The Tech > Participatory democracy > Engagement tech - (507)

Perhaps the core premise of civic tech is that it can improve civic engagement. Whether in concert with formal governmental bodies or independent of them, civic tech promises to help citizens (in the Latin sense, of the city) engage with one another to share power in the pursuit of building just societies.

Recommended reading:

  • A collection of case studies demonstrating where civic tech interventions have resulted in tangible improvements and benefits for governments/public institutions and their citizens
  • The Equitable Community Engagement Toolkit is an excellent collection of guides and resources for equitably engaging communities in order to share power.

Showing 507 Results

Kosningakerfi Pírata

Kosningakerfi Pírata

Iceland (Ísland)

Digital participation platform for the Icelandic Pirate party



Czech Republic (Ceska Republika)

Write to elected officials in Czechia

How can civic tech work effectively with public and private institutions?

A collection of case studies where civic tech interventions have resulted in tangible improvements and benefits for governments/public institutions and their citizens, by People Powered

New Ways Feed

New Ways Feed

Republic of South Korea (Hanguk or Namhan)

Korean app to match young people to politicians in their area and discussing their issues



Santiago, Chile

El Programa Creamos de INJUV está dirigido a jóvenes entre 15 y 29 años que quieran ser líderes y generar cambios a pequeña o mediana escala, proponiendo ideas innovadoras para problemas que afecten a una comunidad.

Maino Tech

Maino Tech

Helsinki, Finland

We provide modern, effective solutions for participation and collective decision-making. Our Services

Ampliando Democracia

Ampliando Democracia

Madrid (Spain)

Ampliando Democracia es un proyecto que promueve la reflexión sobre cómo mejorar la gobernanza, las políticas públicas y la calidad democrática a través de una participación ciudadana más profunda, inclusiva y sólida.

The Centre for Civic Innovation

The Centre for Civic Innovation

Sydney NSW, Australia

What would you like to do for your community? We want to help make it happen.

Participatory Digital Futures: How digital transformation can be made good for all

by Mark Findlay, Sharanya Shanmugam. In this article, through vignettes from the United Kingdom and Singapore’s experience, we highlight how digital transformation can be made more participatory for users affected by digital initiatives.

Közösségi Digitális Eszközök Alapítvány

"We created the foundation in 2016 - economists, IT and communication specialists - to support the development of free digital tools necessary for community decision-making, and to operate such tools." (Translated)

Red Ciudadana

Red Ciudadana


Participación, formación ciudadana y apertura de datos Somos una organización que trabaja por una Guatemala más democrática, innovadora y transparente.



Hungary (Magyarország)

PARTIMAP is a free, easy to use and customizable map-based survey for those who believe that affected citizens should have a say in public development projects.

Namma Mahiti Kendras

IT for Change’s Namma Mahiti Kendras are ICT-enabled information centers that aim to break down the barriers to citizens’ right-claiming processes.



Ghent, Belgium

The all-in-one platform for community engagement

The Collective Intelligence Project

Our mission is to direct technological development towards the collective good.

Talk to Loop

Talk to Loop

The Hague, Netherlands

Loop’s feedback platform is revolutionising accountability in humanitarian aid and development by providing a space for accessible feedback, reliable complaints mechanisms and safe reporting of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (SEAH).


Our artificial intelligence platform covers many of today's most relevant topics: from sustainable cities to citizen security, from migration to climate change & biodiversity, and more.

The People's Money

The People's Money

New York City, NY, USA

NYC's first citywide Mayoral participatory budgeting process, run by the NYC Civic Engagement Commission (CEC) (2022-2023)

The Participation Playbook

The Participation Playbook is an interactive guide to help you successfully advocate for and implement a participatory program for your government or community. It is a tool for people who want to open up government to meaningful and equitable community participation.

Legislative Theater

In legislative theater, communities, advocates and policymakers work together, to identify, develop, and build support for new legislation.

Participatory Policymaking

Through participatory policymaking, residents propose, debate, and vote on new policies and policy changes, through online platforms and meetings.

Brazil (Brasil)

Faça com que os direitos sociais se tornem uma realidade.




Purpoz, la plateforme de démocratie participative pour bâtir une société plus pertinente. (Citizen engagement platform by Cap Collectif)

Designing Digital Participatory Budgeting Platforms: Urban Biking Activism in Madrid

Investigating the empirical case of urban biking activists in Madrid, we explore how the design of the digital platform Decide Madrid impacted the collaborative practices involved in digital participatory budgeting.

Civic Voices

With the Civic Voice, you have the power to access, follow through and contribute to bills that matter most to you.




A public engagement toolkit that enables a media house or civil society organisation to easily set up channels for engagement.

Smart City-Strategie Berlin

Public engagement around plan to merge digital strategy and smart city strategy in Berlin



Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

CiviCue is a democratic media equipped with blockchain voting and friendly voter authentication to establish shared understanding.



Eastern Europe

Urbanpinion is a citizen engagement platform that lets city government, community leaders, architects and activists easily set up a landing with an interactive map to collect citizens suggestions, receive analytics based on collected data and make later on right decisions for city development.

La Constitución es Nuestra

Proyecto de evaluación ciudadana del proceso constituyente en Chile

Budget Simulator for Pilot United Territorial Communities

A set of information technology (IT) tools to enable citizens to analyze state budgets, in theory to develop critical thinking to counter politicians’ populist rhetoric on complex economic issues.

Citizen Helpdesk

The Citizen Helpdesks are a pioneering citizen feedback, dialogue and community voice platform to ensure accountability in the development process.

Center for Policy Alternatives

Center for Policy Alternatives

Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) was formed in the firm belief that there is an urgent need to strengthen institution and capacity-building for good governance and conflict transformation in Sri Lanka and that non-partisan civil society groups have an important and constructive contribution to make to this process.

Join Together

Join Together

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Digital tools for trade unions



Switzerland (Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera)

The Demokratiefabrik is a digital place where citizens meet to discuss various topics together and fabricate defined end products. (formerly Disaster Response and Open Homes) (formerly Disaster Response and Open Homes)

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, California

Airbnb encourages hosts to donate their shelter in times of need, and is now spinning the program out as a formal non-profit.

NYC Civic Engagement Commission Decidim platform

A space to enhance civic participation, promote civic trust, and strengthen democracy in New York City

People Powered

People Powered is a global hub for participatory democracy - the direct participation of community members in making the policy decisions that affect their lives.




Column is the first collaborative public notice platform helping publishers, governments and legal services work together to inform their communities.



New York City

We take planning proposals out of city hall and onto their urban context, seamlessly communicating projects with a large, diverse audience to win community support while crowdsourcing stakeholders' feedback.

Healthier Democracies Case Studies

Public Agenda's Healthier Democracies project studied public engagement systems from 15 locations around the world, and, accordingly, each study has its own report with key learnings and takeaways.

Nesta Democracy Pioneers

Nesta Democracy Pioneers

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Democracy Pioneers is an award for innovations that are experimenting with ways to re-energise civic participation and everyday democracy in the UK.

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