Search Results - NYC (155)

Showing 155 Results

Street Activity Sensors

8-month pilot to test 12 computer-vision sensors across four boroughs of NYC to employ machine vision and improve street-level data collection and improve planning decisions

MyCity Chatbot

MyCity Chatbot

New York City, NY, USA

NYC's Business Services Chatbot which "uses Microsoft's Azure AI services to provide information in response to questions you have about starting or operating your business" in ten+ languages

Housing Courts Must Change! Map

Housing Courts Must Change! Map

New York City, NY, USA

Housing Courts Must Change! (HCMC) is a statewide campaign launched by the Right to Counsel NYC Coalition in 2020 to transform the courts across New York State (NYS) from an “eviction machine” to a place that holds landlords accountable, upholds tenants’ rights, and enables tenants to remain in their homes.

The People's Money

The People's Money

New York City, NY, USA

NYC's first citywide Mayoral participatory budgeting process, run by the NYC Civic Engagement Commission (CEC) (2022-2023)

Data of New York

Data of New York

New York City

@nycdatabot is a Twitter bot that lets you explore the city of New York through data.

The Civic Tech Field Guide's Civic Mastodon server roundup

Since there's not yet a clear home for civic tech on Mastodon, I've rounded up some of the more relevant servers for civic tech's digital migrants to gather.

Institut Pre Verejne Otazky

Institut Pre Verejne Otazky

Institut pre verejne otazky, Bastova 5, 811 03 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Inštitút pre verejné otázky (IVO) je nezávislou mimovládnou neziskovou organizáciou združujúcou odborníkov z rôznych oblastí, vytvorenou so zámerom presadzovať hodnoty otvorenej spoločnosti a demokratickej politickej kultúry vo verejnej politike a spoločenskom rozhodovaní.



Czech Republic (Ceska Republika)

Otevíráme, vizualizuje a analyzuje parlamentní, volební a rozpočtová data. Díky nám víte, kdo vás doopravdy zastupuje.

Blue Ridge Labs @ Robin Hood

Blue Ridge Labs @ Robin Hood

150 Court St Brooklyn, NY 11201

Blue Ridge Labs is a place where technologists and communities work together to explore and build new solutions for New Yorkers. We provide space, funding, and resources to help launch and grow tech platforms that address economic inequality in NYC.

Community Tech NY

Community Tech NY

New York City, NY, USA

Community-owned internet infrastructure

Newlab Circular City Studio

Newlab Circular City Studio

Brooklyn Navy Yard, Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Circular City Studio, a program established with support from NYCEDC, encourages entrepreneurs to reimagine urban environments and help New York City address short, medium, and long term challenges facing our city. The 2020 iteration empowers engineers, inventors, and entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds to pilot technologies that support NYC's sustainability agenda and rethink energy, waste, and recycling systems in New York City. Selected teams will deploy products and services in testbeds around Manhattan and Brooklyn, working with program partners, domain experts, and research institutions to deliver solutions and introduce relevant technologies that can support community needs.



New York City

BoardTrack is a community board attendance tracking tool and data standard that helps community board staff submit attendance records to the Manhattan Borough President’s community board liaisons. In turn, liaisons can quickly analyze attendance history. By BetaNYC

The People's Bus

The People's Bus

New York City

The People’s Bus is a bus formerly used to transport people detained on Rikers Island; it has been transformed with input from New Yorkers into a community center on wheels, with the purpose of engaging people in NYC’s civic life through beauty and joy.

One Dollar Lots

One Dollar Lots

New York City

One Dollar Lots documented each time NYC sells or plans to sell a vacant lot to developers for $1. This tool can help New Yorkers better shape how dollar sales of public land impact our neighborhoods and city.

596 Acres

596 Acres built tools to help neighbors see vacant lots as opportunities and create needed green spaces that become focal points for community organizing and civic engagement.

Urban Reviewer

Urban Reviewer

New York City

Urban Reviewer catalogs over 150 urban renewal plans that NYC adopted to get federal funding for acquiring land, relocating the people living there, demolishing the structures and making way for new public and private development.

Tech, Media & Democracy course

Through a unique pan-university course, NYC universities partner to explore challenges and opportunities & build prototypes at the intersection of technology, media and democracy

CUNY Mapping Service

The CUNY Mapping Service at CUR engages with foundations, government agencies, businesses, nonprofits, and other CUNY researchers to use spatial information and analysis techniques to develop and execute applied research projects.

The City Fellowship at Company Ventures

The public-private initiative supports Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), and women-led small businesses, nonprofits, cooperatives, and technology startups that are building a more equitable and sustainable future for New York City.

