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Skeptic Reader

Skeptic Reader

Spain (España)

Your personal bullshit🤌 detector for the Internet.


This app finds missing map data in your vicinity and displays it on a map as quests. Solve each quest by visiting the location on-site and answering a simple question to update the map.


EveryDoor is an OpenStreetMap editor for POIs and entrances.

Kepler is a powerful open source geospatial analysis tool for large-scale data sets.


Ona Data is our flagship mobile data collection platform, used by thousands of organizations globally for data collection and real-time monitoring.



1100 13th Street NW Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20005

Swipe and tap. Put communities on the map. Help humanitarians find and help vulnerable people.


GeoServer is an open source server for sharing geospatial data.

Field Mapping Tasking Manager (FMTM)

FMTM (beta release) allows for coordinating field mapping activities in Open Mapping campaigns. While there are existing field mapping applications, there is a lack of efficient tools to coordinate these activities. The FMTM builds on the HOT Tasking Manager and other mapping applications to provide a more streamlined and organized process for completing mapping tasks.


Rapid integrates advanced mapping tools, authoritative geospatial open data, and cutting-edge technology to empower OpenStreetMap mappers at all levels to get started quickly, making accurate and fresh edits to maps.


Web forms evolved. Deploy and conduct surveys that work without a connection, on any device.

HOT Export Tool

The Export Tool is an open service that creates customized extracts of up-to-date OSM data in various file formats.

Field Papers

Field Papers is a tool to help you create a multi-page atlas of anywhere in the world. Once you print it, you can take it outside, into the field, to record notes and observations about the area you're looking at, or use it as your own personal tour guide in a new city.

ODK Collect

ODK Collect is an open source Android app that replaces paper forms used in survey-based data gathering. It supports a wide range of question and answer types, and is designed to work well without network connectivity.


StoryMapJS is a free tool to help you tell stories on the web that highlight the locations of a series of events. Tells a story based on a series of singular point locations.


The Sketch Map Tool is an easy-to-use tool for participatory sketch mapping through offline collection, digitization and georeferencing of local spatial knowledge. The tool has a variety of applications. For example, do you want to work together with people in a community to map their experience and perception of risk in their neighbourhood in a paper-based format, but still be able to quickly analyse the results digitally? Then, the Sketch Map Tool is exactly what you need!



Calgary, AB, Canada

BudLib is an open-source Library Management System, built and designed from ground up, primarily for smaller and independent schools.

Public Domain Works Search Engine

We created a search engine for public domain works that can be adapted to work in each country as the legislation changes according to the nationality of the author of the work.


gotham-grabber is a set of scripts written to archive journalism published on a set of now-defunct news sites



Germany (Deutschland)

The messenger for emergency services

Asegura tu Derecho

Asegura tu Derecho es una herramienta web que permite revisar información en un lenguaje accesible y elaborar el documento que se necesita presentar ante la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud (SuSalud) para la formulación de un reclamo.

Lima, Peru es una aplicación web que hace dos cosas: (i) permite a cualquier persona enviar una Solicitud de Acceso a la Información Pública legalmente válida a través de Internet; y, (ii) archiva y hace disponible a terceros las solicitudes y respuestas recibidas anteriormente.

Proyectos de Ley

Herramienta de transparencia que permite visualizar todos los proyectos de ley presentados en el Congreso peruano y buscar en ellos con actualización diaria respecto de la página del Congreso.


Spacetube is a group-to-group chat tool built on top of Matrix, a secure decentralised communication protocol.


Hypha is an open source submission management platform to receive and manage applications for funding.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

A prototype tool that extracts the structure of a form from an image or PDF and generates a multi-page web form in the GOV.UK schema. by @timpaul

Querido Diário

Querido Diário

Brazil (Brasil)

Diários oficiais dos municípios brasileiros em formato aberto para a livre consulta da sociedade civil.

Privacy Stack

Privacy Stack


An open source starter app that comes with user accounts that include: data access, do not sell, data deletion, undo sign up, and other features.




MOSIP offers countries modular and open-source technology to build and own their national identity systems.

Open Administration StuFiS

Open Administration StuFiS

Thuringia, Germany

Open source financial management software for organizations (Die Finanzverwaltungssoftware)

Media Impact Monitor

Media Impact Monitor

Germany (Deutschland)

a collaborative project aimed at enabling protest groups and NGOs to evaluate their impact on public discourse.



Thuringia, Germany

Wir machen das Rundum-Paket für deinen sozialdemokratischen Verband!

Project Gameface

Project Gameface

Mountain View, CA, USA

Project Gameface helps gamers control their mouse cursor using their head movement and facial gestures.




The Horizon 2020 project U_CODE (Urban Collective Design Environment) aims to create an environment for urban co-design.

Parliament Watch (Thailand)

An open-source comprehensive platform that serves as a one-stop solution for monitoring Thailand's parliament.

NYC Funds Tracker

FPWA’s NYC Funds Tracker monitors New York City’s revenue and the flow to budget expenditures.


Bypass censorship by disguising web traffic. A feature in Tor Browser, Onion Browser, and Orbot.

Mobility Data Specification (MDS)

Mobility Data Specification (MDS)

United States of America (the)

MDS standardizes communication and data-sharing between cities and private mobility providers, such as e-scooter and bike-share companies.

AQI to Cigarette

AQI to Cigarette

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan

This reveals the equivalent cigarette intake based on Air Quality Index (AQI) and exposure time, offering a powerful wake-up call to the health impacts of poor air quality.



Germany (Deutschland)

A11yBuddy is the software behind an innovative web portal that empowers everyone to report and track digital accessibility issues.



Germany (Deutschland)

Your toolbox for self-hosted chat services



Germany (Deutschland)

Currently a solar potential look-up tool for the German state of Bavaria. "We support the roll-out of more photovoltaic roof systems."



Germany (Deutschland)

Podlove is a group of Wordpress plugins and allows you to self-host your podcast.

Decentralized Social Networking Protocol (DSNP)

The Decentralized Social Networking Protocol establishes a shared social graph that is no longer dependent on a specific application or a centralized platform.

14 renowned European research and computing centers have joined forces to develop an open European infrastructure for web search. The initiative will be contributing to Europe’s digital sovereignty as well as promoting an open human-centered search engine market.

Local Intelligence Hub

Local Intelligence Hub

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Your starting point for data about local MPs, constituencies, public opinion and the climate and nature movement.



Mexico (Estados Unidos Mexicanos)

SocorroBot is an interactive guide designed to assist individuals in the process of reporting a missing person in Mexico.

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