Search Results - develop (1054)

Showing 1054 Results

How to organize a phone bank

Improve the productivity of your phone bank volunteers with this free online training

European Citizen's Prize

It is intended to reward on an annual basis individuals or groups who have particularly distinguished themselves in strengthening European integration by the expression of European cooperation, openness to others and practical involvement in the development of mutual understanding.

Nadace OSF

Nadace OSF

Prague, Czechia

The Czech OSF was founded in 1992 and since the very beginning has been member of the Open Society Foundations international network. The goal was to re-establish democratic principles in our country, contribute towards the development of a free society, transparency and equality of all people indiscriminately.

Judicial Innovation Fellowship Program

Judicial Innovation Fellowship Program

Georgetown University, Washington, DC

The Justice Innovation Fellowship program places technologists and designers in state, local, and tribal courts to improve the public’s access to justice.

Kenya Digital Public Works

"DPW set out to answer a question: Can the youth use affordable and widely available technologies to gather the information necessary to support informal settlement upgrading?"



Seattle, WA, United States of America

Openly mapping for the pedestrian experience.


Im BVV-Planspiel machen Sie gemeinsam mit anderen Spieler:innen Bezirkspolitik. In einem konkreten Streitfall entwickeln Sie die Position einer fiktiven Partei und vertreten sie in der BVV. Ziel ist es, einen konkreten Antrag an das Bezirksamt zu richten.

DIAL Catalog of Digital Solutions

The Catalog of Digital Solutions is an interactive online tool providing data and resources for donors, governments, procurers, and implementers to support their digital initiatives.

Unity for Nonprofits Offer

Get real-time 3D content creation software for your nonprofit or public library through Unity for Nonprofits at TechSoup.

Civic Tech Field Guide

The Civic Tech Field Guide is the world’s largest collection of projects using tech for the common good.

USAID Digital Strategy

USAID’s first Digital Strategy charts an agency-wide approach to development in a rapidly evolving digital age.

Hub for Civic Tech Impact

The Hub for Civic Tech Impact at Boston University convenes many of the research and educational programs that focus on the design, analysis, and development of computing and data science methods and systems operating within the context of legal, societal, economic, and public policy frameworks.

IASC Operational Guidance on Data Responsibility in Humanitarian Action

While each organization is responsible for its own data, humanitarians under the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) – which brings together United Nations (UN) entities, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) consortia and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – need common normative, system-wide guidance to inform individual and collective action and to uphold a high standard for data responsibility in different operating environments.

Narrative Change Lab

Inspirit Foundation program "to shift the Canadian narrative landscape for equity-seeking groups through pop culture."

Digital Humanitarian Network

Outfit that organized digital volunteer deployments around humanitarian crises. No longer active in this regard, but still publishing reports.

Design Ethnography Lab

This laboratory was formed as an effort to develop design methods and practices, which on the one hand are based on technological developments, and on the other, based on the development of social, cultural, and political issues and theories.

BLVD Harambee EII

The Equitable Internet Initiative (EII) is a collaboration between the Detroit Community Technology Project and a network of community organizations including BLVD Harambee.


An Earthquake Early Warning System for the West Coast of the United States

HX Project

Short for “human experience,” HX is an approach to talking about, engaging with, and designing technology in a way that is aligned with our needs as humans — not users.

Responsible Tech Mentorship Program

All Tech Is Human has developed this free program in order to help build the Responsible Tech pipeline – by facilitating connections and career development among talented students, career changers, and practitioners.

Comparative Print Suite

"The applications allow users to view how a bill would change current law and differences between proposed legislation." URL will only work for US Capitol Hill IP addresses

Day One Project

The Day One Project is launching its Technology Policy Accelerator to identify, develop, and publish a set of technology policy ideas that could be implemented by Congress or the Biden-Harris Administration.  The accelerator is a nine-week process, designed to guide each participant as they develop an initial idea into a tailored, actionable set of policy recommendations. Selected participants will have a chance to develop their ideas with guidance from policy advisors, meet with veteran policymakers to learn more about the nuances of policy implementation, hone their ability to craft actionable policy on the federal level, and build a community with their fellow cohort. 

International Aid Transparency Initiative

International Aid Transparency Initiative

Aid Effectiveness Team, Department of International Development, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 8EA, UK

International Aid Transparency Initiative IATI is a global initiative to improve the transparency of development and humanitarian resources and their results to address poverty and crises.

Quebrando o Tabú

Quebrando o Tabú is a storytelling organisation focused on raising awareness and engagement around human rights, democracy, and development in Brazil.


