Search Results - community (876)

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The Turing Way

The Turing Way

The Alan Turing Institute, Euston Road, London, UK

Community-led guides for data science and open research

Wikimedia Foundation

The nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation provides the essential infrastructure for free knowledge.

Technology Innovation Awards

Technology Innovation Awards

United States of America (the)

Does your nonprofit have a technology related project idea that will advance your mission?

Ex Nihila

Ex Nihila is a community of founders, designers, and technologists that build and launch new ventures.

The Demography Project

The Demography Project is an independent youth-led civic technology and data journalism non profit registered in Kenya.

Cazadores de Fake News

Cazadores de Fake News

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Somos una comunidad crowdsourcing que monitorea la desinformación difundidas en cadenas de WhatsApp y redes sociales entre venezolanos. Nuestro centro de operaciones es un grupo de Telegram abierto en el que analizamos colectivamente la información que recibimos.

ONTRaC Learning Management System

This is the online learning portal of the Community Solutions Network. Here you can access courses, guides, and additional resources as part of your digital transformation learning journey. Whether you are just embarking on this path or are a seasoned hand, there are courses tailored to your level and interest!

LaborTech Book & Graduate Student Paper Awards

We aim to reframe the conversation about technology and labor towards issues of power, inequality, and social justice, and incorporate themes of feminism, anti-racism, and transnationalism. 

YAI Center for Innovation and Engagement

YAI’s Center for Innovation and Engagement understands how technology can help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities better participate in their community.

Brown Information Futures Lab

Our lab is where technology, innovation, policy and community meet, one pilot at a time.

Information Futures Lab Fellows Program

The Information Futures Fellowship is a novel opportunity for practitioners in public health, healthcare, community organizations, media, policy, design and other fields who are actively working on responses to the ongoing information crisis.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Volunteer part-time, full async and remote to contribute to Preptrack, the app that supports PrEP users. PrEP is a medicine that eliminates the risk of HIV when taken correctly.

Code for Africa Slack

Do you want to join Africa's largest civic technology // open data // digital journalism community on Slack?

Harassment Manager

Harassment Manager is a web application that aims to empower users to document and take action on abuse targeted at them on online platforms.

The Advocacy Hub

The Advocacy Hub

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

The Advocacy Hub is a community of consultant campaigners, evaluators, facilitators and strategists who support and advise civil society organisations to become more effective and have greater impact.

Public Interest Technology (PInT) at Olin College

PInT is the student-run public interest technology (PIT) organization at  Olin College of Engineering



Eastern Europe

Urbanpinion is a citizen engagement platform that lets city government, community leaders, architects and activists easily set up a landing with an interactive map to collect citizens suggestions, receive analytics based on collected data and make later on right decisions for city development.

A growing archive of 1000+ design resources, weekly updated for the community.



Los Angeles, CA

Instil holistically manages donors, members, volunteers, advocates and beneficiaries to foster nonprofit connections with their community for maximum impact.

Design for Civic Change

Design for Civic Change

New York City, NY, USA

Design for Civic Change is a professional development program for government workers interested in implementing community-engaged design within their work.

EU Disinfo Lab

EU DisinfoLab is an independent non-profit organisation focused on tackling sophisticated disinformation campaigns targeting the EU, its member states, core institutions, and core values.

Disinfo Portal was the Atlantic Council's one-stop interactive online portal and guide to the Kremlin’s information war.

Digital Polarization Initiative

The Digital Polarization Initiative, or “DigiPo”, is ADP's national effort to build student civic, information and web literacy by having students participate in a broad, cross-institutional project to fact-check, annotate, and provide context to the different news stories that show up in our Twitter and Facebook feeds.

Design 4 Democracy

Our mission is to ensure that information technology and social media play a proactive role in supporting democracy and human rights globally.

Lithuania (Lietuva)

DEBUNK (demaskuok in Lithuanian) is a unique Lithuania-born initiative uniting competing media outlets, journalists, volunteers for a single purpose – to make society more resilient to orchestrated disinformation campaigns.


The Content Blockchain Project was initiated in 2016 by a consortium of publishing, law and IT companies to research the possibilities of using blockchain technologies to advance the content and media ecosystem.

USAID Media Program in Ukraine

The USAID-funded Media Program in Ukraine will empower local media to expand Ukrainian citizens’ access to high-quality news and information.

PEN America’s Online Harassment Field Manual

A training guide for journalists and writers on how to respond to online harassment and abuse, including building a community of supporters and developing counterspeech messages.

Mozilla Web Literacy Framework

Mozilla Web Literacy Framework

Mountain View, CA, USA

In today’s digital world, knowing how to read, write, and participate online is a foundational skill next to reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Code for Romania

Code for Romania

Bucharest, Romania

Together, we build tech tools for a stronger society

"The Hypothesis Project is a new effort to implement an old idea: A conversation layer over the entire web that works everywhere, without needing implementation by any underlying site."




Served as a center for clarification of issues suspected to be hoaxes.

Citizen Helpdesk

The Citizen Helpdesks are a pioneering citizen feedback, dialogue and community voice platform to ensure accountability in the development process.

Center for Policy Alternatives

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) was formed in the firm belief that there is an urgent need to strengthen institution and capacity-building for good governance and conflict transformation in Sri Lanka and that non-partisan civil society groups have an important and constructive contribution to make to this process.


Communalytic is a computational social science research tool for studying online communities and discourse.

Suara Masyarakat

Suara Masyarakat (Community Voices) is an Internews Europe project with local Malaysian partners on a 36-month project which aims to strengthen capacity of Malaysian media as the key actor in promoting good governance, transparency and accountability.

Social Science One

Social Science One

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Social Science One implements a new type of partnership between academic researchers and the private sector to advance the goals of social science in understanding and solving society’s greatest challenges.


Sourceror was meant to leverage Wikipedia’s credibility data to improve media literacy and combat disinformation on the web. It's not clear if it launched.

Rooted in Trust

Rooted in Trust is a pandemic information response plan countering the unprecedented scale and speed of the spread of rumors and misinformation about COVID-19. Operating in ten countries.


rbutr tells you when the webpage you are viewing has been disputed, rebutted or contradicted elsewhere on the internet. Last used 2013.

Widely Viewed Content Dashboard

In the "Widely Viewed Content Report", Facebook provides the 20 individual links and 20 individual posts that were seen by the highest number of people, in the US, for the quarter. In this dashboard, we are tracking objective properties of these 20 posts, links, and the producers behind them, as well as the extent to which it is possible for Facebook users to assess the content from a media literacy perspective.



United States of America (the)

Keeping the pulse on and raising up nuestra gente

Digital Green

Digital Green

San Francisco

Digital Green is a global development organization that empowers smallholder farmers to lift themselves out of poverty by harnessing the collective power of technology and grassroots-level partnerships.

Africa Regional Ambassadors Programme (RAP)

A programme aimed at circumventing our geographic limitations and strengthening regional connection and participation within the African civic tech community.

Ethelo Carbon Budget

By participating, you get to consider both community-scale opportunities for change as well as personal opportunities.

Centering Human Rights: A Curriculum

Based on extensive research with these communities to build and refine products, we are offering: best practices, use cases, and knowledge from human rights activists, community organizers, and technologists from across the globe.

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