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Match avec la démocratie

À partir du jeudi 17 février 2022 et jusqu’au 8 avril, l'ensemble des membres de Tinder en France âgés de 18 à 25 ans verront donc apparaître plusieurs “Swipe Video Card'' détaillant les démarches à suivre pour les élections présidentielles de 2022. Chaque Swipe Card dirige les membres vers notre page “Infos élections”.

Tow Zone Alerts

We help people avoid getting ticketed and towed when they park on the street through simple SMS alerts.

APAC Cybersecurity Fund, Google’s philanthropic arm, is providing $15M to The Asia Foundation to launch the APAC Cybersecurity Fund in partnership with CyberPeace Institute and Global Cyber Alliance to bolster cyber capabilities of 300,000 underserved micro and small businesses, nonprofits, and social enterprises.

Statewide News Collective

The Statewide News Collective is a community for news organizations serving statewide audiences launched by The Lenfest Institute, RevLab at The Texas Tribune, and Spotlight PA.

Cyber Secure The Hague

Cyber Secure The Hague

The Hague, Netherlands

A non-profit consortium will offer free cybersecurity support to almost 200 humanitarian NGOs in The Hague in the next 1.5 years.



Ireland (Éire)

The objective of the UnderServed Project is to develop a platform for reporting and analysing threats, intended for sectors that are vulnerable to cyberattacks yet lack the resources to mitigate them effectively.

Mano Valstybė

This website provides data on the turnover of leaders in municipal and state-owned enterprises, and their connections with political parties or associations.

US Department of Homeland Security Customer Experience Office

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced today that it has established a permanent Customer Experience (CX) office to help deliver services that are simple to use, accessible, equitable, protective, transparent, and responsive for all DHS customers.

Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) Local Government Jobs board

Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) is an “accidental professional association” that began in Portland, Oregon in 2012 with a 16 member dinner group. Today, ELGL has grown to over 4800 members from all 50 states plus Canada, UK, Israel, and Australia.



United States of America (the)

Safecity empowers communities worldwide to report and combat gender-based violence through crowd-sourced data and technology.

Center for Applied NonViolent Actions and Strategies (CANVAS)

CANVAS was founded in 2005 by Slobodan Djinovic and Srdja Popovic to advocate for the use of nonviolent resistance in the promotion of human rights and democracy. Since then, we have worked with pro-democracy activists from more than 50 countries.

State Court Report

State Court Report

New York University

"[A] nonpartisan source for news, resources, and commentary focused on state courts and state constitutional development. It’s the first and only website dedicated to covering state constitutional cases and trends in high courts across the 50 states."



United States of America (the)

An AI startup's chatbots representing each of the 17 major US presidential candidates.

Advocacy Assembly

Advocacy Assembly

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Advocacy Assembly is a free e-learning platform featuring dozens of courses for human rights activists, campaigners and journalists.

Thomson Reuters Foundation journalism program

Our global editorial team of almost 50 journalists and about 300 freelancers covers the world’s under-reported stories at the heart of aid, development, women’s and LGBT+ rights, human trafficking, property rights, climate change and social innovation. We make our stories available free of charge to hundreds of smaller media outlets and non-government organisations around the world.

Dados eleitorais

Dados eleitorais

Rio de Janeiro

Os dados referem-se a eleições realizadas no Brasil entre 1945 e 2006 para os mais diversos âmbitos de governo. Incluem a competição eleitoral para a Presidência da República, para governos de estado, para a Câmara dos Deputados e para o Senado Federal.

Dados legislativos Brasil

Acervo de dados do Congresso Nacional coletados e organizados pelo NECON.

ReliefWeb ICT Jobs

Over 3,500 jobs, internships, consultancies, and volunteer opportunities in disaster response and humanitarian relief

The Decidim ‘soft infrastructure’: democratic platforms and technological autonomy in Barcelona

Paper by Paolo Cardullo, Ramon Ribera-Fumaz, and Paco González Gil. "In this paper we focus on the platform’s ‘soft infrastructure’ – the network of developers, ethical hackers, academics, maintainers, advocates and activists, and city administrators but also the agreements with the city and the documentation produced – on its internal governance arrangements and the provincialising relationships these might entail."

The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL)

The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) works in more than 100 countries to develop long-term relationships with civil society, governments, and the international community to strengthen civic space.

