?

Comparative Print Suite

"The applications allow users to view how a bill would change current law and differences between proposed legislation." URL will only work for US Capitol Hill IP addresses



Czech Republic (Ceska Republika)

Otevíráme, vizualizuje a analyzuje parlamentní, volební a rozpočtová data. Díky nám víte, kdo vás doopravdy zastupuje.


OpenTripPlanner (OTP) is a family of open source software projects that provide passenger information and transportation network analysis services.

Co-Creation Hub

We are an innovation centre dedicated to accelerating the application of social capital and technology for economic prosperity



Brazil (Brasil)

Um laboratório de comunicação e mobilização para causas, com foco no desenvolvimento de ações e campanhas baseadas em dados e na compreensão profunda de nichos de audiência, cultura digital contemporânea e conjuntura política.

Smart cities and data protection: possible routes

InternetLab, ARTICLE 19 and LAPIN launch a policy paper with recommendations on smart cities and personal data protection.



Spain (España)

Tu fuente de información mercantil en Internet

Coda Story

Coda Story reports on major currents shaping our world from disinformation to authoritarian technologies to the war on science. Coda stays on these stories to reveal why they matter, how they are connected and where they are heading next.

Digital democracy: analysis of the disinformation ecosystems on Telegram during the 2022 Brazilian electoral process

Understand the role of the Telegram app in the dissemination of disinformation among Brazilian far-right groups and Analyse (online) radicalization process and (offline) political violence against democratic institutions, especially the Brazilian presidential election in October 2022

Harassment Manager

Harassment Manager is a web application that aims to empower users to document and take action on abuse targeted at them on online platforms.



New York City

Hawkfish was a 2020 Election effort, supported by Mike Bloomberg, that engaged with Democratic candidates, allies & causes to reach the right voters with the right message in the right place using robust technology, data, and digital-first storytelling.


Mnemonic is an NGO dedicated to archiving, investigating and memorializing digital information documenting human rights violations and international crimes.

Masyarakat Anti Fitnah Indonesia adalah sebuah sebuah proyek kolaboratif pengecekan fakta yang dibangun di atas API Yudistira oleh MAFINDO ( Masyarakat Anti Fitnah Indonesia ) dan bekerja sama dengan beberapa media online yang tergabung di AJI ( Aliansi Jurnalis Independen ) dan AMSI ( Asosiasi Media Siber Indonesia ) serta didukung oleh Google News Initiative dan Internews serta FirstDraft. pertama kali diluncurkan di acara ‘Trusted Media Summit 2018’ yang diadakan di Jakarta pada Sabtu, 5 Mei 2018 setelah penandatangan MOU oleh 22 Pemred dan Ketua Mafindo.

Coalizão para Checagem, Eleições 2020

TSE coordinated a fact-checking coalition, comprising nine renowned fact-checking organizations from the media, named “Coalizão para Checagem – Eleições 2020” (Fact-Checking Coalition – 2020 Elections).


BotSlayer is an application that helps track and detect potential manipulation of information spreading on Twitter.



Hungary (Magyarország)

An interactive map to show the billions worth of properties that went from state-owned to privately owned in recent years, together with K Monitor



Brazil (Brasil)

During the months leading up to the 2018 presidential election , students at the Énois School of Journalism in São Paulo and the youth of data_lab in Rio checked weekly for facts and rumors that could impact on the electoral process, Whatsapp networks - mostly young and peripheral.

Social Media Analysis Toolkit (SMAT)

The conversations that trend on internet platforms shape our world in consequential ways, from who we vote for, to what news we read, to how we respond to a pandemic.


Sourceror was meant to leverage Wikipedia’s credibility data to improve media literacy and combat disinformation on the web. It's not clear if it launched.

The School of Good Services

The skills you need to deliver services that work

Nepal Fact Check

Center for Media Research – Nepal (CMR Nepal) is an autonomous, research and policy-oriented, not-for-profit non-governmental policy think tank registered with Nepal Government and Social Welfare Council and is based in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.

Agence France-Presse (AFP) Fact Check

AFP Fact Check is a global digital verification service that tackles damaging misinformation on topics such as COVID-19 and elections.

XR Collaboratory

XR Collaboratory

Cornell Tech

The XR Collaboratory (XRC) at Cornell Tech works with faculty, researchers and students from computer vision, computer graphics, and human-computer interaction, as well as practitioners in application areas such as healthcare, education, and architecture.



Capitol Hill

Twitter bot that tweets US Capitol Hill jobs from nearly 20 sources. By Demand Progress.

The United Shapes of America: United States Congressional District Coloring Book

This new coloring book is the perfect tool for kids and adults to learn about the political landscape of the United States in a fun and interactive way.

Ask What You Can Do

Why local government needs more technologists and how you too can serve

Global Innovation Fund

The Global Innovation Fund is a non-profit innovation fund headquartered in London with an office in Washington D.C. that invests in the development, rigorous testing, and scaling of innovations targeted at improving the lives of the world's poorest people. We believe that the best ideas for solving some of the world's most critical problems can come from anyone, anywhere. Through our grants and risk capital, we help breakthrough solutions to global development challenges from for-profit firms, non-profit organisations, researchers, and government agencies to maximise their impact and affect meaningful change.

Reset Australia

The unregulated attention economy driving social media is fraying our democracy, threatening our mental and physical health, and exposing our children to violent and disturbing content. Our limited attention has become the most valuable resource on the internet and it is captured and manipulated via the rampant and unregulated collection of our personal data. This is surveillance capitalism at work - a relentless assault on our private data that provide intimate insights which are sold to the highest bidder, with next-to-no awareness or control. We are told that having our data taken is the price we pay for the “free” use of digital services. But this system places the priorities of corporates ahead of the social good while it manipulates our social perspective, drives division and isolates us from each other. There are few practical ways to opt out of the attention economy that depends on pervasive surveillance. And even if you manage to on an individual level, the real world impact of this data-driven social manipulation is impossible to avoid. Big Tech controls a global audience of billions with a market power that is unprecedented in the history of media. Yet they have almost no oversight and reject liability for the harms their products cause.

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