Search Results - network (762)

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Forum on Information & Democracy

Providing democratic safeguards to the global communication and information space

City of Boston Digital Equity Assessment

City of Boston Digital Equity Assessment

1 City Hall Square, Boston, MA, United States

This study documents the rise of competitive broadband service in Boston; describes steadily increasing City efforts to close gaps in broadband affordability, devices, and skills; characterizes the remaining gaps in these areas as defined by stakeholders and available data; and makes near-term policy recommendations to address these gaps in light of current federal funding opportunities. This report also provides a high-level estimate of the cost of building a third competitive fiber network in the City, in addition to the residential services of Comcast and Verizon.

Community Connections in the Responsible Data community

Last year we piloted an initiative called Community Connections at the Responsible Data mailing list, where we connected two or more members of the community based on their shared interests in responsible data(RD)-related topics, allowing them to chat about topics and projects related to responsible data.




Se trata del primer y más ambicioso proyecto periodístico colaborativo del país, del que participan los medios principales de toda la Argentina (de gráfica, digitales, radio y TV) y cuya finalidad es luchar contra la desinformación durante las campañas electorales.


Hacks/Hackers is an international grassroots community of people who seek to inspire and inform each other to build the future of media.




Non-profit news site serving Kyrgyzstan, including election monitoring

Hurford Youth Fellowship

The Hurford Youth Fellowship Program seeks to build the leadership skills and harness the potential of young democracy activists from around the world.

Digital democracy: analysis of the disinformation ecosystems on Telegram during the 2022 Brazilian electoral process

Understand the role of the Telegram app in the dissemination of disinformation among Brazilian far-right groups and Analyse (online) radicalization process and (offline) political violence against democratic institutions, especially the Brazilian presidential election in October 2022

Project Polis

We aspire to build a new kind of political training and development, that leverages network effects, enables more self-directed learning, and is radically more practical. Alumnis will innovate the political sphere, and gain influence by doing so.

Innovation Exchange

Initiators of successful political projects in a specific area of politics provide their know-how, experience and dos-and-don’ts in a highly motivating dialogue

European Capital of Democracy

The European Capital of Democracy Initiative will build a strong network of Cities that will foster participation; a platform for hope, and for exercising the will and power to change our world for the better.


ACT NOW is an international programme run by The Innovation in Politics Institute, which supports local politicians in tackling the current challenges they face, such as migration flows, the climate crisis, and increasing social division resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.


Blockchain-based connectivity network for decentralized wireless infrastructure

Institute for Representative Government

The Institute for Representative Government (IRG) was established in 1988 by a group of former Members of Congress as an independent, bipartisan, non-profit organization to provide high level, professional exchange programs for parliamentarians from developing or newly-established democracies.

Open Source for Equality

Open Source for Equality

Germany (Deutschland)

Open Source for Equality is a beginner-friendly, safe space for women to participate in open source projects that promote gender equality.

Cazadores de Fake News

Cazadores de Fake News

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Somos una comunidad crowdsourcing que monitorea la desinformación difundidas en cadenas de WhatsApp y redes sociales entre venezolanos. Nuestro centro de operaciones es un grupo de Telegram abierto en el que analizamos colectivamente la información que recibimos.



China (Zhong Guo)

We monitor and challenge internet censorship in China

ONTRaC Learning Management System

This is the online learning portal of the Community Solutions Network. Here you can access courses, guides, and additional resources as part of your digital transformation learning journey. Whether you are just embarking on this path or are a seasoned hand, there are courses tailored to your level and interest!

Artificial Intelligence in the City: Building Civic Engagement and Public Trust

A collection of essays edited by Ana Brandusescu and Jess Reia featuring essays from participants of the AI in the City: Building Civic Engagement and Public Trust symposium that took place remotely on February 10, 2022.

Public Data Lab

The Public Data Lab is an interdisciplinary network exploring what difference the digital makes in attending to public problems.

Financial Solutions Lab Exchange

When fintechs and nonprofits work together, they can offer a powerful combination of well-designed tech solutions and supportive relationships with trusted partners to improve financial health.

