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Showing 1259 Results

Coronavirus Reponse: Ways to Help, Volunteer, and What to Do

Here's a list of actions, ideas, ways to help, volunteer and donation opportunities to help those impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19).

The United States of Technologists

The United States of Technologists

Georgetown University, 3700 O St NW, Washington, DC 20057, United States

A new initiative from the Tech Talent Project and to bring 10,000 technologists into the public sector across state, local, and federal government by the end of 2021

Open Hub

Open Hub

78 Susan Drive, Newburgh, NY, USA

Tech Community Incubator in Hudson Valley

Your Priorities

Your Priorities

Vegmúli 2, 108 Reykjavik, Iceland

Your Priorities is an eDemocracy web application designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation to help groups speak with one voice.

Speculative Tourism

Speculative Tourism is an international project that operates at the crossroads of science fiction, historical tourism, Augmented Reality and local action.


Deze tool brengt alle onderwijs- en onderzoeksprojecten van de HvA in kaart en is een startpunt voor onderlinge samenwerking. Kijk, ontdek, deel en doe mee met HvA in de Stad!

Code for Tampa Bay

Code for Tampa Bay

Tampa, Florida

Code for Tampa Bay is an official Code for America Brigade in Tampa, FL working on projects with government and community partners to improve people’s lives.




POINT Conference (Political Accountability and New Technologies) is the largest conference in SEE and seeks to be a platform for civil society that encourages the use of new technologies – tool for education about the use of new technologies and social networks; forum for exchange of views and experiences; incubator for the development of ideas, projects and strategies; virtual place for networking and informing socially conscious Internet users; as well as a social network for exploring and searching for partners and associates and building coalitions.

Government of South Australia Digital Transformation Toolkits

Government of South Australia Digital Transformation Toolkits

State Administration Centre, 200, Victoria Square, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia

To assist agencies to modernise and transform their government services, the Department of the Premier and Cabinet has developed these four toolkits.

Ask Nameesa

Nameesa, which is an AI powered conversational and personal engagement platform that automatically responds to people inquiries about Coronavirus (COVID-19) with information from credible sources such as WHO and Ministry of Health.

CityScope Champs-Élysée

CityScope Champs-Élysée

Pavillon de l'Arsenal, boulevard Morland, Paris, France

An interactive platform to improve decision-making related to the revitalization of the Champs Élysées



EuraTechnologies, 165, Avenue de Bretagne, 59000 Lille, France

Co-constructing territories by mobilizing citizen intelligence

COVID Challenge Platform

The COVID Challenge Platform is a no-cost clearinghouse to connect healthcare and government agencies to the resources they urgently need to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Police Rewired

Police Rewired

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

An open, civic tech community in public safety and crime.


Investigate how weather and climate change are impacting our communities and environment.

Coronavirus: Responsible reporting and ethics

a selection of guidelines and discussions produced by First Draft on reporting disinformation around coronavirus and other topics ethically and responsibly, as well as a curated list of other resources to help you navigate potential issues covering what the WHO has called an ‘infodemic’.

Invisible Hands

Invisible Hands

New York City

Safe, free deliveries for NYC’s most at-risk community members facing COVID-19.


OpenAI’s mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.

Covid-19 Ministerio de Salud Argentina

Coronavirus Covid-19 es la app oficial del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación y tiene como objetivo que los argentinos y las argentinas puedan realizarse una rápida autoevaluación para saber si sus síntomas son compatibles con el COVID-19.

China Green Horizon

China Green Horizon

China (Zhong Guo)

China Green Horizon is a project between Beijing’s municipal government and IBM Research to improve the accuracy of air quality assessments.

Poland (Polska)

Inspired by the help that people give each other during hard times, we created an application that will allow anyone in need to find help in their daily duties.

Tenders Guru

Tenders Guru is a website that allows to monitor public procurement processes in Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Spain.



Lehigh University, Memorial Drive West, Bethlehem, PA, USA

CivLab is a suite of complementary projects and design-thinking that revolve around the concepts of citizenship, civics, and engagement.

IO Italia

IO Italia

Italy (Italia)

the project to develop the public services app

MediaLab for Women

MediaLab for Women

Madagascar, Niger, Cameroon, and Ivory Coast

MediaLab for Women provides journalists with training on how to manage gender-related open data and with support to investigate gender inequality in French speaking Africa. This project is making use of innovative content to raise awareness of gender and open data issues among journalists and civil populations in four countries.

Open Climate Fix

Open Climate Fix

240 Bellenden Road London, SE15 4BY United Kingdom

Uses open-science to mitigate climate change. Open Climate Fix is a new non-profit research and development lab, totally focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions as rapidly as possible.

The Movement Cooperative

The Movement Cooperative

Greeley Square Station 4 East 27th Street New York, NY 10001-9998

By leveraging the collective bargaining power of our members, The Movement Cooperative provides best-in-class data and technology resources that match the needs of progressive organizations at the cheapest possible price point.

Open Tech Fund (OTF)

Open Tech Fund (OTF)

2025 M Street Northwest, Downtown, Washington, DC 20036, USA

We support the research, design, development, and deployment of technology-focused projects that counter online censorship and combat repressive surveillance, to enable global internet users to exercise their fundamental human rights online.

Code With Aloha (Previously Code for Hawaii)

Code With Aloha is a volunteer group of developers, designers, project managers, and community members who gather to work on civic projects that help the community.

The Civic Cloud Collaborative

The Civic Cloud provides the raw infrastructure upon which to build the rest, or at least many, of the remaining services that might be needed or wanted.

Data for Good group

We are a collective of passionate socially minded people who are empowering social change makers to be better by allowing their data to speak to them.

Justice Innovation Startup Lab

Justice Innovation Startup Lab

University of Southern California LA

Learn about design thinking, justice innovation, and legal tech and apply them to the challenge of developing products and services that yield better justice outcomes.

Soft robotic

The Soft Robotics Toolkit grew out of research conducted at Harvard University and Trinity College Dublin which focused on developing better instructional kits for hands-on design courses (Dónal P. Holland et al. 2014).

Apps for Ghent

Apps for Ghent

Ghent, Belgium

Welkom op Apps For Ghent, de site voor de Gentse Open Data community

Transformative Cyber Innovation Lab

The Transformative Cyber Innovation Lab (TCIL or Lab) will find and nurture technologically feasible, testable pilot projects which begin to solve some of the hardest cyber problems afflicting the national security industrial base and our country. – Data proti Covid

COVID19CZ je společná aktivita několika českých technologických firem a IT nadšenců zaměřená na pomoc v boji s nákazou COVID-19.



Bangkok, Thailand

Monitoring Thai Elections with Citizen Engagement



Latin America

The Liane project is a box of technologies and methodologies open to promote political renewal campaigns in Latin America, which organizes the intelligence that has been produced in the field and provides digital technologies with the objective of increasing the competitiveness of low-cost and high-level electoral campaigns intensity.

Towards Democratic Auditing: Civic Participation in the Scoring Society

The project Towards Democratic Auditing will address these challenges by investigating how citizens can intervene into the development and implementation of scoring systems and other forms of data analytics, and how they can advance civic participation in an increasingly datafied society.

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