DemGames for Debates - developed in partnership with NDI’s Citizen Participation and Latin American and Caribbean teams - provides users with a fun way to practice the terms and concepts associated with crafting arguments, identifying evidence, and justifying rebuttals.

Tech Lake City’ initiative

Salt Lake City's govtech innovation program is focused on modernization and digital equity for residents. "Another area the department will focus on is integrating the city’s “Digital Equity For All” policy. Passed in September 2020, the policy aims to provide residents with the opportunity to access and use information and communication technologies reliably. The resolution, which was inspired by the importance of technology during the pandemic, aims to incorporate three concepts: relevant content, services, hardware and digital literacy into the city’s policymaking. To achieve this, the department will: increase usage and understanding of digital and communications technology address potential barriers to digital inclusion address the need for digital literacy training address the need for access via reliable and affordable devices address the need for language and disability accommodations develop relevancy and advocacy campaigns within specific communities and populations"

Institute for Public Policy Research (Namibia)

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) was officially launched in April 2001 as a not-for-profit organisation with a mission to deliver independent, analytical, critical yet constructive research into social, political and economic issues that affect development in Namibia.

Dalberg Consulting

We are a global group of change makers working to build a more inclusive and sustainable world where all people, everywhere, can reach their fullest potential.

Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI)

Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI) is an organization focused on developing and promoting various forms of investigative journalism through collaboration with journalists, activists, and citizens in Italy and abroad.


Nafundi's mission is to create technologies that improve the lives of the underserved. Our current focus is designing, building, deploying, and supporting mobile data collection systems that work well in challenging environments (e.g., offline villages in rural Kenya, humid rain forests in Brazil, and even the International Space Station).


OpenTripPlanner (OTP) is a family of open source software projects that provide passenger information and transportation network analysis services.

Detect Political Fakes

deepfakes How good are you at spotting political deepfakes? Test yourself with the latest version of Detect Fakes, featuring a series of both real videos and deepfakes of the two most recent US presidents. The goal of this work, developed by researchers in the Affective Computing and Viral Communications research groups, is to "prebunk" deepfakes—videos manipulated by neural networks—by

State Software Collaborative

As part of the Beeck Center’s Digital Service Collaborative , a project in partnership with The Rockefeller Foundation, we will knit together a collection of state agencies based on common needs to help them collaboratively procure, develop, and maintain the software that they all depend on. This will prevent 50 states from buying 50 versions of near-identical, overpriced software, and instead allows them to procure high-quality, fair-priced software just once, and share it amongst themselves.

The IDA B. WELLS Just Data Lab

The IDA B. WELLS Just Data Lab brings together students, educators, activists, and artists to develop a critical and creative approach to data conception, production, and circulation. Our aim is to rethink and retool data for justice.


Zenysis is an interoperability platform built to accelerate global development goals and improve lives everywhere.

US Department of Transportation Smart City Challenge

mid-sized cities across America to develop ideas for an integrated,first-of-its-kind smart transportation system that would use data,applications, and technology to help people and goods move more quickly,cheaply, and efficiently. The Challenge generated an overwhelming response:78 applicant cities shared the challenges they face and ideas for how totackle them.

WeChat mini app for participatory budgeting

China’s Participation Center developed a “mini app” for the popular WeChat platform, and grew the number of participatory budgeting users in Chengdu city to more than 3 million

Cybersecurity Handbook for Civil Society Organizations

A guide for civil society organizations looking to get started on a cybersecurity plan

Addressing ethical gaps in ‘Technology for Good’: Foregrounding care and capabilities

This paper identifies and addresses persistent gaps in the consideration of ethical practice in ‘technology for good’ development contexts.

Qué hacen los diputados

Como ya hicimos en anteriores legislaturas, vamos a monitorizar toda la actividad legislativa y parlamentaria de la Cámara baja para ayudar a la institución y a nuestros diputados y diputadas a cumplir con valores de gobernanza imprescindibles en nuestros días como la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas.

Future of Government Awards

The Future of Government Awards champions practitioners, teams and leaders who are transforming people’s lives by applying digital solutions and leveraging technology to reform the public sector for those it serves.

Community Technology Empowerment Network (CTEN) – A Refugee Led Initiative

Community Technology Empowerment Network (CTEN) is a refugee-founded and led organisation, which began in 2016 as community-based initiative in Rhino Camp refugee settlement West Nile region of Uganda. CTENs mission is to give community knowledge in digital technology for purposes of understanding and eventually building digital skills for employability, resulting in livelihoods resilience.

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