Information Futures Lab Fellows Program

The Information Futures Fellowship is a novel opportunity for practitioners in public health, healthcare, community organizations, media, policy, design and other fields who are actively working on responses to the ongoing information crisis.




HateAid setzt sich dafür ein, dass digitale Gewalt keine Chance hat und alle Menschen sich frei und ohne Ängste im Netz bewegen können. Als Betroffene*r von Online-Hass kannst du dich kostenlos an unsere Beratung wenden.

Code for Africa Slack

Do you want to join Africa's largest civic technology // open data // digital journalism community on Slack?

Harassment Manager

Harassment Manager is a web application that aims to empower users to document and take action on abuse targeted at them on online platforms.

African Digital Democracy Observatory Resident Fellows

The African Digital Democracy Observatory (ADDO) is offering a series of seed grants and additional technical support for targeted research into how both state-affiliated and other lobbyist groups use influence/information operations and disinformation and targeted propaganda to subvert African democracies. The initial research grants focus on four countries: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Senegal.


Securely share information with Africa's finest journalists BLOW THE WHISTLE



Kampala, Uganda

ICT Policy Centre for Eastern and Southern Africa — Promoting effective and inclusive ICT Policy in Africa

Féministes contre le cyberharcèlement

Association féministe intersectionnelle à l'origine de #TwitterAgainstWomen, notre objectif est de sensibiliser et d'informer sur les cyberviolences, les droits des victimes et les recours possibles.

Public Interest Technology Convening

Join us for the 2022 Public Interest Tech University Network (PIT-UN) Convening, hosted by City University of New York, on Oct. 28-29.

Open Development Thailand

Open Development Thailand

Thailand (Prathet Thai)

Sharing information about Thailand and its development with the world.



United States of America (the)

Parent brand of EveryAction, NGPVAN, Network for Good, and more

Community Tech NY

Community Tech NY

New York City, NY, USA

Community-owned internet infrastructure



New York City

Hawkfish was a 2020 Election effort, supported by Mike Bloomberg, that engaged with Democratic candidates, allies & causes to reach the right voters with the right message in the right place using robust technology, data, and digital-first storytelling.

International Center for Journalists (ICFJ)

International Center for Journalists (ICFJ)

750 17th Street NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006

Journalists in ICFJ's unparalleled network produce news reports that lead to better governments, economies and societies.

Investigating Religious Freedom training

Code for Africa partnered with the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and Ayin Network to offer a combination of training, professional mentorship and story grants to journalists in Nigeria and Sudan, to enable them to produce digital storytelling around issues of religious freedom, so as to improve understanding of tolerance versus militancy and extremism.

In the Name of Religion

An initiative from Code for Africa and ICFJ for Journalists to Help Citizens Overcome Barriers to Religious Freedom




A referral marketing tool for political campaigns that works atop Whatsapp

Fact Check Initiative Japan

Fact Check Initiative Japan

Japan (Nihon or Nippon)

FIJ is a non-profit organization for the promotion of Japanese fact-checking aimed at protecting society from mis/disinformation.

Argentina's Ethical Digital Commitment

"Pledge signed by political parties and technology/social network companies committing to avoiding fake news and mechanisms of disinformation that may affect upcoming elections." - Countering Disinfo

El Poder de Elegir (de Chicas Poderosas)

El Poder de Elegir is a project to monitor and fact-check the political information that circulates through WhatsApp during the campaign period of the presidential elections of 2018.




DUBAWA is Nigeria’s independent verification and fact-checking platform, initiated by the Premium Times Centre for Investigative Journalism (PTCIJ) and supported by the most influential newsrooms and civic organisations in the country to help amplify the culture of truth in public discourse, public policy, and media practice.

Doble Check

Doble Check

University of Costa Rica

Doble Check is a public discourse auditing project financed by the University of Costa Rica and which operates as a project affiliated with Radio Stations UCR.


DisinfoWatch is a Canadian foreign disinformation monitoring and debunking platform.

Certified Content Coalition

The Certified Content Coalition certified trustworthy publishers that meet fundamental standards, giving consumers confidence in journalistic content.

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