Search Results - Elections (385)

Showing 385 Results

See Say 2020

See Say 2020

United States of America (the) was an online tool that allowed voters to report instances of misinformation, voting machine issues, polling place wait times, and more, with the goal to attract media and legal attention to verified, ongoing issues in real time.

Every Election

Every Election

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

UK elections database with every district council level election and above

Quadratic Vote

Real-time Quadratic Voting dashboard to encourage mathematically optimal voting in democratic communities.

Civic Futures

Civic Futures

United States of America (the)

A scratchpad for studying and imagining revived civic engagement in the 21st century.

Match avec la démocratie

À partir du jeudi 17 février 2022 et jusqu’au 8 avril, l'ensemble des membres de Tinder en France âgés de 18 à 25 ans verront donc apparaître plusieurs “Swipe Video Card'' détaillant les démarches à suivre pour les élections présidentielles de 2022. Chaque Swipe Card dirige les membres vers notre page “Infos élections”.

A Voté chatbot sur WhatsApp

Il assiste les utilisateurs dans leur parcours de vote : pour vérifier leur inscription sur les listes électorales, leur rappeler les dates limites pour s’inscrire, les dates des élections 2022 et la procédure pour faire une procuration.

Mano Balsas

Mano Balsas

Lithuania (Lietuva)

MANO BALSAS LT is a rational voting system on the internet. On this website, people are invited to take a short test and find out which politicians or parties align closest to their views.

Rinkėjo puslapis

Rinkėjo puslapis

Lithuania (Lietuva)

"Voter Page" aims at providing electronic advanced services to voters.



South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

MyCandidate is a platform that empowers voters with easy-to-understand electoral information that anyone can access ahead of an election.

Americans Elect

Americans Elect was a political organization in the United States known primarily for its efforts to stage a national online primary for the 2012 US Presidential Election. Although it was successful in obtaining signatures to get on the ballot in a majority of states, the process set up by the organization did not select a candidate.




FairVote is a nonpartisan organization advocating for ranked-choice voting in the US.

Microsoft AccountGuard

Microsoft AccountGuard is a cybersecurity service that adds an extra layer of protection to the high-risk, highly-targeted organizations that underpin a healthy democracy, including those in the political, elections, journalism, thinktank, human rights and nonprofit sectors.

Brennan Center for Justice

Brennan Center for Justice

New York University

The Brennan Center is a nonpartisan law and policy institute, striving to uphold the values of democracy.

Good Party

Good Party

United States of America (the)

We're not a political party – we're building a movement and free tech to end America's two-party political dysfunction Learn how you can plug in to inspiring independent campaigns or get access to our free tools for people-powered candidates

Dados eleitorais

Dados eleitorais

Rio de Janeiro

Os dados referem-se a eleições realizadas no Brasil entre 1945 e 2006 para os mais diversos âmbitos de governo. Incluem a competição eleitoral para a Presidência da República, para governos de estado, para a Câmara dos Deputados e para o Senado Federal.

Election Cyber Readiness Network

IFES’s Election Cyber Readiness Network (ECRN) is designed to bring together key technology partners, election commissions, and other stakeholders to form regional and national strategies to protect elections from digital threats and support long-term electoral integrity.

Encrypted Messaging Applications and Political Messaging: How They Work and Why Understanding Them is Important for Combating Global Disinformation

This report provides an overview of how various EMAs work, a review of popular EMAs and their notable features (LINE, Signal, Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, and WeChat), and examples of how EMAs have been used for political manipulation

CampaignTech Awards

CampaignTech Awards

United States of America (the)

The CampaignTech Awards by Campaigns & Elections recognize the truly exceptional in the field of political campaign technology, digital strategy, tactics, and techniques.

Stichting Netwerk Democratie

Netwerk Democratie’s mission rests on two pillars: Digital democracy and the democratisation of technology.




ParlGov is a data infrastructure for political science. It contains information about parties, elections and cabinets for all EU and most OECD democracies (37 countries) from 1945 until today.

Volební kalkulačka

Volební kalkulačka

Czech Republic (Ceska Republika)

Bude reprezentovat vaše názory?