Mob Data Thailand

Mob Data Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand

เว็บไซต์ม็อบดาต้าไทยแลนด์ (Mob Data Thailand) พัฒนาขึ้นโดย แอมเนสตี้ อินเตอร์เนชั่นแนล ประเทศไทย และโครงการอินเทอร์เน็ตเพื่อกฎหมายประชาชน (ไอลอว์) เพื่อให้เป็นฐานข้อมูลการชุมนุมสาธารณะที่เกิดขึ้นในประเทศไทย โดยเริ่มบันทึกข้อมูลตั้งแต่เดือนมกราคม 2563 และเปิดให้ทดลองใช้งานตั้งแต่วันที่ 7 สิงหาคม 2563

The Purpose Platform

The Purpose Platform is a global open source project committed to building multilingual campaigning and organizing tools for social good. Last updated 2015.

Digital Europe For All (DE4A)

Its over-arching goal is to reinforce trust in public institutions and to unleash multiple measurable positive impacts in terms of efficiency gains and reduction of current administrative burden and costs, rooted on a Toolkit for extended semantic interoperability and on secure, privacy-preserving and trustworthy realisation of fundamental once-only, relevant-only and digital by default principles, through state-of-the-art, usable and high-quality fully online procedures accessible through the Single Digital Gateway (SDG).

The Digital Co-Op

The Digital Co-Op

United States of America (the)

150+ members pooling email audience information to drive list growth, donor growth, reactivation, and advocacy




ParlGov is a data infrastructure for political science. It contains information about parties, elections and cabinets for all EU and most OECD democracies (37 countries) from 1945 until today.

Innovationshauptplatz of the city of Linz

You want to actively shape your Linz? Join the Innovationshauptplatz Linz and become part of our community of 7,300 users!

Participa Podemos

Participa Podemos

Madrid (Spain)

Radically open political party in Madrid with over 500,000 members making decisions on its online platform


Citizens' movement to practice democracy by sortition. Notable twist includes winning a seat in Brussels Parliament, where their elected representative must act on behalf of 50 residents chosen by lot.

Digital Innovation Fund

In 2020, CIL launched the Digital Innovation Fund (DIF) to support experimental and innovative digital organizing tactics for state-based organizing groups and sharpen organizer skills in digital strategy and data analysis.

Protestlandschaft Deutschland

Die Plattform beinhaltet Informationen zu Protestkampagnen und Protestaktionen von 1950 bis 2020, die in mehreren Forschungsprojekten gesammelt wurden.



Madrid (Spain)

IGUALA es el sistema de analítica avanzada del Ayuntamiento de Madrid para elaborar el Índice de Vulnerabilidad Territorial Agregado.

Indus Action

Indus Action

India (Bhārat)

Indus Action helps vulnerable Indians access government entitlements to education, maternity and livelihood support.



Santiago, Chile

El Programa Creamos de INJUV está dirigido a jóvenes entre 15 y 29 años que quieran ser líderes y generar cambios a pequeña o mediana escala, proponiendo ideas innovadoras para problemas que afecten a una comunidad.



Khartoum, Sudan

"Just three days after the war started, Sudanese market intelligence firm DataQ launched a platform called Nidaa (meaning “call for help” in Arabic). It allows people in distress to post their requirements — from money and groceries to medical services and a ride to safety — so volunteers can reach out to them."

Digital Public Administration factsheets

The European Commission's country-by-country factsheets containing "the most recent developments that the public administrations of 35 European countries have undergone in 2022. Additionally, a dedicated factsheet for the EU which focuses on all the matters related to digital public administration and interoperability at the European Union level is also available."

Mapping the global behavioural insights community

To highlight the global knowledge base of behavioural insights work in public policy, and bring the achievements of institutions to the fore, the OECD launched the Behavioural Insights Knowledge Hub and map in 2021.

Slum Dwellers International Data Portal

Dive into our Know Your City (KYC) portal, home to community-collected slum data from over 5,000 slums in more than 18 countries across the global south.


Copylefted libre software, used by over 2,500 libre software projects and companies in over 165 countries.

State of Digital Inequity

The report is based on a survey of 7,500+ civil society organizations (CSOs) from 136 countries who answered questions about the barriers that they, and the communities they serve, face when it comes to digital equity.

Bloom Housing

Bloom Housing

San Francisco

A housing platform that simplifies, centralizes, and makes it easy for people to search and apply for affordable housing.

Do Open Data Impact on Citizens’ Behaviours?

This study by Yuya Shibuya empirically analyzes the impacts of open data on behavioral change by investigating the case of Taiwan.

Human Rights Connected Activist Toolkit

A catalog of over 500 resources filterable by language, type of support, and resource type


Теплица Социальных Технологий— это 5000+ полезных практических статей, чек-листов и видеоуроков, которые восполнят пробелы в знаниях и расширят набор инструментов для решения повседневных задач

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