Search Results - image (78)

Showing 78 Results

AI for conflict detection

Analyzes satellite imagery to detect on the ground conflict and/or human rights violations using remote sensing and digital forensics.

Mayor's Mailboxes

A scholarly review of Chinese e-government solutions that allow citizens to message leaders, by Kathleen Hartford




We believe that everyone has a story and can contribute to the news narrative. Tipster is a news sharing platform that is democratizing the news making business by placing the power of the media into the hands of ordinary people whom we call Tipstars. Tipster is basically empowering anyone with a smartphone to be an amateur journalist. Tipster provides a secure channel for ordinary people to upload exclusive news content (images, videos and reports) which is then distributed/sold to content consumers and publishers (probloggers, Media Houses, TV channels etc) depending on the type of content.



Oakland, California

Nonprofit artificial intelligence firm called WattTime is going to use satellite imagery to precisely track the air pollution (including carbon emissions) coming out of every single power plant in the world, in real time. And it’s going to make the data public.

Worldie – Social Media for Good

Worldie‘s mission is to create safety, equality, humanitarianism, positive social impact, and all-in-one integration to improve lives with technology, helpful social media systems, social projects, public safety, crowdsourced help, and a network of partners.



Building E14, 75 Amherst Street Wiesner Building (E15), 20 Ames Street

Upload a photo into the mosaic to show you are a committed voter. Share and watch it come alive with real images of real voters.

WebODM – Drone Mapping Software

A free, user-friendly, extendable application and API for drone image processing.

Computer vision uncovers predictors of physical urban change

We develop a computer vision method to measure changes in the physical appearances of neighborhoods from street-level imagery.

Europol Trace an Object

Europol Trace an Object

Eisenhowerlaan 73, The Hague, Netherlands

The most innocent clues can sometimes help crack a case. The objects are all taken from the background of an image with sexually explicit material involving minors. For all images below, every other investigative avenue has already been examined. Therefore we are requesting your assistance in identifying the origin of some of these objects. We are convinced that more eyes will lead to more leads and will ultimately help to save these children.

Stanford Predicting Poverty

Stanford Predicting Poverty

Stanford University, Serra Mall, Stanford, CA, USA


Microsoft AirSim

Microsoft AirSim

Redmond, WA

Microsoft AirSim (Aerial Informatics and Robotics Simulation) is an open-source robotics simulation platform. From ground vehicles, wheeled robotics, aerial drones, and even static IoT devices, AirSim can capture data for models without costly field operations.

Theorizing the Web

Theorizing the Web is an inter- & non-disciplinary DIY conference on tech & society. #TtW18 is April 27 & 28 at the Museum of the Moving Image in NYC.

Upwell Attention Lab

We play a unique role, experimenting with injecting conservation messaging into online conversations about the ocean. We do this through “attention campaigns.”


Choisissez vos commerces et construisez un quartier à votre image!

DIUx xView Detection Challenge

DIUx xView Detection Challenge

Pentagon Building, Washington, DC, USA

Pentagon's humanitarian satellite imagery competition for object detection in overhead imagery

Berkeley, California, USA tracks bot activity, amplified images, and viral links.

The GDELT Project

The GDELT Project

Georgetown University, 3700 O St NW, Washington, DC 20057, United States

Monitors the world's broadcast, print, and web news from nearly every corner of every country in over 100 languages and identifies the people, locations, organizations, themes, sources, emotions, counts, quotes, images and events driving our global society every second of every day, creating a free open platform for computing on the entire world



NASA, East Nasa Parkway, Houston, TX, USA

NeMO-Net is a single player iPad game where players help NASA classify coral reefs by painting 3D and 2D images of coral.

InVID Verification Plugin

"Verification Swiss Army knife", including lookups of video clips to find them in context elsewhere

Google Colab

Colab notebooks allow you to combine executable code and rich text in a single document, along with images, HTML, LaTeX and more.

Development Seed Vulnerable Housing pilot

Development Seed is supporting the World Bank to identify dangerous housing in Colombia through the use of artificial intelligence. Global Impact Awards

Global Impact Awards go to entrepreneurial teams who think on a global scale and have a healthy disregard for the impossible.

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