Search Results - Digital (1395)

Showing 1395 Results


Rootcause is a not-for-profit consultancy helping forward thinking organisations win in modern digital information ecosystems.

Projekat Populus

Projekat Populus

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

Platforma omogućava dvosmjernu komunikaciju i interaktivnu razmjenu informacija između građana i njihove lokalne zajednice.

Javna rasprava Lokal

Javna rasprava Lokal

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

Javna rasprava Lokal je web platforma koja je pokrenuta kao alat za poboljšanja dvosmjerne komunikacije između građana/ki i donosioca/teljki odluka na lokalnom nivou.


E-peticija je zahtjev za određenu promjenu u tvojoj lokalnoj zajednici koji upućuješ donosiocima odluka, a koja se realizuje nakon što tvoja peticija skupi dovoljan broj potpisa.


State-of-the-art end-to-end encryption (powered by the open source Signal Protocol) keeps your conversations secure.

Forward Action

We are an employee-owned digital mobilisation agency. We create campaigns online that get people to take action.


ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that you own and control, and that distinguishes you from every other researcher.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Catalyst is a network helping the UK third sector grow its digital skills and processes. We offer free services and resources from across our network, curated to support you at every step of your digital journey.

Landlord Tech Watch

Landlord Tech Watch

United States of America (the)

Campaign website explaining landlord / proptech surveillance and what tenants can do to fight back


We’ve had enough of digital monopolies and surveillance capitalism. We want a world that works for everyone, just like the original intention of the web and net.

Data and Public Services Toolkit

The Data and Public Services Toolkit aims to help public authorities make better use of data. It addresses challenges such as: how to make a business case for data use; how to use data ethically and fairly; and how to identify and utilise relevant datasets.


Nym protects communication patterns, IP addresses and metadata for end-users, enterprise and infrastructure operators



Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Platform Land was a project at digitalHKS examining how digital platforms will change government and society.

PagoPA S.p.A.

Manages Italy's public services app and electronic payments platform. PagoPA S.p.A. è una società pubblica ad alto livello specialistico, che ha la mission di diffondere i servizi pubblici digitali attraverso lo sviluppo di progetti innovativi e la gestione di infrastrutture tecnologiche strategiche per accompagnare la modernizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione e del Paese.



Paris, France

Innovatiana is an Impact Tech startup specialized in Data Labeling for AI.

FreedomBox Foundation

FreedomBox is a private server system that empowers regular people to host their own internet services, like a VPN, a personal website, file sharing, encrypted messengers, a VoIP server, a metasearch engine, and much more.

Kiva Protocol

Project that sought to "create and establish a national digital identification system using distributed ledger technology (DLT)."


AID:Tech’s Kare Platform Enables Fast & Instant Disbursements to Survivors Via Digital ID


Durch Protest verschaffen sich junge Menschen Gehör, üben politischen Einfluss aus und gestalten kreativ die demokratische Gesellschaft. PROTESTORY! bietet eine Auseinandersetzung mit Protesten der Arbeiter:innenjugend vom 20. Jahrhundert bis heute und macht jugendkulturellen Protest digital erlebbar und historisches Wissen nutzbar. (As a web application PROTESTORY! offers a playful exploration of the protest cultures of working-class youth since the early 20th century and was created in collaboration with the archive of the working-class youth movement in 2022.)

American Journalism Project

We are a venture philanthropy investing in and building digital nonprofit newsrooms that are governed by, are sustained by, and look like the public they serve.

California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA)

"The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) is a California state government agency created by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA). As the first dedicated privacy regulator in the United States, the agency implements and enforces the CPRA and the California Consumer Privacy Act." - Wikipedia

Direction interministérielle de la transformation publique

La direction interministérielle de la transformation publique (DITP) pilote le programme de transformation publique défini par le Gouvernement pour une action publique plus proche, plus simple et plus efficace. L’objectif : améliorer concrètement la vie des Français et des agents publics.

Le Lieu de la Transformation Publique

A la fois laboratoire d’innovation publique, équipe d’experts pluridisciplinaires, centre de ressource et de formation, réseau dédié à l’innovation - le Lieu de la Transformation Publique propose, depuis 2019, un accompagnement sur mesure aux porteurs de projets engagés dans une démarche de transformation.

