Search Results - bio (52)

Showing 52 Results

Bio ID Evaluation Tool

With support from the Omidyar Network, the joint team worked with local researchers in Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe to extract a snapshot of the state of digital identity, using an evaluation framework specifically designed by CIS for assessing digital identity ecosystems.

The Citizens’ Biometrics Council

Bringing together 50 members of the UK public to deliberate on the use of biometrics technologies like facial recognition.

The HiveBioLab

The Hive Biolab exists to promote grassroots biotechnology innovation using research and entrepreneurship.

Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP)

The Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships is the first new NSF directorate in 30 years and "advances use-inspired and translational research in all fields of science and engineering, giving rise to new industries and engaging all Americans — regardless of background or location — in the pursuit of new, high-wage jobs in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)."

Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

arXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for nearly 2.4 million scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics.

Match avec la démocratie

À partir du jeudi 17 février 2022 et jusqu’au 8 avril, l'ensemble des membres de Tinder en France âgés de 18 à 25 ans verront donc apparaître plusieurs “Swipe Video Card'' détaillant les démarches à suivre pour les élections présidentielles de 2022. Chaque Swipe Card dirige les membres vers notre page “Infos élections”.

Infrastructure Space

Infrastructure Space

Manchester, United Kingdom

Infrastructure Space was established in 2017 to acknowledge the infrastructural turn in architectural theory, to embrace the thinking and methods established in L+U and [Re_Map] and to explore new territory, specifically the interface between digital communications, infrastructure and the production of space no longer limited to urban contexts, but accepting the often intangible manufactured nature of most British landscapes.



Santiago, Chile

El Programa Creamos de INJUV está dirigido a jóvenes entre 15 y 29 años que quieran ser líderes y generar cambios a pequeña o mediana escala, proponiendo ideas innovadoras para problemas que afecten a una comunidad.



Latin America

Interconexió es una plataforma que impulsa el intercambio y co-producción de datos entre organizaciones de sociedad civil en América Latina para hacer frente a retos transfronterizos y hacer eficientes los esfuerzos de la región.

Hive Mind

Bienvenido a Hive Mind, un espacio de aprendizaje para activistas digitales. Ayudamos a los actores de la sociedad civil a desarrollar su resiliencia digital.

Premio Latinoamericano Democracia Digital

El Premio Latinoamericano Democracia Digital es un concurso online y gratuito donde pueden participar todas las iniciativas digitales de diversa índole (web, blogs, redes sociales u otras herramientas) que promuevan un cambio positivo en la sociedad.



United States of America (the)

"an end-to-end open-source framework for creating georeferenced pedestrian networks from aerial imagery"

Congressional Directory

This site contains directories for the 41st (1869-1871) -104th (1995-96) Congresses forward, as well all Interim editions (online-only revisions) for the 105th Congress forward. Documents are available as ASCII text and Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files


Homeward is an identity management system and intelligent resettlement platform for displaced populations.

United States Department of State's Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology

Secretary Blinken established the office as part of the wider modernization agenda because the constellation of critical and emerging technologies reshaping the world is now an integral part of the conduct of U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy.


Our artificial intelligence platform covers many of today's most relevant topics: from sustainable cities to citizen security, from migration to climate change & biodiversity, and more.

The Civic Tech Field Guide's Civic Mastodon server roundup

Since there's not yet a clear home for civic tech on Mastodon, I've rounded up some of the more relevant servers for civic tech's digital migrants to gather.

Authoritarian Tech Newsletter

From biometrics to surveillance — when people in power abuse technology, the rest of us suffer. Written by Ellery Biddle.

Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación Periodística (CLIP)

CLIP es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro, con sede en Costa Rica, y equipo latinoamericano, que realiza y coordina investigaciones periodísticas transfronterizas colaborativas y pone sus innovaciones tecnológicas al servicio del periodismo de la región.


El Chequeador es una plataforma educativa diseñada por el equipo de Chequeado para el desarrollo de cursos virtuales sobre Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional, desinformación, fact checking y otros temas relacionados.

Dark Data Project

The Dark Data Project helps organizations uncover, deobfuscate, semantify and analyze problematic datasets


A Bot to Add References to WikiData Statements

Efecto Cocuyo Chequea

Efecto Cocuyo Chequea

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

We are an independent Venezuelan media, which uses all its platforms for the free exercise of journalism and access to information.


A Twitter bot by FiveThirtyEight. Called censusAmericans, it tweets short biographies of Americans based on data they provided to the U.S. Census Bureau between 2009 and 2013. Using a small Python program, the bot reconstitutes numbers and codes from the data into mini-narratives. Once an hour, it turns a row of data into a real person.

Climate Data Hub

Climate Data Hub is a dataset exploration and discovery tool for data-driven technologists and entrepreneurs. Our visualizations will help you examine datasets in context – geospatial, bioregional,  social, and financial.



Bangkok, Thailand

Monitoring Thai Elections with Citizen Engagement

Fundación Avina

Fundación Avina

Ciudad del Saber, Clayton, Panama City, Panama

Fundación Avina is a Latin American foundation created in 1994 and focused on producing the large-scale changes necessary for sustainable development by fostering collaborative processes among leaders from different sectors, thereby contributing toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).


Help train an AI that encourages women to use more assertive language in their bios and professional descriptions.



Madrid (Spain)

Contigo, construimos el cambio político en nuestro país. Sí se puede. ¡Podemos!




Reach the right people at the right time with our Political Phone Banking, Robocalls, Peer to peer texting, and Text Broadcasting Software. CallHub is available in 200+ countries.



LegiStorm, Pierce School Lofts, 1375 Maryland Ave., NE Loft B, Washington, DC 20002

Detailed, up-to-date and accurate congressional contact and biographic data - and much more.



Cameroon (Cameroon, Cameroun)

A biotech makerspace located in a rural community.

Marsad Majles

Marsad Majles

4 Rue Apollo XI, Cité Mahrajène, Tunis, Tunisie

“Marsad Majles” is Al Bawsala's project to monitor Tunisia's National Constituent Assembly (NCA).


Help train an AI that encourages women to use more assertive language in their bios and professional descriptions.

COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19)

COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19)

Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2), North Northlake Way, Seattle, WA, USA

Access this dataset to help with the fight against COVID-19

Latin American Alliance for Civic Technology (ALTEC)

La Alianza Latinoamericana para la Tecnología Cívica (ALTEC) es el resultado de la alianza entre Luminate Group y Fundación Avina que busca promover el desarrollo de iniciativas de tecnología cívica con el potencial de mejorar y ampliar el ejercicio de la ciudadanía no sólo como un fin sino como un vehículo para alcanzar cambios positivos en prácticas de efecto colectivo, tanto públicas como privadas.


Catalogul aleşilor penali. De consultat înainte să mergem la vot.

The Rules Culture Hacking Toolkit

The Rules have developed a method and toolkit to help social movements bring about narrative and structural change. We call it Culture Hacking.

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