A Simple Civic Tech Evaluation Canvas

"Our goal was to apply a simple but powerful canvas tool to help our peers plan to measure immediate and long-term results of their projects."

WeGov Notion

We've been experimenting with using Notion as a public wiki for the project. Let us know what you think! :)

Metadata for All Guide

NYC Open Data’s mission is Open Data for All. In order to meet that goal, we must examine our Data Dictionaries— the metadata we provide to all Open Data users. Well-written, user-friendly data dictionaries help users to become self-reliant, able to answer their own questions about a dataset without needing to contact an Open Data Coordinator for clarification. NYC Open Data partnered with the Metropolitan Library Council (METRO), Pratt Institute, Sloan Foundation, The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City, Tiny Panther Consulting, New York Public Library, Queens Public Library and Brooklyn Public Library to implement an initiative called Metadata for All in the Summer of 2018.

WeGov Capital Project Directory

NYC's capital projects. Scraped etc. [Check it out.](

WeGov Laws

We put NYC's charter, code and rules into a responsive, searchable and browsable interface.

WeGov City Services API

NYC’s social services in an open format and accessible via RESTAPI. [Check it out.](

WeGov Consul Test Deployment

Consul is one of the leading open source citizen participation platforms. It's built on Ruby on Rails and deployed in dozens of cities around the world. It was originally built by the City of Madrid.

WeGov Digital News Hub

We forked, a news, event and knowledge website from the GSA's TTS team, to see if it could be a hub for the WeGov community.

WeGov Data Maps

A collection of data-enriched NYC maps for election results, mutual aid groups, official city boundary data, and more.

WeGov Data Repository

We're indexing, normalizing and republishing datasets for WeGov apps.

WeGov Political Directory

Politicians, their financial disclosures and the organizations that endorse them. [Check it out.](

WeGov Mobile App

A mobile app making it easy to report on the work city government is and isn’t doing.

Participace 21

Participace 21

Czech Republic (Ceska Republika)

Czech participatory engagement platform for towns, villages, schools, and non-profits (and NYC's participatory budgeting)

Peoples' Tech Assemblies

NYC's open participation platform (using CitizenLab) to get public feedback on government use of tech

Up & Go

Up & Go

443 39th St, Brooklyn, NY 11232, United States

Home cleaning in NYC you can feel great about



New York City

Reported lets you submit feedback about NYC taxis in 30 seconds. Reported submits this feedback directly to NYC's 311 system and the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission.

Code for Poland's project catalog

Zostań koordynatorem projektu lub dołącz do rozwijanych projektów jako członek interdyscyplinarnego zespołu. Przejdź przez proces tworzenia projektu od analizy wymagań po ogólnopolskie wdrożenie.



150 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Technology for Housing Justice

Justice Tech Catalog

Justice Tech Catalog

524 W 59th St BMW605, New York, NY 10019, United States

A curated list of 186 criminal justice data and technology projects.

Composites Collective

Using deliberative democracy models to inform city decision making and to connect organizations and districts around NYC’s

Theorizing the Web

Theorizing the Web is an inter- & non-disciplinary DIY conference on tech & society. #TtW18 is April 27 & 28 at the Museum of the Moving Image in NYC.

New America Resilient Mesh Wireless initiative

The Resilient Mesh Wireless project is a series of local networks serving small businesses combined with community-based trainings in Sandy-affected areas.

Otwarty Gdańsk

Otwarty Gdańsk

Gdańsk, Poland

Zapraszamy do korzystania z otwartych danych Miasta Gdańska. W serwisie publikujemy dane o miejskich finansach, rozkładach jazdy komunikacji miejskiej, demografii. Otwarte dane czekają na wykorzystanie przez Ciebie, Twoją organizację pozarządową lub firmę!

Block Party

Block Party

New York City

We make local policy information accessible and byte-sized, with a weekly email of your community board’s most recent meeting highlights and transcript data.

Hack League

Hack League

Brooklyn, NY

Hack League is a friendly academic competition that invites all NYC middle and high school students to learn, design, and build projects to help their community.

Mobile Justice

Mobile Justice

Civic Hall, West 22nd Street, New York, NY, USA

Watchdogging apps for voter suppression, police brutality, and bullying

Subway Deserts Map

This map shows the combined areas forming a 10-minute "walkshed" around NYC's 470 subway stations.

Invisible Hands

Invisible Hands

New York City

Safe, free deliveries for NYC’s most at-risk community members facing COVID-19.

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