Search Results - voter (183)

Showing 183 Results

Voter Information Services

Voter Information Services

Voter Information Services, PO Box 649, Reading, MA 01867-0403


Since you know yourself better than anyone, but don't know the candidates, answer a few questions about yourself and we'll match the right candidates to you.



La Mesa, California, USA

A comprehensive political database for modern day voters

Satellite Imagery to Support Civil & Voter Registries Verification and Validation

2020 UNDP initiative to assist the Republic of Vanuatu in the supervision of registration of electors and the planning and implementation of democratic elections for parliament, province, and municipal councils.

National Voter Registration Day

National Voter Registration Day is a holiday celebrated on the fourth Tuesday of every September. It's goal is to focus attention on the importance of registering to vote and voting in our democracy during a single day of on-the-ground and digital efforts lead by government, nonprofits, and businesses.

Easy Voter Guide – California

The aim of the Easy Voter Guide project is to make nonpartisan information about why vote, how to vote and what’s on the ballot accessible to as many

National Voter File

National Voter File

United States of America (the)

We provide an easy-to-use, modern-era database with voter files for each of the fifty states.



United States of America (the)

Giving everyone a voice in our democracy

Turbo Phonebank

Turbo Phonebank turns any Google Sheet into a phonebank or textbank with 2-tap calling, follow-up texts to increase your contact rate, and a caller-friendly interface.

Cloudflare Athenian Project

We created Athenian Project to ensure that state and local governments have the highest level of protection and reliability for free, so that their constituents have access to election information and voter registration.

Parliament Watch (Thailand)

An open-source comprehensive platform that serves as a one-stop solution for monitoring Thailand's parliament.



Santiago, Chile

Our services are comprised of 5 remote electronic platforms and a complete customer support system.

Vote Report India

Ushahidi-powered project tracking voting irregularities in the 2009 Indian election



Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Voter information portal for the 2021 Ethiopian election


Wholly embeddable voter registration, polling place lookup, reminders, absentee, and election date tools for your organization.

Comunitatea Funky Citizens

An 2024 election info hub and civic caravan for Romanian citizens


An app for tracking political advertisements on Meta-owned advertising platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

Path to 2024 Polarization Report Series

PRL’s Path to 2024 report series is a new monthly chronicle covering partisan attitudes of Americans in the lead-up to the November 2024 presidential election. Each month, we focus on a different salient issue affecting voters and analyze public attitudes from our weekly public opinion poll.


ElectoFacts is a resource that Canadian electors can use to easily check whether information they come across about Canada's federal electoral process is true or not.

See Say 2020

See Say 2020

United States of America (the) was an online tool that allowed voters to report instances of misinformation, voting machine issues, polling place wait times, and more, with the goal to attract media and legal attention to verified, ongoing issues in real time.

Civox Ashley

Transform your political campaign or movement with AI-powered two-way voice calls that transform your voter contact.

A Voté chatbot sur WhatsApp

Il assiste les utilisateurs dans leur parcours de vote : pour vérifier leur inscription sur les listes électorales, leur rappeler les dates limites pour s’inscrire, les dates des élections 2022 et la procédure pour faire une procuration.

Match avec la démocratie

À partir du jeudi 17 février 2022 et jusqu’au 8 avril, l'ensemble des membres de Tinder en France âgés de 18 à 25 ans verront donc apparaître plusieurs “Swipe Video Card'' détaillant les démarches à suivre pour les élections présidentielles de 2022. Chaque Swipe Card dirige les membres vers notre page “Infos élections”.

Rinkėjo puslapis

"Voter Page" aims at providing electronic advanced services to voters.



South Africa

MyCandidate is a platform that empowers voters with easy-to-understand electoral information that anyone can access ahead of an election.

Democratic Data Exchange

Expanding the Democratic and progressive data ecosystem by facilitating a real time, blind exchange of voter contact data across the Left.

Open Progress

Open Progress

United States of America (the)

We knock on Americans’ new, digital front doors one text at a time. Our volunteers’ actions directly impact millions and lay the long-term groundwork for a just, equitable, and progressive America.

Digital Innovation Fund

In 2020, CIL launched the Digital Innovation Fund (DIF) to support experimental and innovative digital organizing tactics for state-based organizing groups and sharpen organizer skills in digital strategy and data analysis.

California Campaign Center

With unparalleled voter data, a powerful canvassing app, and easy-to-use contact tools, this all-in-one campaign solution packs a punch. Designed to scale with you from city council to Congress and beyond, our platform offers all the features you need to run smoother and smarter campaigns.

The Center for New Data

The Center for New Data

United States of America (the)

The Center for New Data is a non-profit using big data to build a stronger democracy.



Los Angeles, CA

Sequent is a next-generation online voting platform purposely built to ensure the highest level of confidence in digital elections for election managers, voters and auditors

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