United Humans

[W]hich aspires to establish a global democracy, solving the hard problem of representing every human in the world – including those who won’t participate – without the help of government.

CiviClick (USA)

CiviClick (USA)

Washington, DC

CiviClick is changing the way people interact with lawmakers through AI.

Delib Citizen Space

Delib Citizen Space

Orchard Street Business Centre, 13-14 Orchard Street, Bristol, BS1 5EH

Next-generation engagement tools for 21st century democracy.

Demhack - хакатон в области цифровых прав

Онлайн-хакатон для специалистов в области IT, анализа данных, кибербезопасности, дизайнеров, цифровых художников, исследователей, интернет-активистов и журналистов. Главные темы хакатона - приватность и свобода интернета. Хакатон проходит два раза в год.

Ban Cam: кампания против распознавания лиц

Системы распознавания лиц являются технологиями двойного назначения и могут использоваться для давления на общество. Массовое распознавание лиц должно быть запрещено до тех пор, пока не будет обеспечена полная прозрачность и безопасность его использования для граждан. Кампания мобилизует граждан для защиты своей частной жизни

Реестр запрещённых сайтов Роскомсвободы

Мониторинг всех реестров запрещённых сайтов, которые ведутся в России, а также реестров блогеров и организаторов распространения информации

Индекс связности сети

Общество защиты интернета (ОЗИ) проводит мониторинг связности в Сети. Индекс связности обновляется ежедневно и чем он больше — тем лучше. инструкция для обхода блокировок сайтов

Ресурс-инструкция, помогающий пользователям получать доступ к заблокированным сайтам. Он рассказывает о трёх законных способах открыть заблокированный сайт: через расширения для браузера, VPN и более сложные системы обхода, такие как Tor, Psiphon, Lantern.

Privacy Day: международная онлайн-конференция о приватности и защите данных

Ежегодная конференция на русском языке, приуроченная к Международному дню защиты персональных данных

Коллективный иск против сервиса «Яндекс.Еда» в связи с утечкой  персональных данных

Кампания по сбору заявлений в суд против сервиса «Яндекс.Еда» от граждан, чьи данные были обнаружены в утечке. Заявки для участия собираются в онлайн, далее работают адвокаты в судах.

7amleh – Arab Center for Social Media Advancement

The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media is a non-profit organization that advocates for Palestinian digital rights. 7amleh’s mission is to create a safe, fair and free digital space for Palestinians.



Madrid (Spain)

We are a small digital studio doing product design, implementation, and new projects.


Design of digital services for public administration with people and data at the center

Civic Infrastructure Collaborative

Civic Infrastructure Collaborative drives public value from core urban infrastructure through cross-sector collaboration and technology-enabled innovation.

Agora (Parliaments)

The leading global knowledge platform on parliamentary development.

APAC Cybersecurity Fund, Google’s philanthropic arm, is providing $15M to The Asia Foundation to launch the APAC Cybersecurity Fund in partnership with CyberPeace Institute and Global Cyber Alliance to bolster cyber capabilities of 300,000 underserved micro and small businesses, nonprofits, and social enterprises.



Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Digital certificates and badges are electronic credentials that validate the achievement of skills or completion of courses, often used in education, professional development, and online learning.

Impact Tracker

The IA Impact Tracker is a digital platform to help news organizations, funders, and other stakeholders understand the impact of journalism by defining, measuring, and tracking real world change.

Cyber Secure The Hague

Cyber Secure The Hague

The Hague, Netherlands

A non-profit consortium will offer free cybersecurity support to almost 200 humanitarian NGOs in The Hague in the next 1.5 years.

Privacy Party

Privacy Party

United States of America (the)

Stop exposing your personal info on social. Reduce your risk of phishing, fraud, impersonation, harassment, and other online attacks.

CyberPeace Institute

CyberPeace Institute

Geneva, Switzerland

The CyberPeace Institute is a Geneva based organization protecting the most vulnerable in cyberspace. Independent and neutral, the Institute investigates and analyzes the human impact of systemic cyber threats, delivers free cybersecurity assistance, tracks the enforcement of international laws and norms and forecasts threats to Cyberpeace.


The objective of the UnderServed Project is to develop a platform for reporting and analysing threats, intended for sectors that are vulnerable to cyberattacks yet lack the resources to mitigate them effectively.

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