Waar is mijn stemlokaal

Waar is mijn stemlokaal

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

Een stembureau bij jou in de buurt, zo gevonden

Volebná kalkulačka 2020

Volebná kalkulačka 2020

Slovak Republic (Slovensko)

Matching views to voting options in Slovakia's 2020 election

Otevřené volby

Otevřené volby

Czech Republic (Ceska Republika)

Data ve strojově čitelném formátu pro všechny volby v ČR

Defunct platform offering info about parliament and matching users views to parties

The Center for New Data

The Center for New Data

United States of America (the)

The Center for New Data is a non-profit using big data to build a stronger democracy.

New Ways Feed

New Ways Feed

Republic of South Korea (Hanguk or Namhan)

Korean app to match young people to politicians in their area and discussing their issues


Fantapolitica! è una piattaforma di supporto per candidat* di sinistra che abbiano meno di trent’anni. Sostiene candidat* desideros* di sperimentare metodi più partecipativi, facilitare l’organizzazione di comunità, coniugando l’impegno per la giustizia sociale e climatica, e incoraggiando la partecipazione politica giovanile.

Brand New Bundestag

Brand New Bundestag (BNB) ist eine unabhängige und überparteiliche Graswurzel-Organisation, die sich für eine progressive, zukunftsorientierte Politik einsetzt. Wir unterstützen Menschen, die mit progressiven Ideen frischen Wind in die Parlamente bringen, bei ihrem Weg in politische Ämter.

Global Coalition for Tech Justice

The Global Coalition for Tech Justice is a newly formed global movement to ensure Big Tech plays its role in protecting elections and citizens’ rights and freedoms across the world, particularly in the global majority where companies – Meta/Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter, TikTok et al – have been negligent in dealing with the impacts of their social media and messaging products.



Germany (Deutschland)

Secure Online Voting & nominations



Los Angeles, CA

Sequent is a next-generation online voting platform purposely built to ensure the highest level of confidence in digital elections for election managers, voters and auditors


electobox is a secure and easy to use online voting software, capable of conducting elections and referendums of any scale

Assembly Voting

Our end-to-end verifiable, secure, online election technology, proves the integrity of democratic processes and verifies the accuracy of voting results, without losing flexibility and ability for customization

MyCandidate Nigeria

MyCandidate Nigeria

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

The MyCandidate platform empowers citizens of African countries to play an active role in electoral and democratic processes during elections and strengthens civil society’s advocacy work ahead of and post elections. MyCandidate, ingests electoral candidate data, to present it in a way that all voters can understand on a widely-accessible web-based platform.




Conoce todo sobre el proceso de elección del Fiscal General del Ministerio Público de Guatemala

All Tech Is Human Tech & Democracy report

All Tech Is Human’s Tech & Democracy report addresses key issues and best practices in the field, and highlights a diverse range of individuals working in the field (across civil society, government, industry, academia, and entrepreneurship).

Civic Listening Corps

The CLC is a volunteer network of individuals trained to monitor for, critically evaluate, and report misinformation on diverse topics central to our civic life: voting, elections, public health, civil rights, and other important issues.

Advancing Democracy Fellowship

Advancing Democracy Fellowship

United States of America (the)

This joint initiative from Hearken, Solutions Journalism Network and Trusting News will equip newsroom-based journalists to transform their coverage of democracy through solutions-focused reporting that builds trust and avoids polarization.

Democracy Classroom

Democracy Classroom

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Bringing together democratic organisations and sharing non-partisan resources for teachers to support young people to engage in elections.

Lyft Election Day discounts

Lyft updates its free rides to the polls program with a half-off discount for 2022 US elections, potentially due to belt-tightening

United States of America (the) produces nonpartisan voters guides that show where candidates stand. They’re produced by veteran journalists with links to credible sources. Whether you vote by mail or head to the polls, our guides let you do it with confidence

Misinformation Amplification Analysis and Tracking Dashboard

At the Integrity Institute, we are tracking how misinformation performs on platforms to measure the extent to which platforms are amplifying misinformation, and the extent to which they are creating an incentive structure that rewards lies and misinformation online.

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